The Beauty of Wednesday

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The Beauty of Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Jun 06, 2018 8:00 am

I'm speaking of the lovely morning that we're having here, not the fact that the week is "downhill" from here. Although we should find beauty where ever we can, of course.

I sat on our back porch while the ddog laid on the grass and watched the birds already busy in their morning. I worked on my journal and plans for the day. I have zinnias I need to try to replant (they're not happy campers about that so I'll try it with some little ones.) I have small tomatoes that will ripen soon if the sun stays out this week.

What a beautiful day!
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Re: The Beauty of Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jun 06, 2018 8:17 am

Twins - thank you for the reminder about finding beauty wherever we can.

I had a good night sleep although I didn't make any progress on catching up on missed sleep. My sleep average for this week is below 6 hours.

I've been busy since my feet hit the floor. I've done pool dailies, kitchen dailies, laundry dailies, baby grass seedling dailies, worked the 12 tools and posted the results to accountability partners.

DS9 is still sleeping. He will sleep another 3 hours (if allowed). DGD7 is naturally an early riser. She is watching a new cartoon on Nick Jr that neither of us has ever seen. Where is Dora? :lol:

DGS21 asked to come to eat lunch at our house this week. He is feeling the pinch of overspending due to supporting his dad during that crisis this past week. DGS21 has started eating like I do and he is comfortable with selecting food from each of the categories. I won't be here to eat with him but he doesn't need me......he needs my food! LOL

I'll pick DMom us in a little over an hour and take her to the appointment with a new cardiologist. Before that happens I have a stack of new patient papers to fill out for her.
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Re: The Beauty of Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Jun 06, 2018 8:35 am

Our back patio is covered, but faces west. The extreme summer sun out there is almost too much to even look up in the peak of summer. We're not there yet, but the temp is to be 90 today and the humidity increasing.

My plans are a.m. routine, work on transcription analysis until 12:30 then errands. I'll see dmom while I'm out. I hope I will be up to some garage clean up and guest room clean up when I get back from errands. It's gotta be done. I'll also load the car with Goodwill stuff. I hate sending stuff to Goodwill! And I dither about whether to run around town taking stuff to the animal shelter, other charitable orgs, or where? We all get rid of so much stuff that is still usable and so much is wasted.

I have earned my first $$ as a professional genealogist - $80 for two hours of work. (Also spent $9 for parking - whoops - and it cost $2.83 to receive at Paypal.

LadyM, you are doing so much for your dgs21 to help him "adult." So many lessons that you are teaching him.

-reboot laundry
-make the bed
-walk the dog
-breakfast and meds

I have 50 min for this, whoops, I probably won't make it but will give it a go.
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Re: The Beauty of Wednesday

Postby Lynlee » Wed Jun 06, 2018 8:57 am

bus to coast
walk to perio hygienist appointment
walk along river to mouth, beach walk to lifesaver's beach, head back
walk around shopping center. bought nothing.
bus home
football - lost to Kaz' state side. ... best of 3 to happen.
Just begin.
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Re: The Beauty of Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jun 06, 2018 9:25 am

I'm really ADDing, found this on my screen this morning

Lucylee: some of the study Bibles for young people are great because the extras really help understand the context and also how it applies to today.

Back from my walk. Got soaked on the way home. Stopped by the grocery store and was chased down by an old lady ("Lady! Lady! Lady in the red hat!") She loved my red hat and purple rain jacket and wanted to know if I knew the poem. I did and told her all about our Ancient in California, how she had it by her bed and how I loved the attitude both in the poem and in her. It was lovely to think of Grace again and share how wonderful she was with someone. Cheryl (my new grocery store acquaintance) was fun to chat with.

Getting out of the apartment is good for me! (I also chatted with my neighbour, the super and the lady one floor below us who has lived here since she moved in in 1968, the year the building opened.)

Twins: appeal to your dh's fiscal side - the car is a $30K (or more) asset that is now exposed to vandals, weather damage, and wear and tear as the summer heat eats away on the interior. The contents of the garage are worth less than $10K (I don't even have to look at them to know that since I only got $10K for the contents of my parents' home, including many antiques.)

The car is also a current asset, in use all the time, therefore its loss to repairs or theft would affect day-to-day life. The stuff in the garage doesn't have day-to-day value. I know this because it is in the garage.

Rent a POD and move the contents into that. That will be the incentive to get the stuff out of your life and dh will work with you because I'm sure he'll think the pod is a lot uglier than the car.

And if he's using your car as a status symbol in front of your house, tell him to stop it.

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Re: The Beauty of Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jun 06, 2018 9:35 am

I'm up. I think I slept better last night. Was in bed slightly before 11 so an hour earlier than the other nights this month!

I'm watching a movie each night with dinner. Dinner takes, at most, 20 minutes to consume I'm wasting a lot of the evening on that. It is hard to explain but I have a shut-down after dinner and sometimes I start back in on productivity around 9, and sometimes I don't. With the movie being over at 8, I take the 2 hours of shut-down time after that, which then shifts my productivity time to 10 which is when I should be going to bed. I'm going to have to think on this and see what I should do. If I'm baking my meal, obviously, I could start the movie earlier.

Last night I watched Jackie and was able to stop the movie multiple times (responded to an email, flipped laundry.) But on Sunday I watched Spotlight. I had intended to only watch half (and spread the movie over 2 nights) but couldn't tear myself away from it because it was compelling. So the quality of the movie is also a factor in how I can consume it. (Monday I watched Boychoir and found the story wasn't compelling but the music was and spent the rest of the evening looking up choral music to listen to.)

Today's focus is catch-up on SHE chores since I failed to do any but dailies yesterday. And preaching stuff since I'm working with others therefore Wednesday is due date for almost all the service and to confer with the guest preacher on what she wants to do as far as prayer writing. Just three left to write, the stuff in the bulletin is done. I'm also preaching in the afternoon so have to write a completely different service for that. I think I'll reuse the lessons since I've been living with them for the past 3 weeks and I might have a sermon spark.

Tea and chocolate are done. I have to reboot my computer because my email program has stopped working again. A reboot fixed it last time so I'm hoping it will work again. If I knew what I was doing, I'd wipe and reinstall Windows. I don't, so I won't!

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Re: The Beauty of Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jun 06, 2018 10:02 am

I love the idea of finding beauty from where we are. Thank you d Twins.

hello d all! I am waiting for the tree guy to come for an estimate
Thank goodness he is running late.

I am noticing mindless clutter wanting to make a home in my house. 8-) :D
Yesterday I had hoped the laundry would be put away and that the clean dishes would be put away and the plants would be watered. It wasn't - When i leave out mindless clutter etc. everyone else lets their stuff out and don't see the things that could be done.

I have an appointment at 2:00
I need to find my password to d mom's account for her dr.
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Re: The Beauty of Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jun 06, 2018 10:03 am

hi d twins
hi d kathryn
hi d lynnlee glad to see you!
hi d lady
hi d everyone!

time for a late s2s
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: The Beauty of Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Jun 06, 2018 10:07 am

Back from walk with ddog. Got to visit with a neighbor and say hello to young pregnant mom with her two little girls out on bikes/trikes.

Heading upstairs to work!

Kathryn, no, a Honda Pilot isn't a status symbol. And dh is driving a Subaru. We have lots of more fancy cars in our neighborhood, and we do have an occasional theft or someone going through unlocked cars. We are supposed to keep two cars in the garage according to the homeowners assn, but they aren't enforcing it. I mentioned it to him last night in passing and he said he intends to move the beach stuff back to where it should be living.

We will be away this Saturday. We are seeing "Hamilton" in ATL. Tickets were my Mother's Day present from dd and dh. I believe, on dh's part, it's so I won't whine when we go to NY about seeing it there.
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Re: The Beauty of Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Jun 06, 2018 10:51 am

Hey gals I have been out digging up plants to share when I do a rock drop. Got great progress on the back yard here yesterday. Journaling and planning done. I need to get going on my morning stuff. And get in better head space. Maybe walk the dog sooner 2day. Walked ddog.

I think I have the best roses even better than all the grannys chicken manure is the best lol!
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Jun 06, 2018 12:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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