Monday Back to Business

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Monday Back to Business

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:40 am

Do you "take off" the weekend? I think after working for so many years I tend to take off the weekend and feel it's free time. Anyway, Monday is the day to get back to the business of the week.

Have you done your planning for the upcoming week?

What is your "business" today and how are you getting back the groove?
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Monday Back to Business

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:54 am

I did actually do my planning for the week - both yesterday and this a.m. I nearly lose my mind sometimes with dh underfoot on the weekend. He jumps into to discussion and wanting me to do things everytime he things I'm "unoccupied" I think. So sometimes I never finish planning, or get very far into things.

I had a big anxiety attack yesterday to the point of tearfulness when dd came by. Dh has just been wearing me out (driving on Saturday, the yard and everything else he could think of yesterday) and I am feeling anxiety about the upcoming presentation (23 June) at the library. Can I really talk for 2 hours on DNA? I need to get prep work mostly done this week so I can do some practice and polishing next week. And next week is a doozy as I keep repeating to myself:
-out of town overnight for concert on Wed night the 20th
-overnight guests in guest bedroom the evening of the 21st
-library presentation on the morning of 23rd
-Pro gen assignment to turn in on the 25th

I'm on a timeline to try to finish a.m. routine by 9:30. I still need breakfast and meds, walking ddog, making the bed and getting dressed and washing up, so I probably won't make it. I do have laundry underway and rest of a.m. routine underway.

-breakfast and meds
-wash up, brush and floss, get dressed
-walk the ddog
-make the bed
-continue with laundry

The last certification group discussion is today, it's just a wrap up of the process. Dkids are coming for supper with us tonight.

At least here I can think it out and write it out and calm myself.

BTW, the issue with the yard is that dh wanted yard guy to re sod the front yard. It had a lot of weeds but I didn't think it was that bad. So it was done last week, and it's hot, and the sprinklers aren't cooperating (some were broken, actually) and dh is stressing and probably just annoying the yard guy to pieces and I'm trying to stay out of it and not say I told you so. I know the yard was sodded in July when we built the house, but the yard guy has been promising to do it since last fall and to do it now just doesn't make sense. So there.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin


Re: Monday Back to Business

Postby Kasalia » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:08 am

Yes I actually did do some planning this week as well Twins Mum, little check boxes and all lol. Good luck with your presentation prep.myou will be fine. Just remember you know more than your audience.

Wow it is still Mon here made it to the right day. Wish there was a like button to press, when I read everyones day. Have a great day everyone.

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Re: Monday Back to Business

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:25 am

Harriet, whether the word thats gets around will be that your dh wasn't feeling well or will be that you left for other reasons it's good to have them wondering. I've said before, and I don't want to be a nag on this subject, that I would have been out of there before this. You are all capable, bright, knowledgeable women and they are selling you all short in regressing on this subject.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Monday Back to Business

Postby Lynlee » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:42 am

Hello from the last 1/2 hr of Monday.

PU floors, vanity, bed
2 LOL on the line.
New to me helper - I'll need to invite her back
change sheets
bathroom , floors done. Best vac is working, picking up a heap of dirt.
tossed old door mats.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
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Re: Monday Back to Business

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:27 am

Still have power. Apartment is vacuumed and my hair is washed and styled. I have had breakfast too and put some cool drinks in the cooler so I don't have to open the fridge. Lunch is out.

Dh called and we talked for 30 minutes.

Unfortunately, because power is still on, I haven't yet dusted or tidied or done my planner.

I did just make the bed. It is Monday, which is fresh sheets day, but I'm going to try sleeping on dh's side of the bed tonight since his side is still clean. If that doesn't work, I'll strip the bed and flip the clean side to my side of the bed for the rest of the week.

Yes, I am lazy although I prefer to think of it as environmentally conscientious and an effective time-manager!

Harriet: so happy to hear you left yesterday. You Go Girl!!! (and keep on

<oops power just went off!>

....going! There's a reason the minister rehashed his old theme again, the lectionary was Mark 3:20-35, Jesus's family coming to take him away because he was obviously 'unstable' for going against the status quo!)

OK, I'll post this using phone data hotspot, then shut down.

See you all later when I get power back and my internet back up.

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Re: Monday Back to Business

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:18 am

T'was good you just kept walking, dHarriet. Our own service went well, better than I expected. Though dh did say afterwards that he probably didn't hear 10 words of the sermon. :( It was an okay sermon, perhaps not what I'm used to but not bad.

Dh is out directing traffic at a nearby road, for a (sounding) terrible accident at the intersection about a block away. Know a propane tank was overturned and leaking, a man ejected from a vehicle. Heard on dh's fire radio they were putting down foam. Will also mean dsonil will be at the scene as he has to okay any digging they need to do to bury the affected dirt. DD just left to take dh's pager and extra battery over to him.

I've not felt 'right' all morning so am just plain 'taking it easy'. Dh had put a load of laundry in the washer, then the dryer for me. Went down to fold it right after he left for the accident. Think I did too much rushing around. See my cardiologist in 10 days so will see if he has something to say.
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Re: Monday Back to Business

Postby Harmony » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:23 am

I don't take the weekends off but they do slow down a bit. There are still things to get done.

Today I had a pile of bills to do. Those are done. Birthday card sent. Leaves my hand pretty sore.

Looking like rain.

Not too many plans for the day. Can't drive (shouldn't anyway). Need to empty dishwasher. Something DH can't do with his arms. Boy this is getting old!

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Re: Monday Back to Business

Postby Nancy » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:27 am

HARRIET Good for you avoiding that stress yesterday. I am beginning to think your pastor has gone off his rocker and or has issues!

Fixed an outside chair that needed some tlc yesterday before it goes to 2nd hamd place. Defrost freezer is up this week takkng my attention. Not fun but needed. We had used up food so that helped. I declugtered another rolling cart shelf in the pantry 1st thing this morning yea me! Now to figure out ehere to put those items and that shelf to use when we do other rooms. Shed etc. it is fa7ny so I cannot jut put stuff outside. That is problematic. H said he will back the truck in under the carport for me to load things in but that did not happen yet. So I will load up the jeep. Took the dog crate out to make more room.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Jun 11, 2018 2:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Monday Back to Business

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:47 am

Good morning everyone! I got through the weekend! At cat clinic, I got Briggs back and left Chelsea with cat coordinator. Since I will not be able to bring cats for 6 weeks, we will arrange cat transfers when needed. At knit/crochet group, I am almost done with item 1 of 4 for Christmas (pink panda). Had to weed the visible parts of my yard before upcoming surgery so no one will complain. In the desert, I can go 6 weeks between and just cut anything that gets bad. I am not sure if pulling them is a good idea post-surgery. DD16 and I then went to spend the night at friend's house and help with packing and yard sale. Things to remember if you are having a yard sale: (1) You will never get what you paid, even if it is barely used, even if the tags are still on it (2) No one will buy it if your cat had a UTI and they can tell (3) No one will buy year old magazines, even if they are still in their wrapper. We filled her trash can and assembled 5 large trash bags for the shredding place.

I am trying to convince this friend to let me take her cat until she moves or at least keep him indoors. She has a restraining order against an x boyfriend that tried to strangle her a few weeks ago. She is moving and he does not know where (neither does she) and will be out of his influence. The cat will come to him (and everyone else). THIS CAT IS IN DANGER! And she has someone who WANTS THE CAT TO VISIT RIGHT NOW!!! I will happily take care of him for the very reasonable price of $0.00. Even a cat who is not in danger should be boarded during a move to prevent him from going missing or being packed into a box. My sewing room is so much cheaper than a boarding facility too. X boyfriend does know she has a friend named Elizabeth who lives somewhere in large city to the north, but that is the extent of his knowledge. I wish I had simply taken a cat crate and hauled him off. Just texted friend about transfer tonight.

I am on the countdown to Wednesday's surgery. I have work essentials to take care of, including my timesheet so I can get paid. Tonight's essentials are: get more cat food and put it next to bowls, minutes and notes for the animal org meeting I will NOT be at Wed, bills and budget, recheck DVDs from library and see if any books are due, remake bed. I am sure that there are other things, but that is the absolute minimum. DD wanted to go to the local amusement park tomorrow, but it closes at 6. A relief because I have too much to do.

lucylee: No, his mind never shuts down. Sitting and watching is torture, TV is boring. Road trips, especially of the long "scenic" variety are going to be his idea of h*ll. Maybe he would like to learn crochet or knitting! Drawing and/or writing may also help him. He will (eventually) learn when to express the constant turmoil going on in his head and what subjects are of interest to various people. I did learn that not everyone is as fascinated by astronomy as my six year old self. On the plus side, perhaps he will become a physicist, or other occupation where they pay you to have that kind of mindset. He will not EVER outgrow it and I mean it on those long boring roadtrips to Hades, just DON"T do it.

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