World Wide SHEs on Wednesday

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Re: World Wide SHEs on Wednesday

Postby CathyS » Wed Jun 20, 2018 4:45 pm

Sorry if anyone was offended by today's title, but sometimes it's nice to remember that we aren't all Americans and we can all get along. I was really tired when I posted my first post this morning. I've been in a mood for a couple of days and sometimes it's nice to be able to come here and feel somewhat safe and a lot less stressed than on other sites. Love you all.
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Re: World Wide SHEs on Wednesday

Postby cats » Wed Jun 20, 2018 5:19 pm

cathy I love the title

well on to those pesky dishes

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Re: World Wide SHEs on Wednesday

Postby lucylee » Wed Jun 20, 2018 5:40 pm

Love the title, Cathy! It always seemed to me that we’re in our own little world here — I don’t see any “country” except the good ‘ole PWYC. :)
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: World Wide SHEs on Wednesday

Postby BookSaver » Wed Jun 20, 2018 6:00 pm

Hello, villagers ~
Thanks for opening the thread today, CathyS. I like your title.

I had 2 goals for yesterday. Two! Assemble some shelves, and do laundry. I had so many interruptions through the day that I didn't get either task finished. :|

Today I've been able to stay home all day. I jumped on the laundry first thing and it is almost done.

Those "easy to assemble - no tools required" shelves were easy, but time-consuming AND needed a rubber mallet. It was a hot job upstairs with no a/c. Got 'em done, though.

Declutter progress: While making room for the shelves, I found 2 big stacks of catalogs and magazines which I immediately took to the recycle box. I remember why I had saved them -- they had pictures of clothes and home dec projects that I wanted to copy. I did make a lot of them. Some no longer appeal to me. For the rest, I can easily find photos online so no need to keep printed versions.

DH should be on his way home now. Must start cooking supper. BBL.

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Re: World Wide SHEs on Wednesday

Postby Sunny » Wed Jun 20, 2018 6:52 pm

Cathy, I for one was not at all offended by your thread title for today. As I said yesterday I never thought of our Village as only the U.S., but more International because we have members from all over the world.

I'm glad to see you posting, BookSaver. I was hoping you were in a safe area, away from those storms.

Dinner is over, kitchen is cleaned up and I'm resting again. I did get the floor swept, the outside plants watered and a couple of bills paid.

Twins, I read the newspaper article, nice picture. Too bad I'm not close enough to attend the presentation, it sounds very interesting.
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Re: World Wide SHEs on Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jun 20, 2018 8:06 pm

The attempted repairs to the baby alive doll was a failure. I removed the batteries and the 6 screws holding the shoulders together and then took it apart only to find the structure inside the doll holding its head on was broke. DGD7 was okay after we tried to fix it and she saw the problem. We are talking about what her next doll will be. Me = soft, squeezable baby doll with no hair. DGD7 = the fanciest baby doll on the earth with waist length hair. :shock:

DD texting continues. She is so tired and stressed that she is losing control of her emotions. They have been waiting for hours for the transfer to next hospital. The plan is that DSIL will immediately go into surgery when he gets there.

While watching DGD7 and DS9 swim this afternoon I worked on another Earthbox. I dumped the soil out and mixed in some lime and fertilizer. I also laid out two 50' garden hoses where they are sorta hidden and will be easy to use this summer to water the various vegetables and flowers in containers.

The kids have walked to kids program at a local church about 2 blocks away. They will be back in less than an hour.
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Re: World Wide SHEs on Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jun 20, 2018 9:06 pm

I decided to use my "free" time to prime a project that DH has built to install on the porch railings. As I was sitting on the ground painting, I realized my right ankle hurt everytime something touched it. Once I finished painting and came inside I pulled my sock and shoes off and was surprised to find an egg size lump on my ankle. I guess I did something when I fell this morning. The lump doesn't hurt when the sock and shoe are touching it but anything else causes enough discomfort that it gets my attention. I have my ankle elevated and an ice pack on it. Hopefully, the lump will go away.
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Re: World Wide SHEs on Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:46 pm

Glad you are taking care of that foot LM.

I rinsed dishes and did after dinner stuff. Watered and fiund an egg in the lawn, one of the joys of free range hens. They enjoyed the apples I thinned.

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Re: World Wide SHEs on Wednesday

Postby BookSaver » Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:18 pm

Both the trash can and the recycle bin were full when I took them to the curb tonight, which I always count as a victory in decluttering progress.
Laundry is caught up.
The day's dishes are done as well. :)

Hi, Sunny. It thundered and rained hard most of the day here. I was glad to be able to stay home. Forecast shows storms tomorrow and Friday, too. Yuck. But the good new is that our power stayed on good & strong all day, not even a flicker. Yay!

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Re: World Wide SHEs on Wednesday

Postby lucylee » Thu Jun 21, 2018 2:01 am

Hello, Sunny! Aren’t you up awfully late? Everything okay?
Tomorrow is another day.

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