Achievable Saturday June 23, 2018

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Achievable Saturday June 23, 2018

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Jun 23, 2018 9:18 am

After being away the last two weeks I am even more convinced that we SHE'S are an amazing wonderful positive force to be reckoned with. Our houses and our family here know how capable we are!!!

today don't over think or over goal! do one thing you can achieve and praise yourself for it! wash the dishes - rah rah rah, put away the laundry load rah rah rah, get s2s an amazing bravo. you achieved greatness just being you! Believe it.

I am just happy to be with you all! I hope you feel the joy I have for you every day. I am grateful for you all!

cheering you on through your day. Cheer for yourself!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Achievable Saturday June 23, 2018

Postby Harmony » Sat Jun 23, 2018 10:30 am

Hi blessed! Nice to have you back.

I waded through my desktop and got that done. I will finish laundry today and take things slow.

Had a good night's sleep but still feel the same. It's not bad, just puzzling. Nancy asked if it could be heat exhaustion. No, I haven't been out in the heat long enough these days. Just to walk to the mailbox; I cleaned the back porch but I had water spraying on me; out in the shop yesterday I felt the heat but soon went back in the a/c.

Everybody have a nice day!

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Re: Achievable Saturday June 23, 2018

Postby Harriet » Sat Jun 23, 2018 10:37 am

Oh, Yes, Yes, Yes, ((Harmony and Nancy)), please remember to hydrate! It's so important for those of us in summer now. Feel better, Harmony. sorry about your knee, Nancy.

You know what? I think I'm going to go chug a pint of water.

, a joy to see you here!

Achieving -
I printed out the Emergent Task Planner (from Printable CEO, designer who uses the bubble-in method of tracking 15-min time periods spent on tasks). I wrote Office Organization and House Cleaning at top and am starting to bubble-in. 0000 0000 :) I think I'll just switch between the two today until interruptions come. It's tempting to add a third but I want to zero in on these (is that a numeric pun?)

dd already at work and will do painting on her own later in the day at school (no formal class on Sat).

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Re: Achievable Saturday June 23, 2018

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Jun 23, 2018 11:36 am

such a joy to see you too!!!

ooooo d harriet love that!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Achievable Saturday June 23, 2018

Postby Nancy » Sat Jun 23, 2018 12:03 pm

Hey team, wtg with your activities. I slept in today. I think of you all as my team here. I saw how much better various rooms looked and am so greatful four your help and encouragement. I could not have made so much progress with out you!

Kitchen cupboards are bare so I can clean em. It is easier.
No progress yet except feeding animals & me I tossed the trash and a couple of uneeded items.

Still need to journal x, s2sx, make bedx, groc. List made out.
Time to begin lunch prep.
Have a great one!

Next week I need to refocus with more balance on ten min. Weeding and inside stuff.
Last edited by Nancy on Sat Jun 23, 2018 2:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Achievable Saturday June 23, 2018

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Jun 23, 2018 12:22 pm

Blessedw2 - It's good to see your back. Welcome home! I've missed you.

I am focusing on doing my daily routines as well as adding more in as possible. Writing the daily list for DS9 and DGD7 each day is a roaring success. They love it and eagerly work to get each item completed so it can be marked off.

DH and I teamed up this morning to FINALLY finish the porch projects. Done. Done and Done!

DGS11 is in gymnastic camp an hour away so we are going to go there to eat dinner with DSon and family. I am looking forward to seeing them.

I miss Kathryn.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Achievable Saturday June 23, 2018

Postby Harriet » Sat Jun 23, 2018 12:32 pm

Just popping in to tell all fifteens have been for housework, none for office org. HRH had a friend call to say he was bringing his wife over. :lol: I would have stayed on track for the friend, but barely know his wife, so went in the housework direction! Funny that I was expecting interruption but not one that would get into my brain and decide my work.

I recorded an hour an a half... ... doubting myself since that can't be right. I think I lost count and actually had done more.
That is one drawback, missing some. But I still like record keeping.

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Re: Achievable Saturday June 23, 2018

Postby lucylee » Sat Jun 23, 2018 2:33 pm

Achievable! YES!
Last night I had sort of a wake-up call. Nothing happened, I just realized that I was falling into really bad habits of doing nothing, and I could break that habit as easily as I could continue it. So I went ahead and made out my weekly master list starting today, rather than waiting to start on Monday... and it IS a somewhat overwhelming week, let me tell you...
AND I made myself a mantra of sorts for the week, focusing on three things:
:arrow: EXERCISE -- 15 minutes is magic; 5 minutes is a good start!
:arrow: ROUTINES -- 15 minutes is magic; 5 minutes is a good start!
:arrow: S2S FIRST THING -- It will change your day; it will change your life!

So... starting today...
EVEN THOUGH it is pouring down rain outside... and dh is snoring on the couch with Blazing Saddles on... and I would have LOVED to have crawled into the recliner and joined him... EVEN with that temptation...
I have
* eaten breakfast (dh got up and went to Hardee's for us)
* walked away the pounds 15 minutes
* s/s all three toilets and cleaned dh's shower
* eaten breakfast and done Bible reading
* talked to ds on phone
* TRIED to talk to dmom on phone (Her phone is out; I need to go out there early and try to call phone company.)

I did not s2s first thing, b/c I wanted to wait till later, and do that closer to time for the wedding.
YES... I did say it was pouring down rain earlier (it has stopped for the time being) and YES, I did say a day or so ago, this is an outdoor wedding w/approx 200 guests... and no Plan B. :? I can certainly see why my dmom did not want me to plan an outdoor wedding in October... even though I thought the trees would have been soooo pretty...

But... now I guess I will go ahead and s2s and get started. The wedding is not till 6:00 pm, but I planned on picking up dmom at 5:00 and with her phone in a mess, I'll probably try to go out there by 4:00 pm and us my cell phone to call the phone company.

Enjoy your houseguests, Harriet! ;)

WTG, LadyM -- with those lists for the children and with all you and dh have done! I've got to start thinking of my list as something I must check off before computer/phone time each day, too!

WTG, Nancy! You are doing GREAT!!!

Sooo glad to see blessed back with us!

Harmony, I wondered about the heat, too... or blood sugar issues?
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Achievable Saturday June 23, 2018

Postby lucylee » Sat Jun 23, 2018 2:46 pm

HOORAH! Dmom's phone problem is solved. She unplugged the phone in her office and all is well!

Well, not ALL -- her back is killing her and she is not going to the wedding, either. :cry:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Achievable Saturday June 23, 2018

Postby Nancy » Sat Jun 23, 2018 2:55 pm

I am so happy to see you posting again blessed it is nice to have you back.
LucyL. Glad your mom's phone was an easy fix.
I have showered & am sitting outside letting the breeze blow my hair dry.

H did office paper declawing yea for his progress another room is nearly reclaimed. I am taking a break before I begin lunch prep. Hens are clucking to get out but they have 5 more min. Lovely day here.

For my exercise I did the ex. Bike bc my knee has been sore.

Had a chuckle today heard a funny noise looked out and squirrels were being frisky on the front steps.

I had an awesome dream about a one level house last night! I am taking that as a good sign.

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