Thursday Thimbles and Mending

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Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby Harriet » Thu Jul 05, 2018 6:39 am

What needs mending around your house today?

We rescue so many things to keep them in good use for our homes. It may not be needle and thread you take up to rescue - maybe a paintbrush
Elmer's, Super- or wood glue
or hammer and nail.
Maybe the sewing machine.
Maybe a good, sturdy safety pin!
Duct tape, the handyman's secret weapon? :D

What have you rescued lately - what's in the mending basket?

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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Jul 05, 2018 7:21 am

Almost looks my entire home (all 440 square feet of it + deck) need some kind of mending. :roll: Think the heat has gotten the better of me and I've not been very energetic so things have seemed to slide. I've been up since 5:30 and really awake most of the night. So, after breakfast I'll try to slowly inch my way through the day.

Dsonil is supposed to be back from FL about 10:30 I think. DD's picking him up, stopping for breakfast and then he's going to work for the rest of the day.

Today is birthing day for me -DS-A is 47 today. I simply want to know how that's happened. And I was just looking at "July" and realized I forgot to ask Twins to wish her twins a happy birthday a few days ago. 26? Already!? Seems like they were just little kids on the board.

Another 90-degree day for here and then it's supposed to cool off tomorrow. Hoping I'll feel better.
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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:42 am

d harmony thank you so much for those book titles! I will check them out!
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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:42 am

Yes dtwins' birthday was on Monday. They are full on "adulting} these days, dd needs to get her car titled to her and get her car insurance changed, and figure out her own health insurance situation. (We are deeding their cars to them, off our insurance also.)

I gotta get moving since I need to be at the cemetery at 10 a.m. for a funeral. Must do:
-breakfast and meds
-walk the dog
-s2s and get ready to go

It's a little less humid than yesterday thank goodness. We didn't get rain last night but there were some storms nearby. DMuffin didn't like the fireworks - she can handle a little but they just went on and on last night. I set up a fan running next to her dog bed for some white noise for her. I hope it helped.
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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:49 am

oh I love the thimbles and mending d Harriet.... we must make that a regular!

hi d harriet - thank you for starting us!

hi d dee Happiest of birthdays to your ds!

Happy belated birthday to your dear son and daughter d twins!

happy day to all.
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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:12 am

One dog is almost deaf and the other one is going a bit deaf - plus with the ac on and doors and windows closed our dogs (for the first time) didn't hear a thing.

Dh, dd younger and myself had a lovely time at sil's home for 4th of july. Saw the parade. dd younger went to her work afterward and met some old friends and saw the fireworks. She came home at midnight after a nice time with friends on the beach. (first time in a long long time). She rested before she went and I know that helped. This year - NO health problems on the 4th for her! I did feel better with her having a medical bracelet on.

dd older went with d mom for dinner and they had a lovely time. Dh didn't make me leave super early and I had time to enjoy the 4th activities so much that we didn't have to head home until 7 - it was nice to just enjoy the 4th. I was going to take an uber back but since we stayed I didn't have to. It was so nice of him!

I am having a wave of clutter--- still! it's like i get rid of a bit of it and the wave just brings in more and deposits on the beach - and then another wave :shock: 8-) :D

wishing you all a lovely day! May it be as you want it to be!

I know d mom will want to do something but I don't think I can today.
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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:18 am

I still haven't been on BWP and I don't like it one bit. With headaches and clutter it is making things hard. I think today (if d mom doesn't need me) I will do a round robin and use my timer for clutter check first after morning routines.

this is what I am seeing right now. dh put all the clean laundry on chairs in the dining room and on the table. big piles of them. family room was lived in. dd younger left her grocery bags in the hallway and I am sure things have died in there. my rolling cart has my cluttered medical supplies etc. in a jumble in the kitchen. dining room needs vacuuming and washing again. weeds lets just say WEEDS :mrgreen: they took over again. pool :lol: , my body has not been exercised in a month, ww :lol: , kitchen table papers :shock: , bathrooms that were caught up need cleaning, floors need a surface vacuum and a wash. No menus planned which equals no healthy dinners. No veggies cut up for healthy eating. No summer time done except for yesterday. 3 season room filled with everything from 3 weeks of things left in the house and put back there when cleaning people came. So I do feel a lot overwhelmed at where to start.

pulling out trusty timer and start small. I think clutter (besides morning routine) must be done. Today (hopefully) Mending my clutter.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:21 am

Good Morning to the North Americans and Good Evening to those on the other side of the oceans!

Last night was very enjoyable with non-stop visiting, memories shared and lots of laughter. I am thankful for the time spent with family.

DS9 was up at 6:30am and announced he woke up so he could get his list done early. He has plans to play a new video game and my rules are "No screens and no playing until your things are done." I admire his get-r-done attitude. And no......he is not going to sit and play video games for the rest of the entire day. Even if I would let him, he would get bored with it after a couple hours of playing. I have plans of taking him to a story & craft time this afternoon and skating is a possibility this evening. I need to confirm the skating event.

Inspired by Harmony's book yesterday I have been moving furniture to create a new spot for me in the fun room. I need to be where I can monitor the kids but also have my things nearby especially the earphones so I can have some "me time". This furniture movement from multiple rooms also lead to creating a music area with the piano, drums, and guitar. And now I am having thoughts of also moving the sewing area and I had a moment of inspiration how to organize the desk area. AND I am having thoughts of how I could re-arraign the things in the garage. It is like a row of thing changes and it has a ripple effect.
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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby Nancy » Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:22 am

We have a saw horse that needs mending. So I am thinking about how to repair or dismantle it. We have some other saw horses also. Five in total the newer ones are ones to keep I thinks now so sure about older ones. X

I kept the kitchen cleaned up it is good to get up to have the kItchen in shape.
I need to keep on with putting clutter out the door, and boxes to use in various rooms. Took the dog out at half past midnite still hearing random occaional fireworks still going off. Up at 4 thirty h was getting ready for work.
I need to do yard work for some exercise today. Walk ddog. X

Got the hens feed put away. Hens are great today. They slept on the roosts in the run even though I put inside roosts up the last couple of days. The lame hen is getting better. Dog did better was not trembling so much this yr. She hangs out in the main bathroom an interior safe room.

Planning and journaling is done. I need to clean up the outdoor kitchen. X
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Jul 05, 2018 10:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Thursday Thimbles and Mending

Postby BookSaver » Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:24 am

Good morning, villagers ~
I've been doing a brain dump in a notepad doc about where I've been since last time I posted here. It is very long and needs editing, which I don't have time to do now. I'll finish it tonight after work.

In the meantime, I wanted to pop in long enough to say hi and I've been thinking about all of you.
Hope you have a good day. :)

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