Wednesday - check your thoughts

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Wednesday - check your thoughts

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jul 11, 2018 7:02 am

Always think of what you have to do as easy and it will become so.

This was the lead line of my devotional this morning. My initial reaction was to mentally argue with it because not EVERYTHING can be easy. That was followed by ....

“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right.”
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Wednesday - check your thoughts

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jul 11, 2018 7:54 am

Yesterday was a comedy of errors. Except it really wasn't funny or fun. I just got through each one and the day all turned out okay.

DGD7 threw a 30-minute temper tantrum in public. It started at the local library. She got mad because we needed to leave before she was finished looking at books. I told her we would come back after the program but it was going to start in 3 minutes and we needed to go. OH Boy. Screaming and tears were her response. I gently took DGD7's hand and lead her out of the library with everyone's eyes on us.

We drive 3 blocks to the library summer program and go inside. I am talking to DGD7 telling her this behavior is totally not acceptable with no response from her. I briefly consider going home but that penalizes DS9 and lets DGD7 control the situation. So we continue on with our plans. At the library program, all the kids are sitting on the floor in front of the "Balloon Man" who does a very lively and entertaining program. I tell the kids to go sit with their friends. DGD7 refuses as she stands there with her arms crossed. I tell her again to do it so she goes and sits down BACKWARDS and with her face on the floor. She stays that way for about 10 minutes before the program becomes too interesting to miss so she turns around and joins her friends.

I called DD to see what is up with DGD7. Is she getting sick? Has she been acting like this recently? DD suspects DGD7 stayed up all night watching her tablet. DD worked 16 hours yesterday including the entire night so basically, DGD7 had very little supervision. Officially DSIL was watching DGD7 because they were both in their home, but DSIL is still very sick. Finding out this information immediately earned DGD7 some grace from me. It is still not okay to throw tantrums but I had some understanding of what was the cause. Hours later, DGD7 came to me and apologized. She knows how to act and she knew she was out of bounds.

While all this was going on with DGD7 at the library program, DS9 was participating on stage. The news was at the event and asked my permission to put DS9 in the newspaper. So DS9 will have his 15 seconds of fame.

Later I was gardening in the interior back yard which has 4 entrances but is fairly secure. MORE secure than I realized. After working in the heat I decided to go inside and cool down. Only to discover that I was locked in. ARGH! I tried both doors leading to the house. Nope, they were both locked. The door I used to enter this area had locked behind me. I tried both gates leading to the main backyard. Nope we had done such an excellent job of keeping kids and dogs out of this area that they were secured where I couldn't get out. I stood there staring at the 7' wooden fence wondering if I could safely climb it but talked myself out of it. I had my phone so I called both DH and DS9 phones several times but neither of them answered. There are 7 house windows in this interior backyard area so I started banging on windows hoping to get someones attention. That worked and I was freed. I was TOTALLY fine but I do not like to be locked in. Freedom is precious.

Later DGD7 was drawing and asked to use a box of markers & highlighters instead of her normal box of crayons and markers. I told her it was fine, but to be sure and not mark on the table. Fast forward 15 minutes and DGD7 announces that her paper is stuck to the table. ARGH! I didn't realize that in the box that I told DGD7 she could use there was a permanent marker......when you use a permanent marker on paper it will bleed through and also color the table underneath the paper. ARGH. This was totally my fault but DGD7 felt horrible. And the saturated permanent ink acted like glue so it tore her drawing paper when we removed it from the table. i haven't got the marker off the table yet. Hopefully, I can find something that will remove it.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Wednesday - check your thoughts

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Jul 11, 2018 8:24 am

Yikes, LadyM, hoping for a better day today for all!

I had trouble sleeping last night after LadyM's post in members only, and with moving toward listing dmom's house. It's not that I don't want to sell the house, it is just the end of 40 something years there for my parents and family and there's no one left either.

I am continuing with my "get it all done" marathon before going away: today is massage, nails and toes, and at 6 p.m. the annual homeowners meeting here. DD texted me last night about meeting her today at the courthouse to get the car title changed over today. :roll: Texted her back this a.m. with my "windows of opportunity." Between the massage and nails I need to stop off at my nair salon for more leave in conditioner spray also. It's hard to find and I'm almost out.

For now, need to finish a.m. routine in next hour, I've done parts already. I'd also like to get rid of 10 pieces of paper before I head out this a.m.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Wednesday - check your thoughts

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jul 11, 2018 8:26 am

ended up with a headache yesterday(I hadn't slept the night before) and slept 6 hours in the afternoon :shock: and rested the evening away. I think I missed a call from the rug cleaner

I am supposed to have the window (outside only) cleaners to come today. I had planned on a fun day today but with loosing yesterday I will have to stay focused as I fall behind when nothing is done.

woke and put a load in the laundry machine right away.
dh took laundry out of dry and put on dining room table and then dried other laundry and put it on a chair yesterday while I was sleeping.

I choose to do
morning routine
checking account (will take so much longer as I haven't done it in 4 wednesdays)
charge account - I haven't paid in 3 wednesdays (try to keep up wth it)
put away to help me feel a bit more in control
get decorations up for dd olders birthday tomorrow.

I think while I am still in chaos that I need to put aside one day for zone work so I can continue the process.

so hard when young ones throw a tantrum in public - but I bet there were many saying a little prayer for you and loving you through her tantrum. I do that all the time for moms all the time because we have all been there. wonderful reaction to a tantrum d Lady!!! use one of those mr. clean white foam scrubbers and either hair spray or just a cleanser. It should come off after a couple times.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Jul 11, 2018 8:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wednesday - check your thoughts

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jul 11, 2018 8:30 am

d twins ... I love that you take time to care for yourself. very very good!!! you do so much for others, your family etc. and your home and it is so important to take care of you! I am going with dd younger for a pedicure this afternoon as well. I got hooked on them last year when dd older took me.

have a great day d Lady, d Twins, and all.

so true d Lady!!! I have been overwhelmed with home anxiety bc I have convinced myself that I don't have enough time or its not doable.
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Re: Wednesday - check your thoughts

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jul 11, 2018 9:29 am

check your thoughts - love it! My thoughts have been all over the place... I needed this today.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wednesday - check your thoughts

Postby Lilac » Wed Jul 11, 2018 9:37 am

Twins, I had a terrible time getting to sleep for the same reason.


Re: Wednesday - check your thoughts

Postby kittykatt » Wed Jul 11, 2018 9:55 am

Good morning / good afternoon, everyone! Today is my first and only day this week with no work and no appointments, so I'm hoping to make the most of it. Yesterday was crazy, with work for me, vet appointments for both Lupin and Freddie, and a visit to another customer to pick up the keys (I regularly house sit for her every summer while they have an extended holiday). Freddie just had his monthly weight check - he has somehow gained 50 grams (sigh!), and Lupin had her six monthly check up. The combination of the "plaque off" and the dental diet seem to be helping her teeth, as they are improved from last time. I have tried to be more organized, and have booked Trifle's blood test and Freddie's next weight check for next month, so we're all good.
I think it was Harriet who was asking about vacuum cleaner recommendations? (I'm on my phone so it's difficult to scroll back). I'm definitely a Dyson girl - I have an upright for downstairs, as I have carpet in my sitting room, and a cylinder for upstairs (all hard floors) and a handheld cordless for cleaning the car. All are very easy to use and "pick up" well. Also it's easy to empty the dust cannister and to use the attachments, add the upright and cylinder vacuums both have a 5 year parts and labour guarantee. Replacing "consumable" parts like the beater bar brush is very straightforward too. Dyson are moving towards the cordless "stick" type vacuum, and I can definitely recommend the V10, having given it a thorough workout while the engineer was fixing my upright. (It's far superior to the earlier models- V8 etc, and has better performance and better battery power).
Blessed, could you just do a small area of your house that would give instant results? When my house is out of control, a few minutes spent straightening my tiny hall makes an instant improvement. It's also the first area any guests see, so saves embarrassment! If other people leave their stuff everywhere, could you try just boxing or bagging it up, leaving it in their room and then shutting the door, so you don't have to look at it?
Lady Maverick, I'm so impressed at your child management skills!
Twins Mom, I think the "end of an era" is always difficult, even if your head is saying it's for the best. The house I grew up in was sold a few months ago, after my mother passed away last December. Although I haven't lived there since I was eighteen, I still experienced a few difficult moments.

Today I'm planning a day at home. I've spent a couple of hours in my garden before it got too hot and humid, then I quickly vacuumed my house and tidied up. I've also rung my builder about coming to paint the outside of the house. Got the voicemail, but he did text back to say he would ring me this evening. As England are playing in the world cup semi finals this evening, I'm not holding my breath! Just stopped for lunch, a quick play with Freddie and Lupin, and a cuddle with Trifle. Now I'm planning to give my kitchen its weekly clean, and make lists of everything I need to do tomorrow and Friday.
Today I also need to:
Write all the cats' appointments on the kitchen calendar
Box up the flapjack I made for delivery to the YMCA tomorrow (every time a new resident moved in they are given a welcome pack including a home made cake, and I'm on the baking team)
Email H about advertising the forthcoming men's breakfast in the next news sheet.
Find my library books ready for return when I go into town next.

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Re: Wednesday - check your thoughts

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jul 11, 2018 10:51 am


morning routine underway and done.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wednesday - check your thoughts

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Jul 11, 2018 10:56 am

Good morning! As expected, DD16 did not come over due to too much to do before her trip to Alabama today. Dad called, ostensibly to talk about visiting DD at my x-in-laws' house. Really it was to tell me about Mom's upcoming medical tests. They are doing a sleep study for insomnia. Apnea is possible, especially considering she was prescribed a CPAP years ago, but it kept her awake. It would be truly wonderful if they could fix the insomnia and it led to short term memory improvement. Who functions well on no sleep?

What I got done: library returns and watched movie so I can return it too. While watching, I made progress on Christmas crochet. Tonight is more library returns and write up pet sitter instructions. I was supposed to have an animal org board meeting, but we have nothing that needs to be dealt with, so it is cancelled.

I suggest LadyMaverick call a furniture restoration place for advice about the marker. Acetone will remove Sharpie marks, but would probably create further damage.

I hope blessedw2 has found her credit card.

Harmony: It would be nice if Chelsea had been adopted, but it sounds like the other cat's need was greater. Chelsea is safe and happy right now, this one was living on the streets.

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