Thursday - We Are Product of our Decisions

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Re: Thursday - We Are Product of our Decisions

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Jul 12, 2018 10:48 am

I desperately would like to have a day off. But that isn't to be. Wishing something was different is useless and a waste of my energy.

I didn't sleep well last night and am experiencing the consequences this morning. Not sleeping well is a consequence of my food addiction being out of bounds. It is like a domino effect. One thing affects another. I know it can also go the other way. Making a good decision in one area can have positive results in another area. Those little decisions really do matter!

I have finished 18 of my 36 items for today so I am halfway done. Today's big rocks include a couple hours of homeschooling. We will be continuing the testing to see how DS9 is progressing (or not). I will take DMom to cardiologist appointment this afternoon to discuss the test results of her heart. We already know it isn't great news since the doctor office called and changed the appointment to make it sooner than what was already scheduled.
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Re: Thursday - We Are Product of our Decisions

Postby Nancy » Thu Jul 12, 2018 12:13 pm

Hydration break after mowing & walking ddog.

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Re: Thursday - We Are Product of our Decisions

Postby Sunny » Thu Jul 12, 2018 12:43 pm

I'm taking a quick break to check in.

Neither dh nor I slept well last night. (I had a strange pain in my head behind my ear; feels like a nerve connected with the inner ear). I ended up putting tv on at 4:30 am and we watched for a little while, then napped lightly. Dh finally got up at 7 am. I had fallen asleep by then, so he let me sleep. Anyway, I got up at 9:30 and ate breakfast, so not ready for lunch yet.

This morning we packed two more boxes and threw away a bunch of odds 'n ends not worth keeping. This afternoon will be taking care of Desk Day and paying some bills. I also have to write a check and take it to the drop box for water bill.

Thank you, Harriet. Yes, nice professional frames would do nicely!

Dee, hope dh's stress test goes well.

Blessed, happy birthday to dd-elder.

Lady M, hope dson9 testing goes well and dmom's appointment is helpful.

Waving hello to everyone!
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Re: Thursday - We Are Product of our Decisions

Postby Harriet » Thu Jul 12, 2018 1:03 pm

Mr. DeeClutter on my mind today - have fun... ? :?

Happy dad to blessed's dd - so nice that sister would take a day to spend with her.

I’m up early bc dgrands will arrive ASAP. Ddil just texted — on my way.
Let the games begin.

Now, see, if lucylee and I just exchanged dgrand-care for a day, wouldn't we have even more interesting stories to tell you guys! (we'd certainly be surprises to the children) I could answer a thousand science questions and she and dh could teach guitar chords. Which has been our occupation here today - well, more HRH than I. He sent dgs6 home with the very happy news that Grandpa thinks he has "good, long fingers". He just left here, staring at his hands. :) He had to measure his mother's fingers when she arrived, to see about hers! We had a somewhat brief day today, although they do get here with the dawn.

LadyM, I only got in 5 hours sleep, because I was fighting needing to potty-break through the night :roll: (I need to think that out better) and finally did, only to notice the clock said such a short time until alarm, and then I couldn't get that off my mind.

Oh well, I exercised then, which I hadn't expected to have time to do. That makes 3 mornings this week so far, which is super good (for me). Then even time for my "first breakfast" plan again, too. And children were very amenable to me going ahead with another meal later, so that worked out fine. We were all too excited about the indoors to enjoy the outdoors today, and just as well since it is sweltering out there.

Ds kept calling and hanging up. This is not unexpected when he's at work. Finally we got a chance to say a couple words between bells and alarms. He almost always calls the children from work - I think he does it when they are with his mother-in-law as well, and probably with his sister-in-law.

Dd19 met the women of the church for a presentation this morning for a charity in Next Town. Then she went on to work from there.

Having heard this last evening (HRH's constant search for old tv), it has been playing in my head all day, and doesn't rattle around so badly in there, so I thought I'd share.

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Re: Thursday - We Are Product of our Decisions

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:01 pm

Good almost afternoon! It has been a weird day already. I have almost completed a new report, need only the final check for things like formatting and spacing. HOWEVER, the servers are going down over lunch and I had to get off the servers. I had an alarm failure and was late, but I may walk to the Chinese place up the street, because it is such a rare day that I have a full lunch period. May not though, I had Chinese last night and should check the checkbook.

Tonight, I am visiting where I am boarding Briggs. Must remember to ask her if a Friday night drop off is ok. It's the only time I can do it, day times are impossible due to commute. I did type up the instructions for her last night. If there is enough time after that, I will go to the Thursday evening knit/crochet group. I should make a library return too, as it is on my way home.

In answer to blessedw2's question, I have been thinking Christmas for the last two months. I am working on several crochet projects: pink panda (done), ninja turtle (making progress), Luna Lovegood (started, but not much done), unicorn (not started), and keyhole scarf (optional, not started). I have also given some thought to paying for my holiday travel.

I disagree with Mr. Covey. We are products of our circumstances as well as our choices. I was born with a brain that processes mathematics extremely well. That has opened career options that my friend's son with Down Syndrome will not have. The fact that my parents could afford medical care when I was a child means that I am not dead yet, and their ability to pay for college certainly had long-lasting effects. What I DO with my circumstances is still my choice, but no one is immune to them.

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Re: Thursday - We Are Product of our Decisions

Postby Nancy » Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:51 pm

As I tore apart saw horses thought about how I could do that bc of my upbringing and that I a amdriextous profecient as well, but left the stubborn one to toss, too much trouble and getting hot out. Pick the battles.

Watering the yard, trying to erase footprints as I go, inside stuff tossed more trash.

I have just decided my holiday prep Christmas in July will be letting go of the Christmas decor items.

Hens are whining to get out for their free range time. C-l-u-u-u-c-c-c-k-k-k-k.

Nap x
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Re: Thursday - We Are Product of our Decisions

Postby Harmony » Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:55 pm

About the covey quote: There is a movie just coming out titled something like 3 __something__ strangers. I missed the entire segment on TV about this so all I know is it is about a long ago study to determine if nurture or nature is more responsible for our personalities...something along those lines. It was done in New York on twins who were adopted separately at birth and apparently results were either hid from the public or it changed the way psychiatry treated people. It sounded really like a good movie. Some of these twins have not yet been re-joined... and I am sorry to have missed entire quote, but seems it certainly might have something to do with if we are a product of our decisions or our dna...I think a combination of both.

Today was S2S early enough to get rollers in... a scramble to do some desk chores and dailies; a stop at the bank and then to the dentist. Xrays and cleaning. No cavities and good cleaning. Next appointment set.

DH will be working on paperwork. Yay. :evil:

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Re: Thursday - We Are Product of our Decisions

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Jul 12, 2018 3:04 pm

We're home & sleepy. Stress test was over 3 1/2 hours. Told dh to call cardiologist if he doesn't hear from him by next week. Now to wait.
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Re: Thursday - We Are Product of our Decisions

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Jul 12, 2018 4:21 pm

I am home from vet with Muffin. I told the tech as soon as she came to the room that we needed dog food and deramaxx and she forgot! I remembered after I had checked out. They were busy, and Muffin was stressed, so I brought her home and told them I would get in the a.m. Rats! We even joked about the "fat camp" dog food.

I have checked in for my flight tomorrow.
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Re: Thursday - We Are Product of our Decisions

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Jul 12, 2018 4:38 pm

I have finished and uploaded a completely new report. This one does not involve time travel*, so it was not as complicated. I decided not to go out to eat for lunch. Why spend $$$ when I am not excited about it? If I am going to have a non-exciting lunch, it may as well be the one I packed.

I got a call from someone interested in Chelsea. She will be coming to clinic Saturday.

*Time travel = when you have to be able to reproduce reports from the past. It makes things horrifically complicated because the system was designed for inventory tracking in the present and it requires accessing the changelog. That would be easy IF the changelog were complete and completely accurate. However, in my attempts to go back in time, I have discovered numerous bugs in the changelog. The team repairs them, but history is lost.

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