Monday Motivation

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Monday Motivation

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:57 am

What motivates you?
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Monday Motivation

Postby Nancy » Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:26 am

3x ~ threes get me going, top three things to do.

Three trips to the basement to bring up items to leave, to put in the car to go tomorrow.

Get laundry out of the dryer.
Unload dishes and reboot dishwasher.

Hearing speaker that inspires me. gives me mojo.

And coffee!
Zoom zoom zoom.
One errand done.
Got half was done with one project.
Hydrating and a bit of a rest break nearly over. Branches are rounded up and ready to load.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Jul 16, 2018 4:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Monday Motivation

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jul 16, 2018 11:00 am

Seeing progress being made motivates me. I like marking things off my daily list.

Last night DGD7 woke up with a leg cramp. I woke up with DGD7 tapping me on the shoulder seeking help with the cramp. I gave her some children Tylenol and put her in bed with me. It was the easiest solution. Both of us slept the rest of the night with no problems.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Monday Motivation

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Jul 16, 2018 11:14 am

Good morning! Deadlines motivate me and I have a doozy coming up. Not at payroll but my vacation starts this Saturday, and I am compiling a list of trip prep and don't forgets. Right now, I am in Stress City. Next week, I will be in Winter Park FL (near Orlando). Anyone else out that way? Meet for coffee/tea someplace?

The weekend went pretty much as planned. Chelsea has an adoption pending as of Saturday, and this week's chore list will probably include dropping her off at her new home. She will have a husky friend (once she gets over her mild nervousness around cats). DD16 is still in Alabama and will return Thursday, but I don't know what time. The pool party was moved to Sunday. I had a good time, but I was the only guest who showed, and I still can't get in the water! My very belated birthday dinner was cancelled due to the hostess's chemo side effects. I'm more bummed that she missed her spa day with friends who can get in the water than the dinner. We can do dinner anytime.

Elizabeth's Own HVAC has another job. My swamp cooler has become noisy. I called mom to let her know I was going on the roof to check it so if I fell off or got stuck someone would know. It is a badly deteriorated belt, which I will pickup tonight. If I rush home with it, there is probably enough daylight to install it.

My dinner with xBFF has been moved to tomorrow because she has a catastrophic leak in her sprinkler and must be around while it is repaired. Her boyfriend is fixing it, so that answered one question about why a sudden call for dinner. (She totally gloms onto the men in her life to the exclusion of her friends, and, unfortunately her daughter. I wondered if she was resurfacing after a breakup.) It could be she wants me to take something to her sister in FL or bring something back. (Ok by me). Or it could be she misses me. I am going to try to remember to do more listening than talking. Stewing over past hurts and annoyances does me no good. If she asks why I have not been seeing her lately, I will give a modified version of the truth. "I got the impression you thought I was boring!" Translation for the village: "It is clear that you prefer people who live lives of chaos, drama, and romance rather than people who pursue serenity and security, especially when the pursuit precludes dating. It's also abundantly clear you prefer my x and the other woman."

I have made an attempt on my WTF, which is a DPC. I left a voice mail.

Blessedw2: I hope you already have an appointment to remove that troublesome gall bladder. It doesn't get better, but can get worse enough to need emergency surgery.

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Re: Monday Motivation

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jul 16, 2018 12:53 pm

Continuing to make progress. I'm monitoring DS9 and DGD7 as they work through their list. They are in full IGAD mode which is totally okay with me. However, the rules remain. No screens and no playing until their daily chores are done. They are about 90% done and could finish in about 5 minutes when they get motivated to do it. I think the consequences will overrule their IGAD mode eventually.

this morning DD asked if DGD7 could stay here today while she gets some sleep. I agreed to it. DD had already asked if DGD7 could stay tonight through Wednesday night while she takes DSIL to the big city for test and doctor appointment. End result...DGD7 will be here 5 days and 4 nights in a row. It would probably be easier to know when DGD7 will go home instead of when she will be here.

Yesterday DD told me that she is getting DGD7 a Great Pyrenees puppy. The puppy should be old enough for DD to bring it home this week. DGD7 wants a dog of her own soooo bad. All this is well and good. UNTIL you consider.......
DGD7 is at our home most of the time.
DD is working more than full time and starts going to school 4 nights a week soon.
DSIL is very sick.
SO.... WHO IS GOING TO TAKE CARE OF THE PUPPY?? Not us. DH has already said very firmly NO MORE DOGS! Four dogs are our absolute limit.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Monday Motivation

Postby Harriet » Mon Jul 16, 2018 2:14 pm

Hello, everyone.

Great Pyrenees are very beautiful, LadyM. They do not have a good rep on our road, I'm sorry to say. The family who had some once, had to strengthen their fence all the time at great expense and even then would have the dogs getting away somehow and getting into serious trouble with the neighbors. Their close neighbors all hated those dogs. I think that was partially a "pack mentality" because there were 3, though. I'd like to think just one GP could be a big beautiful friend to someone.

I rode out today with HRH, who wanted to check the big music store for a guitar for dgs6. He did find one. I hope it's the right thing. I think he thoroughly enjoyed the young man who sold it to us. And of course HRH looks like he could be "somebody" in the music world. In guitar stores people give him big smiles all year long. In department stores it's only at Christmas, lol.

Just before we left, dcousin who truck-farms brought us a couple cantaloupe and some tomatoes. Between him and the young man's ddad we are well fed. Had a terrific tomato sandwich yesterday, as a matter of fact.

He reminded me of my dear-aunt-of-the-daily-apron's 98th birthday and I was able to call and wish her a happy day. I'm so delighted to hear of her continuing good health. Need to get myself together and go visit again.

Time to get busy on chores. Need to put away today's laundry.

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Re: Monday Motivation

Postby Harriet » Mon Jul 16, 2018 2:30 pm

My ballpoint ink refills arrived and I'm so happy to say I was able to fit one right into a pretty floral pen I've always liked and give it new life. I thought the photo of the "parker compatible" refill looked like what I was working with. So ordered in blue and couldn't be more pleased. Now I'll be looking around for more old pens to rejuvenate.

I'll agree with Nancy that I can be inspired by hearing a speaker. Also reading an inspiring book, or, more recently, viewing an inspiring "how-to" online. I think I have an "I wanna try!" gene.

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Re: Monday Motivation

Postby lucylee » Mon Jul 16, 2018 3:14 pm

I am motivated by ALL OF YOU!!! :D
I also am motivated when I watch the videos that blessed shares sometimes, and other similar videos, when I can remember to watch. Sometimes I can read something good, like my daily devotional or something from Flylady, etc, and it will motivate me also.

I guess certain deadlines/etc, are motivating as well. Today, I was motivated by the knowledge that I HAD TO s2s and be ready to meet dmom at the doctor's office. She is getting orders for chest x-ray, to prove she does not have TB, and doctor's instructions for ass't living care.
She dreads it, I dread it, we all dread it so much...
This afternoon, if the rain continues to stay away, we have a t-ball game.
The rest of my week is similarly packed.
Tomorrow -- mammogram, vote, t-ball game
Wednesday -- dh and I, ds, and both dgrands are going to Shiloh Civil War battlefield in TN. DGS will love it -- dgd... not so much, but ddil is working and this is our best day to go.
Thursday -- dmom and I will need to schedule trip to Next Town to sign paperwork for ass't living stay, possibly get lab work done at surgery center, and then, yes, another t-ball game.
Friday -- we are celebrating ddil's bday with dinner in Next Town, and then dgd is coming home with us while they shop for school supplies (tax free weekend here.)
Saturday -- IF there are no make-up games from this rainy forecast, we are all going to MS for a bluegrass festival, and then ddil is coming home with us b/c ds has to stay over for more stuff Sunday. DGS will likely spend the night with us.

Did I say I was dreading dmom's surgery... ;) Oh my goodness...
Last edited by lucylee on Mon Jul 16, 2018 6:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Monday Motivation

Postby Nancy » Mon Jul 16, 2018 4:07 pm

Watered and have set up a couple of saw horses and half sheet of plywood cut lengthwise for sorting outside and staging area. Not sure why but thought it might come in handy like in past times of shed cleaning sessions. I feel like it is time to ramp it up a bit and get the ball rolling.

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Re: Monday Motivation

Postby CathyS » Mon Jul 16, 2018 4:35 pm


Not motivation when I'm melting. It's over 100F here again today plus humidity on top of that. No AirCon. I spent a lot of time in stores today. Not buying much other than groceries and just walking slowly enjoying the cold air in the stores.

Tonight we are having BBQed pork chops with 3 cold salads. 2 are pre made from the stores. Cheesy macaroni and potato and deviled egg salad. I am putting coleslaw dressing on the coleslaw from a bag. I also bought a baquette for the bread part of the meal. Dh loves fresh bread. Oh, almost forgot... I also made him jello. Tonight's flavor will be grape. We also have local cherries.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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