Fab Friday

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Re: Fab Friday

Postby Nancy » Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:17 pm

When Lucyl. Said new cast I was thinking like actors in a play, not like one on your foot now I get it. Lol. :idea: I was not fully awake I guess.

I have finished the deviled eggs. Mixed up cream cheese filling. Painted one rock. Done except for fi al seal. Hens are out for free range time now. I watered in the front yard.

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Re: Fab Friday

Postby Harriet » Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:19 pm

((Elizabeth)) feel better soon.

BookSaver, you sound very efficient to be getting that much done at once. That's great your family can do that for your dmother.

I finished my total chore bingo numbers (though I may go back) and decided I'd better get out of the house for errands because rains were coming faster than forecast.

I did not compete well with BookSaver and get much done on my errand run - just two stops, unless you count mailing. Started raining in earnest as I walked in to the second and I knew it just wasn't going to be the day for it. But mainly, I got some of the important groceries done. Unfortunately, not all.

At first I was saying to myself, well, too bad, you can't have a "Fab" :D smoothie as planned today because you couldn't pick up several planned ingredients. But I made up my own recipe, making substitutions, and it was so good I actually wrote down "my new recipe", so I wouldn't forget what I'd done. It was fab.

Dsecondbil came by and chatted. He is such a happy, kind person. Opinionated, but kind. :lol: We reminded each other about his sister's bday. He said he wished he had something he could do for her, but she is a person with few needs and a minimalist home. I said, didn't she have that favorite small charity? He said - yeah, wonder if I could contribute right now? He talked to his phone a bit :| , hit at it a few times and it was done. He had the charity send her an e-card to notify her of his donation. This all took less than 60 seconds. What's the world coming to.

Dlittleniece had a success. (She's 9) She climbed a 20-ft rope ladder (twice - once each day) the past two days all the way up, something she's been working on with her Daddy. I was so happy for her. That will serve her so well in the dreaded Middle School Phys Ed upcoming in her life. I wish someone had taken me aside at 9 and taught me that. I don't think anyone even suggested to me that I had arm muscles. I had no body weight - all glasses and braces. And none of the other girls knew, either! But it would have helped to learn that arm strength was going to be a thing! Sometime before facing the sideways ladder and the rope!

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Re: Fab Friday

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Aug 03, 2018 7:10 pm

Haven't even cuop but just wanted to say we're home -finally. Hospital wouldn't release dh because the 'block' they put on his shoulder and neck yesterday morning at 10am was still going full strength. Finally late today it started to minimize and now he's starting to feel the pain. We stopped fairly briefly at the Pub here and grabbed a bite to eat. The first thing he did once inside was to get in his recliner and had me fetch a pillow for his arm. The guy who's working with him did a favor for me today. I saw him this morning and asked if perhaps he could a piece of PVC over the recliner handle -of COURSE it's on the right side -dh had the right shoulder done. It's on and works beautiful. Maybe we have a new invention. As I sat looking across the room from mine this morning it hit me all of a sudden that he wasn't going to be able to get it up and down with his left hand, nor was I going to be able to exert enough leverage. Perfect! Going in search of his pain meds now. Nurse was really encouraging him to take the pain med, perhaps with some t ylenol.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Fab Friday

Postby lucylee » Fri Aug 03, 2018 8:01 pm

So glad Mr. Dee is home and I hope he has a restful night -- and you, too, Dee! (((HUGS)))

WOW -- at Harriet's dniece! I am sure I couldn't do that -- and if I had the strength, I'd probably still chicken out before I got to the top! :shock:

That reminds me -- I wanted to tell y'all -- dgs did the zip line at the Braves game! PLEASE FORGIVE ME IF I ALREADY TOLD Y'ALL THIS! :oops:
DH said he had never been so surprised in his life.
DDIL wanted to do it, and did, by herself. It was probably about 20 feet high at the starting point, but you went up stairs in an enclosed tower to get to the top. Then it gradually sloped down to the bottom.
Well, dgs is never one to try anything new and potentially scary; he is very cautious, generally speaking, but as we were about to go to our seats, he said, "I think I want to do one more thing..." and we asked what, and he almost whispered: "the zip line. If someone will do it with me."
DDIL tried to talk him out of it -- it's awfully high... I can't ride WITH you, just alongside you... you're not going to get up there and change your mind, are you?
No, no, he wanted to do it...
And you had to weigh 45 pounds to ride. I didn't think he weighed that much, but lo and behold, they weighed him and he came in at 46 pounds. (DH said probably a heavy thumb on the scales, so they wouldn't lose that $5, LOL).
Off they went, and when they came down, he said, "I LOVED IT!"
He added that he WAS scared, but "I used my courage. Courage means you're scared but you do it anyway."
Can't help but be a little proud, b/c that was what I told him when he was scared to jump off the diving board.
Of course, I would NEVER do the zip line OR the diving board, but that's another story.

We were so excited for him.

LOL, Nancy!

So glad ds9/10? is having such a fun day, LadyM!


Oh! 90 years old! Happy birthday to BookSaver's dmom!


Waving to blessed... and everyone else!

Okay... are y'all sitting down? Y'all will not BELIEVE what I am doing!
DH has been having really terrible night sweats for several weeks...
and I have not changed the sheets in ... several weeks... :oops:
so I told him I would DEFINITELY do that today.
Came home from errands w/dmom around 2:30 and started in on that.
I have now (or at least soon will have) washed EVERY. SINGLE. PIECE. OF. CLOTH. in the bedroom -- from the curtains to the dust ruffle to the mattress pad to the quilt-bedspread.
I am vacuuming high/low/behind as much as possible, AND I turned the KING SIZE mattress head-to-toe ALL BY MYSELF.
We should sleep better tonight, don't you think?
I am a little impressed with myself, I must say. :P
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Fab Friday

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Aug 03, 2018 8:31 pm

WOW -- at Harriet's dniece! I am sure I couldn't do that -- and if I had the strength, I'd probably still chicken out before I got to the top!
Ditto!! Right now I'm just trying to regain strength enough in my legs that I can get up and down more easily. Know that I lost a lot over the winter. Trying to up my times and settings at rehab. Night all. We're tired. Dh just actually decided that "maybe I should take a pain pill". Let me tell you, that is amazing and probably speaks to how much pain he's now in. Hoping he gets a good night, so to speak, too. Sure I'll be up and down checking on him. He's in the recliner and I'll be in the bedroom. Let me tell you, that extension on the recliner handle is a life saver!
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Fab Friday

Postby Nancy » Fri Aug 03, 2018 8:42 pm

Hens will be here longer the people have to move their coop before they can take em. So I will need to get more scatch for em.

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Re: Fab Friday

Postby Harriet » Fri Aug 03, 2018 10:23 pm

HRH and I watched the movie "Like Father" with Kelsey Gramer and Kristen Bell - on our couch (netflix release today). We both liked it very much, although we recognized that it was perhaps not Oscar quality and the plot itself does not show characters at their best. Nevermind, it was extremely enjoyable and acting was excellent, scenery/vistas great. He said it seemed like it would be one he and I could both enjoy, so he planned it for this evening while dd was at work.

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Re: Fab Friday

Postby lucylee » Fri Aug 03, 2018 11:54 pm

Dh feels terrible. I don’t know what he’s going to do about this -whatever it is - that has him feeling so miserable. Heart doctor Monday. Maybe he’ll figure something out then.

I am exhausted. Going to enjoy my bedroom, which is cleaner than it had been in at least 20 months. How embarrassing.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Fab Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Aug 04, 2018 8:06 am

how cool d lucy and d harriet!!! how cool about d gs and d niece - brave children!!! 8-) 8-) 8-) so cool
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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