Tuesday Two things - Rinse and Repeat

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Tuesday Two things - Rinse and Repeat

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Aug 07, 2018 8:45 am

What 2 things will you do next?
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Tuesday Two things - Rinse and Repeat

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Aug 07, 2018 8:59 am

I am back to using digital SHE cards that worked so well for me over the years. I wish I would just stick with what works instead of switching when a new things/method/process become popular. I love trying new things and am the eternal optimist. Hopefully, the success and satisfaction of accomplishments will keep me from straying from using SHE cards.

DD came and got DGD7 this morning....and her puppy. YIKES! Life with 2 children is full but when adding in a 2-month-old puppy then it really stretches me. I think DGD7 and her puppy will be with DD for the next 36 hours.

My next 2 things -
** Take vitamins & cod liver oil
** empty the dishwasher
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Tuesday Two things - Rinse and Repeat

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Aug 07, 2018 9:26 am

Gosh I understand d lady... I went back to the idea of the heavy cleaning and moderate cleaning.
I love your optimism!!!

a puppy is equal to 2 toddlers plus more! Hope you have a great day d lady!!!

My 2 things:
go to gym
morning routine.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tuesday Two things - Rinse and Repeat

Postby Lynlee » Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:04 am

day 2 of brain reprograming in the morning. Wish me luck and continuity with that.

bus to tai chi - yay for being able to catch the bus. I saw it was late going out to the nearby terminus, so I didn't have to think about running uphill. :lol: I wasn't quite so worn out before taichi started from rushing a 30 min walk.
somehow I agreed to be a very average attempt at tai chi at a demo in 2 weeks time. There are 3 practices before then. where is the shaking ones head pic? I'm to encourage people to just have a go, apparently. This is a style I haven't done for 4 years until 4 wks ago, so it is not in any auto body memory part of my brain yet. There has been other styles in the mean time.


thought of going down the hill to pay rates and remembered I could pay them right there at shire chambers office by the library. :idea:

groceries. Looked at lightbulbs. I really need to look at what is in that lamp so I know what to buy.
bus and walk home.

dsis rang talked an age. twas good

Late, I put out bins - green just with bundled up palm frond. Always a wrestling match to subdue one, esp if I don't take to it with the loppers. A success sees the lid shut even if it may appear to be trying to escape. My excuse is its late and my sense of humour is having a turn with me. :mrgreen:

now non working counter top hotplate/element is now in the entry bin having missed the collection last 2 weeks. I think I've worked out a suitable stove element setting, and turn it off early for enough heat for calm residual heat cooking, so my 'new' stove is finally in regular use, and there is a new bit of counter space opened up.
evening meal was toast w PB and cheese. :roll: again.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Tuesday Two things - Rinse and Repeat

Postby CathyS » Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:39 am


Woke up "late" at 7:30.

It was pouring rain when I went to sleep around midnight and it was pouring rain when I woke up. I am certain that it wasn't continuous because there aren't any puddles in the back yard. It's still really hot here. I have a pantry window open and a library window as well.

I have been working in the library this morning. Moving some of the floor piles. I also removed the smaller wing chair out so I could have more room to fuss and fix stuff.

Ugh!! Numerous flies are in the house. Not as bad as all the ones in the garage. I put the garbage into a large green garbage bag and there is now a new bag in the kitchen garbage can.

One of the floor piles I moved was a pile of older cook books. The ones so popular in the 60's and 70's. This one is from 1943, entitled "Ladies' Auxiliary Campbellton Branch Canadian Legion British Empire Service League Cook Book 1943 Price $1.00" Campbellton is in New Brunswick.
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Re: Tuesday Two things - Rinse and Repeat

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:58 am

Waving HI to Blessed, Lynlee, & CathyS! I so totally enjoy hearing about your doings. It gives me a glimpse into a world outside of my little corner of the world.

I spent some time making decisions and organizing the Language Art curriculum choices for 5th Grade. DS10 needs quick lessons (3-5 minutes) but he also needs to continually be learning. It is a challenge to find the right balance. The really good and proven curriculum is laid out to learn in a 40-60 minute block of time. That doesn't work well for DS10 because he only has about a 3 minute focused learning timespan. The good news is I have found & assembled what I think will challenge DS10 to learn what he needs to know but not overwhelm him. The not-so-good-news.......it is EIGHT curriculums so I have to be extremely organized to keep all of them on track and moving forward.

Next 2 things -
** Personal care (face, teeth, hair)
** Bathroom company ready
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Tuesday Two things - Rinse and Repeat

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Aug 07, 2018 11:20 am

Good morning all! Last night, I did a lot on my list, but not all. What got done: car clearout, leftovers to freezer, cat retrieval, DPCs, put away some of LOLs. What I got done extra: perimeter defense of house against the millipedes that we think Briggs is allergic to. This time was only a swollen foot, when he ate a piece of one, he almost died. He got more steroids and antibiotic and is expected to make a full recovery. He is back to stealing my pillow. What did not get done and is transferred to tonight's list: sofa bed put away, put away remaining LOL, clear out the stuff from the laundry room that I put in while my guest was here.

I need to use up the food in my freezer, so I have beef running in the crock pot. DD16 does not like crock pot food (a texture thing), so I will have to figure out something for her. I want her to come with me to pick paint for her bookshelves. She wants a light purple. I think she was surprised when I ok'd that.

At payroll, I have uploaded a revised report to test. Next up is to figure out what's next up. I have a huge changelist, but need to prioritize.

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Re: Tuesday Two things - Rinse and Repeat

Postby Harmony » Tue Aug 07, 2018 11:25 am

Haven't been around for a bit. Was just feeling a bit burned out with computer postings. I wonder if it was all the extra posting, reading and replying every time I accomplished things with the Bingo? It's unusual for me not to want to come here and at least read. I did catch up last night and here I am this morning.

Yesterday I had a breakfast out with DFriend who is moving to Baltimore in a couple weeks. I will miss the few times we get together every year to celebrate our birthdays. We go way back... through a lot of work on her house and through the time her DHusband was alive, then his illness and death. I find myself returning to thinking about her. Our other friend who comes also was not able to be there due to her own illness. Sigh... time moves on. I am happy for her, she will have a condominium next to her daughter's house and close by another son. She is a bit older than us, so this is good. I wish I could be so set up in my older days.

Well that made me feel all melancholy again.

Desk chores done and everything organized again. I am waiting for LOL to finish twirling. I have been washing DH whites in the long wash with hot water and stain / pre-soak cycle. Things are getting whiter. These are his impossible-to-clean work whites. I wish I could pre-soak like LadyM does, but one can't do that in a front loader.

Sunday I planted 4 little bushes in one of our planters. Place is looking better little by little.
Oh, poor BRIGGS. I'm glad he is recovering, poor little thing.

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Re: Tuesday Two things - Rinse and Repeat

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Aug 07, 2018 11:26 am

I'm having trouble just naming the next ONE thing, LadyM. Schedule is pretty tight between all of dh's care and then my own. I don't know how you do it. Right now I'm making ice for his 'ice machine for his shoulder'. Just got back from PT myself. He also has PT (but not today). They're about 30 miles apart. He has to do exercises 5 times a day so that keeps us busy removing the special sling apparatus so he can do those, get it all back on and then put on the ice apparatus. I'm tired and I'm afraid a bit grumpy today. It's been pouring all day. I need to do laundry but the laundry room has been busy whenever I think I'll go up there. So it's still not done.

Our very dear friend with ovarian cancer passed away night before last. Have a service to attend for her tomorrow. Going to take another couple from here with us. Her dson and wife have been here for the past few weeks while she was in her final days. It's been a bit difficult as we were all told not to approach her dh (actually they were never married) or dson. Knew she must have passed as her son went out about 11 that night. They've only decided to have a service in the last day.

My thoughts are all so disjointed. Hopefully I'll be back in normal shape before too long.
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Re: Tuesday Two things - Rinse and Repeat

Postby Nancy » Tue Aug 07, 2018 11:37 am

By doing the power of three did some stuff.
I have walked, watering now, pruned a bush. Did touch up paint, a m stuff is done; vacummed a bit in living room.

Moved a pole to go in the next load or with hens doubt I will ever take up pole dancing. :mrgreen: Journal & qt is done. Time to move the water.

Then fold load of laundry. Done.

Crock pot food was a hit was going to have left overs but H had his part last nite after dinner, so will think of something else.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Aug 07, 2018 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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