Tuesday Feels like Monday PWYC

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Tuesday Feels like Monday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Sep 04, 2018 9:18 am

Long title for today but the short of it is that with the holiday weekend (for many of us) today feels like Monday instead of Tuesday and we're starting the day a little off center.

How can we make the most of our shortened week? This is really the first "week day" of September too.

I go around confused all day after a Monday holiday.
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Re: Tuesday Feels like Monday PWYC

Postby CathyS » Tue Sep 04, 2018 9:28 am

It was a holiday weekend here as well.

We are going out for supper tonight.

I measured the cistern last night and we need a water delivery before I can do any more laundry or dishes. I could do them, but it wouldn't be that great for the water pump. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I will load the dishwasher.

I need to go pay for the hoist. Dh just called and the person I need to deal with is in her office.

See you all later. Have a great day.
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Re: Tuesday Feels like Monday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Sep 04, 2018 9:32 am

This weekend I got 27.5 lbs of brisket cooked up and into the freezer for next Monday's Rosh Hashanah afternoon. Thankfully, this is a quieter week and I can work on Pro Gen assignment and home also. DH will be away on Friday a.m. - Sat night late, he was nice enough to do some of his "honey do" list this weekend.

Right now:
-change clothes and walk ddog before the day gets hotter
-breakfast and meds
-start a lol
-kitchen clean up
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Re: Tuesday Feels like Monday PWYC

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Sep 04, 2018 9:33 am

I go around confused all day after a Monday holiday.
Oh, not me! I stay confused ALL WEEK! :roll:

I'm getting around very slowly this morning and indeed the board is also pretty slow this morning. Just finishing my breakfast. Do have the bed made and my meds downed.

Supposed to have our pastor here tomorrow but think I'm going to bow out and ask her to pay a visit closer to dh's next surgery. Which is supposed to be in about 3 weeks. So, we'll see. Dr. told him Thursday that if he hadn't heard from his office with a surgical date in 4 business days to call them. Let's see......that would make it by this Thursday or Friday I guess. The holiday throws it all off, doesn't it?

I know I have so much to do over the next 7 weeks and yet I keep procrastinating. :roll: Need to get my lists in place and start working on them!! Think part of it is the fact that I have absolutely no idea of when we will be able to head south. Dh keeps asking me if I have any plans for our trip south. I'm thinking -how can I make plans when we don't even know if/when we're leaving. Certainly don't want to make any reservations. Know he would like to go to Sight & Sound in Lancaster, PA on the way down.

DS-R/DDIL asked us last night if we could keep dgs13 the 15-16th. We'll be gone for about 3-4 hours on the 15th and from 8:30 till about 6pm on the 16th. So that was on my mind during the night -trying to figure out how we can do it. Almost thinking of taking him home very early on the 16th. He can well stay alone through the day. And he's the kind of kid who can be very trusted. So, we'll see. Will ask them what they think of that plan tonight. Actually dgs13 has to see an endocronolist today. His pediatrician has been quite concerned about his (lack of) size for some time. He'll be 14 in November and is only in the 6 percentile for his weight and height. DDIL's youngest daughter does have very active Lupus and I know she's concerned.
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Re: Tuesday Feels like Monday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:02 am

Tues. trash day here. We have rounded up trash and it is out at the curb. Planning took longer first of the mo. Stuff. Journaling still to do.
Glad I did clutter checks yesterday to erase foot prints through out the day Mon. That helped.

Waving to everyone.

I need to unload the dishes in a bit.

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Re: Tuesday Feels like Monday PWYC

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:16 am

I remember 'teasing' Kathryn a few years ago because she hadn't changed her location after some trip. :oops: Just realized I never changed mine from 'sunny?' Florida all this time we've been back north. Now that we're only 8 weeks or so from heading back there. (She says hopefully!)
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Re: Tuesday Feels like Monday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:36 am

Dee: I actually noticed but gracefully let it slide!

Like you holiday Mondays mess me up for the week. I got the clocks wound, plants watered and bed stripped and remade, plus two loads of laundry done yesterday so that's a fair number of Monday things. The problem is that I feel I have a jump on the Monday chores today, that I'm 'ahead' of the game, when in fact the whole house blessing plus Tuesdays kitchen and bathroom chores are on the agenda for today.

If it was a normal day, but it isn't so goodness knows what will get done.

I was up at 7 after a full night in bed (no pee break.) I did wake up on occasion but just enough to shift position or covers.

I started in on my Sunday supper service while I had tea and chocolate and have got something roughed out. I worked from paper (books, printouts, a page in my bullet journal, and the hymnbook and Bible) not from my computer. I had a printout of the last supper service, so am working from that.

This is the first I'm on my computer today and it will be limited.

I've set my phone and tablet to be monochromatic. The purpose of that is reduce eye strain and the colour stimulation that keeps one checking one's device. I need to look into whether I can do the same for my laptop.

I've also wearing foam earplugs to reduce stimulation. I started to feel a bit sick while working this morning but earplugs fixed the problem, just as it did yesterday. I suspect I'm unaware of how fully my ADD reacts to sound. I know I get frustrated and can't concentrate when the windows are open and traffic is loud, if there's work being done in the building (the concrete transmits noises) or if it is windy. But I'm finding even when it is 'quiet' here, the soft sound of the radiator fan or the hum of the fridge adds to the stimulation load and I start to feel ill.

At 9:30 I was starting to 'fade' and decided to push myself to run an errand before giving in to napping. So the car is finally washed (that was an errand I was to do last Thursday but I was injured and my day changed.) It is a few miles from here but only 1 difficult left turn to get there and 1 on the way home and 4 lane road so I can drive the speed limit (i.e. slow) instead of the rush of traffic so it was a good test of being able to concentrate enough to drive.

I had energy when I got home but that has fast dissipated so I'm heading to bed now for an hour or so. Interestingly, these hour long breaks seem a lot longer to me. Yesterday I would have sworn I was down for 90 minutes or more. So the sleep must be very deep.

edited to add: making my laptop go greyscale was quite easy. Just hope I remember how to turn it back. In the meantime, it is rather boring looking.

Time for me to go for a nap. Dh just called out they are washing windows on his side of the building. All our windows are shut due to the heat so this isn't anything I have to deal with, I just have to remember to shut my blinds when I go lie down in the bedroom.

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Re: Tuesday Feels like Monday PWYC

Postby BookSaver » Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:43 am

Good morning, villagers ~
I didn't get much done over the weekend with DH home and bad lightning storms with constant pouring rain. The electricity stayed on :D but the landline phone was intermittent. :? We went out for lunch Saturday; the rest of the time I cooked to have healthier meals.

I tried a new-to-me recipe called Mississippi Pot Roast in the slow cooker. A little olive oil, dry onion soup mix, dry ranch salad dressing mix, pepperoncini with a little of the brine, and pats of butter on top. It came out very good and tender, but obviously quite salty. When I make it again, I will use homemade versions of the onion soup and ranch dressing mixes that will allow some control over the salt.

We still don't have our new roof yet. :( The silver lining is that the kitchen floor has been mopped over the past 3 days -- daily. The roofing company owner left a message that we are on their schedule for next week. He had originally told me August 13th which puts them a month behind schedule. Not unexpected because we've had a lot of rain this summer, but of course the extra rain has made the leaks in our roof even worse. I've asked the company to install new gutters and downspouts as well, but the guy hasn't given me a quote on those.

I did some online shopping last week for a few things I haven't been able to find locally, so I'm waiting for 2 packages. One is a water fountain for the calico cat. She has rediscovered the joy of drinking from a dripping faucet, which she loved as a small kitten. The problem is that she gets thirsty insanely early in the morning and keeps walking on me in bed until I give up and get up to turn on the faucet and lift her up into the sink. (At 18 1/2 years old, she can still jump down ok but has trouble leaping up that far.) I saw the drinking fountain on the livestream video for Kitten.Academy and thought it was worth trying to see if she would like her own personal kitty faucet on the bathroom floor upstairs.

Today's adventures: In theory, I have the whole day to work on my own projects. I'm having leftover roast beef & veg for lunch, and I pulled a Mexican casserole out of the freezer to bake for supper. Another storm is predicted to roll through here late afternoon.

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Re: Tuesday Feels like Monday PWYC

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:18 am

Dee: I actually noticed but gracefully let it slide!
Awww, thank you, Kathryn! :D Glad you sound like you're getting better. Know how an accident like that can affect one's self. I fell on black ice at the University in Quebec several years ago. Wouldn't go to the hospital and had all the classic signs of a concussion. Later x-rays showed I had actually cracked my skull. Still, whenever I get a headache it almost always starts on the back of the crown of my head. Glad you're taking care of yourself!
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Re: Tuesday Feels like Monday PWYC

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:39 am

Good morning everyone! Well, my plans for Zozobra were a complete and utter disaster Friday. On the way, a dog ran in front of my car and I hit it. We could not find the dog and called animal control. This morning I called them to see if he (she?) had been found. I am not hopeful of the outcome, I need to call the insurance company about damage to the car. At Zozobra, despite having tickets we had paid for in our hands, we were turned away at the gate. Another DPC to deal with that. N and I decided to come back to my house, have a glass of wine (she spent the night) and burn our troubles on my gas grill. She has sent me a message about camping and I need to check in on that.

I should have posted on Happy Cat Day. Chelsea has a new home and probably will go there on Thursday. Gypsy is doing quite well in her new home, which is good because Thor and Loki have already taken her place in the sewing room. BTW, my cats love the drinking fountains. One of the 17 yo geezer kitties actually braved a Halloween party with about 40 people and a puppy to get to hers.

I had DD16, Sunday and Monday and we went to the local amusement park. She wants our next vacation to be 5 days at Busch Gardens owned parks. During the weekend, we cleaned off the new to my house bookshelves in prep for painting. I weeded the front yard and worked on my sewing project while she did homework then read for fun.

In addition to several DPCs and errands, I must make my party cleaning list. Halloween is coming soon! Also invitations. DD16 is with me tonight and it will likely be homework. I need to watch a movie because it is due at the library. DD and I have been invited to a baby shower in Nov. I have no idea if the mother has married and if the father is the boyfriend I met two years ago. I don't really want to take DD to a party celebrating a second baby with no father. (Older brother's "father" is a drug addict and, for obvious reasons, not around).

When I looked up Bison Tell Yell day, I found that 9/6 is Fight Procrastination Day. We can all celebrate by doing something on our long pending lists. I also found that 9/13 is Positive Thinking day (AKA Delude Yourself day). Gag gag GAG! I will be skipping that in favor of being my usual curmudgeonly self.

I have 58 work emails to contend with and 123 home emails. Bleah.

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