Saturday. So, What's the Sitch?

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Re: Saturday. So, What's the Sitch?

Postby helia » Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:42 pm

I've never heard of Kim Possible. I wonder if my kids have? We've never been big TV watchers here.

I think that's wonderful that dd is cooking tonight, Harriet! We all love all sorts of curry here! I wonder how she's making it? --Oh, just saw it's an Indian curry. The curry I made Thursday night is a Thai curry. Dh makes an Indian curry; it is too complicated for me, so I never make it.
Well, maybe go shopping later, Twins.
Sorting books can be a big task, Dee. How nice of dsil to cook for you.
Oh, glad that maybe you're getting better, Kathryn.

It is a gray cool day here. I went for a jog this afternoon and went longer than I had originally planned b/c it's such perfect running weather. I went 5 miles; not at all the distance I was doing a year ago, but for this summer, it's not bad.

Dh is out working. His deadline Monday is looming, so he's going to be preoccupied this weekend, as he has been for the last 2 weeks. If M weren't here, I'd have the house to myself.

Like Harriet, I went to bed early and ended up sleeping in -- until 8:45 a.m. That's pretty much unheard of for me. I think I slept for about 10 hours. I must have been tired.

I hope to spend the rest of the day doing chores to help me next week. Tasks I'd like to do:
- laundry
- grocery shopping (today or tomorrow)
- working on payroll prep
- working on a talk I'm giving at our church in 3 weeks

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Re: Saturday. So, What's the Sitch?

Postby Twins' Mom » Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:55 pm

That was actually quite a storm, Muffin was distressed and wanted to be right under me. Rain blowing onto both the back patio and the front porch, which face in opposite directions.

I'll go on to the store now.
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Re: Saturday. So, What's the Sitch?

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:44 pm

Went back to bed for a while but didn't get any rest so am up again without a much clearer head or stronger feeling body. I went down at 12 and obviously was too hungry to relax and sleep.

I got up at 2 and made myself a quick BLT (I have cooked bacon in the freezer) and some popcorn.

Dh will start the shepherd's pie for dinner tomorrow tonight after we get back from the pub. We'll assemble it and then heat it in the crock pot throughout tomorrow. My crockpot has a locking lid so we can start it here and finish at the church.

I'm printing out the children's activity sheets now. Our printer is starting to die so double sided is not going well and wasting a lot of paper. I have a pretty good idea what I'm doing with the adults and the kids will do their sheets while hearing our discussion. That actually worked well last time. The only issue will be the toddlers who won't sit at the table. Last time someone took them to the Sunday School room. Really, that's the only way we can manage but if they were like dgs, they could just sit at the table while we do the discussion (he sits at the table for 30 minutes or more every night.)

Pub for dinner tonight, followed by the Beach Closing Party.

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Re: Saturday. So, What's the Sitch?

Postby Nancy » Sat Sep 08, 2018 4:48 pm

We have done errands, was out early so it was not to busy.. went to the fruit orchard also.Used my coupons one for my bday at Joann's and one for lunch. Got hard covers for my happy planners mini and classic size marked down and fitness pack for meal planning and menus. Dson h his dog ust left looked at the weeds and said hi, I had him reach 3 branched and prune them for me so I did not have to get the ladder out he is over 6' . The dogs had fun.I am watering now. :idea: The orchard took my plastic bags to reuse.

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Re: Saturday. So, What's the Sitch?

Postby Twins' Mom » Sat Sep 08, 2018 4:56 pm

Back from store. Most of groceries put away. Dh will probably be home in about 4 hours so I need to work while he's away.

I'm doing some chore bingo by myself. I have a little bowl with numbers that I draw from.


Didn't get this posted, did get one thing done, and now dd is coming over to practice her Hebrew with me. This is for her reading on Yom Kippur.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Saturday. So, What's the Sitch?

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Sep 08, 2018 10:40 pm

Worked more on the service. Still have to print the placemats (they double as the order of service.) It is almost done.

We walked over to dinner, then on to the beach closing part. We just stayed a few minutes because the beach was packed.

On the way there, we passed over 100 people leaving so thought it was over. Nope. Packed beach, luminarias (lining the path from the street to the beach as well as a maze), bonfire to roast marshmallows over, live band and a really long lineup for hot chocolate (it is cool tonight!) A beautiful sunset was the icing on the cake to a magical setting.

We made up the shepherd's pie (mostly dh but I was sous chef and also washed up all the dishes.) By the time he was putting the crock out on the balcony to cool before going in the fridge, I had the kitchen all cleaned up. It is in the fridge now and will go on tomorrow morning to cook all day. I'll let you know how that works but it is nice to have the dinner all finished now, just needs to be plugged in.

I'm off to bed now. Tired and not productive. I think I've got the activity written but won't know until I transfer it from paper to computer (I've been working on paper to limit screen time.)

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Re: Saturday. So, What's the Sitch?

Postby Elizabeth » Sun Sep 09, 2018 12:22 am

Hi everyone! What's my sitch? A very slow computer for one. A restart is in my near future, but after I download my bank statement and post here. DD16's sitch is finals. I delivered Chelsea to her new home last night and today I took an application for Briggs. It probably won't work because they have a dog door and he is large enough and intelligent enough to use it himself. I have made my cleaning list for the party and made a good start on the yardwork today. The new cats are now out and about and I will likely leave them free tonight. Last night, after meeting the two new ones, BRIGGS DIDN'T YOWL THE WHOLE NIGHT!!! In fact, I ended up sleeping 30 minutes later because of that. I am hoping this continues. LOLs done but not put away. My dad called with an alternative to our usual Christmas plan if I can't get the days off I want. I have to call him tomorrow anyway, it's his birthday.

This weekend's essentials: WTF = party invitations, party cleaning, DPCs.

I have a new aggravation in my life. I have noticed that EVERY SINGLE TIME my x enters my house he has some "helpful suggestion". Has the other woman started ignoring him like I learned to do and now he needs a new target?

lucylee: Call a car club about the Model T parts. Someone will be happy to take them off your hands.

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Re: Saturday. So, What's the Sitch?

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Sep 09, 2018 10:10 am

good morning d elizabeth, d harriet, d twins, d helia, d dee and d all.
I missed every single one of you!
I have to run but wanted to say hello. I took a different flight so I was able to be home today for my great nieces b day. wishing you the best
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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