Wednesday - reset the week

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Wednesday - reset the week

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Sep 19, 2018 9:43 am

Sometimes the week can get away from us (not exactly what we planned) - Wednesday is a great day to reset your thinking and planning; it gets you ready for the weekend and for you!

Today, my Wednesday, is my anti procrastination day, my desk time and reseting things if my life is going off track especially when not taking time for me.
I love the idea that even if the week is not going well I can rethink and reset my BWP etc. so I don't go too far down the road I didn't want to go on. (so easy for me) 8-)

Does your week need to be reset to make you happier? (Don't ever feel bad if it went way of the path - so many blessings can happen on a road you didn't expect!) I just don't want to go off track so much that it causes me stress - I love getting done things that I can easily put off week after week.

Are there things you wanted to do but it fell to the side and you still want at least 15 minutes done.

What does your Wednesday mean to you?

Bless yourself with time for you - even if it is only 30 minutes. It's a new day that leads to the rest of the week. You have got this!!!

Enjoy the reboot if needed. It's all good! Each day is a blessing especially with you! I love
working with you all.
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Re: Wednesday - reset the week

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Sep 19, 2018 9:51 am

I hope you will join me in forgiveness and understanding to any who have wronged you, and any you have wronged, whether purposefully or inadvertently. Whatever your faith tradition, or not, it's a human, moral and sensitive thing to do.

In the Jewish faith, today is Yom Kippur.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Wednesday - reset the week

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:13 am

wishing you blessings on this special holy day d twins!!!

[quote]I hope you will join me in forgiveness and understanding to any who have wronged you, and any you have wronged, whether purposefully or inadvertently. Whatever your faith tradition, or not, it's a human, moral and sensitive thing to do. [/quote] so true.

I wish there was a day in every faith like this blessed day of the Jewish faith. I love this.

I try hard to do this on a regularly right away (sometimes difficult when my ego gets in the way or my own hurt (ego) gets in the way). Not everyone can reciprocate back to you but I like that one tries to the right thing.

what a thoughtful and moral and sensitive way to live life! thank you d twins.
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Re: Wednesday - reset the week

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:16 am

before my day gets away from me:

get the morning routine done.
I have an idea of what is ahead re: calls I need to make.

torn with wanting to keep d mom happy by taking her out and doing what I know needs doing.

1. morning routine
2. put away
3. laundry routine and finish put away
4. finish home blessing
5. fitness
6. paper routine/desk day/checking account/thank you/charge card
7. work 30 minutes in 3 season room
8. animal care
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Re: Wednesday - reset the week

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:36 am

Blessings to you, dTwins, on this Yom Kippur! May it be a meaningful day for you and for others as well.

I slept poorly through the last half of the night. But then I slept from around 7:30 till almost 9:30. :shock: Dh (and friend) winterized an RV 3 spots away at 6:30 and then he drove out to A ce to pick up 10 cases of RV antifreeze. So that's 60 gallons at $3.50/gallon. Couldn't seem to get the break on it this year that he usually gets.

I'm SLOWLY getting in to my morning. Just now finished my breakfast. :roll:

DDIL-A texted and asked for guest passes for Saturday. We still have our original 5 "free" ones left and she may as well use them. We get 5 free if we pay our year's lease by April 1st. This year we'll get 10 with our lease being paid by March 1st. We decided to pay the whole thing instead of just the deposit. We have it in the bank and it's not really earning any interest so may as well. And! We don't have to worry about it in the spring. Nor is there any possibility of spending it over the winter. If we don't have it, we don't have it.
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Re: Wednesday - reset the week

Postby Harmony » Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:43 am

Twins, I did not know what this holiday was about. Thank you for telling us. I know it helps us not to hold on to those hard things. Over the years I have let go of a lot of hard things. It doesn't happen all at once, but if I have the spirit of forgiveness, time does help also.

So I did reset my week. Got up today and finally realized it wasn't Thursday, but Wednesday instead! I was so tired from my road trip yesterday that I stayed in bed a while longer. Got up thinking I couldn't believe I actually did that all by myself yesterday.

Course, when I left yesterday there were a few dishes in the sink and even though neither of us was here much yesterday the house looked pretty bad when I got home. How does that even happen? I took care of all that this morning so I am ready to go again.

Yesterday I got some family "answers" to who is this or that etc. so I have some things to do with stuff my cousin sent me and a letter to write. That would be fun to do next.

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Re: Wednesday - reset the week

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:59 am

I'd like to reset my life. In the spirit of Yom Kippur and my own faith, I should be able to forgive my x, but I don't think I will ever be able to in this life. The best I can do is not think about him. I'm not sure whether I have forgiven the xBFF for choosing him and the other woman over her 30+ year friendship with me, but I have come to terms with the fact that she wants to be surrounded by people with excitement, romance, and drama in their life, which I actively avoid. She doesn't hate or even dislike me, I am just a B list friend now. Her loss, not mine.

I am still feeling off, but getting better. In addition to not doing a good job eating on Monday, I forgot my morning meds, including two for my stomach. I shouldn't be shocked I am not up to par. DD16 and I read last night. I did manage to fully process a LOL, clean up the laundry room, and put away the things in the MBR that were driving me crazy. I should designate party invitations as today's WTF. Also on the list are: more MBR cleanup, finish hallway, and declutter magazines. If I work on my sewing project, it will help the LR and the kitchen. Before the party, I need to do something about my pantry. It is starting to annoy me too.

LadyMaverick has reminded me to check my home emails.

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Re: Wednesday - reset the week

Postby lucylee » Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:43 am

I need a reset but today is going to be awfully hectic. Dgd spent the night and even though she was a little restless and she and I ended up on the couch, still it was good bc she slept a lot later than she would have if ddil had dropped her off when she went to work.
She is d2s now and we have eaten breakfast.
I am NOT s2s bc dh is still sleeping.

Blessing to you and your family, Twins, on Yom Kippur.
Such a good idea — kinda goes along with the reset idea as well.
I am thinking, Why is it so hard to forgive oneself?
I am still so troubled by several episodes in my childhood and teen years. Some which might be just stupid childish mistakes, but I know I hurt a friend’s feelings terribly — and it still bothers me to this day. Partly — mainly — bc it happened AFTER I became a Christian, and I suppose a part of me thinks I should have been perfectly sinless after that moment.
Sorry... I’m kinda being a drag early in the day. The idea of forgiveness just got me started, bc this has been on my mind a lot lately anyway.

Today’s PODA actually includes a real parade, LOL!
— s2s
— drug store
— florist
— post office
— library
— elementary school Constitution Day parade
— set up dmom’s meds and get them to her
— church tonight

Hope you all have a great day!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Wednesday - reset the week

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Sep 19, 2018 1:13 pm

I hope you will join me in forgiveness and understanding to any who have wronged you, and any you have wronged, whether purposefully or inadvertently. Whatever your faith tradition, or not, it's a human, moral and sensitive thing to do.

Yes! I do need to stop and check for this. I struggle with this daily.

This morning when DH got up I told him that I could be upset but I am choosing to just focus on the positives. Yesterday DD asked if she could drop DGD7 off at the house this morning at 5:15am. I agreed to it and set my alarm to get up at 5am. However, DD didn't bring DGD7 until about 6:15am. I felt my frustration building as I waited and waited on DD and thought of the extra hour of sleep that I could have had. Let it go. Let it go.

Today DSIL & DD went to the big city hospital for another CT scan of DSIL. They are hoping DSIL has healed enough to schedule having his gallbladder removed. I was glad to see them make this trip together. Maybe. Just maybe they will choose to not give up their 1 year old marriage.

Homeschool Day #46 had gone well this morning. We have stopped for lunch and will soon be leaving for Band Class.
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Re: Wednesday - reset the week

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Sep 19, 2018 1:18 pm

dear Lucy hello! so sweet having little one and that she slept

It is not a drag at all!!!

I think forgiving oneself or giving ourselves a break is hard as she's. It is my hardest thing. I am very hard on myself if I don't keep up the house, keep up my physical abilities, not pushing myself hard enough etc or if I get caught up with ego or frustrations.

I think many Christians (or any faith) believe that because they have become a Christian, (or what ever a faith or spirit one follows), means that they are going to be without moments when we are not always good people. God made us human first; never perfect: A human being who has so many wonderful and not so wonderful things about them. I think that is what is so great being a faithful or spiritual person. We are not born perfect, with faith (or for those who don't have a faith or have spirituality) we work towards being kind and good in spirit by what we were taught. perfection is also a fault but we can gain so much from our path. We become humble with our errors, we learn how to be kind when we realize we have not been kind or a good example of what we want to be but never perfect.
we are lucky enough to learn from our falling and try to be better people and be generous of spirit. I love Yom Kippur's message and how important it is to truly say sorry and work hard to do better.

recently my local relative had her faith shaken by an upheaval in her church. She admired the man in charge and when she found he had a failing (in marriage) a long time ago. It shook her to the core. She saw him above human - "the perfect Christian man" (an example of a man) and was crushed.-- Her d dad was a horrible man - no abuse to his daughters but abusive and unkind to her mother. A mean man (I am sure from his own father who also was abusive to his son).-- She looked to the leaders to be the perfect or fatherly example she needed instead of seeing them as human who themselves were trying their best. My heart hurt for her because she felt this way.

have a great day your self dearest Lucy!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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