Last Friday of the Season

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Re: Last Friday of the Season

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Sep 21, 2018 3:47 pm

Harmony: it isn't necessarily reading more, just differently. They read on Kindles or reader apps on their phones or tablets (actually dh does that too since he can carry multiple books with him on the plane, depending on what he's interested in reading.)

Our library has digital and audio copies of all the newer books as well as regular dead-tree copies. Those who don't get carsick reading on transit, read while commuting. Or listen to audio books while driving or on transit.

Dd would like to read more but finds she can't concentrate on 10 minutes here and there in a day so is basically giving up and just reading online magazine articles so she can read a whole article in a day. She is 3+ months into a great fiction book but keeps having to go look back because she can't keep the characters straight due to the time that goes by between times she gets to read. She used to be able to read off her phone on the bus while dgs slept in the stroller but now he seldom falls asleep on the bus so she has to entertain him.

Weird day here. Highish winds but they'll get worse. We're under a tornado watch and storms are a-coming. We expect winds to 60 mph when the storms arrive. It currently feels like 97.

I got up very late and was slow moving this morning. We got off to dd's around 10:45. Stayed until 1 and babysat while she ran an errand. He stayed dry the whole time with us. I forgot to mention that on Wednesday she rushed out the door so fast, she forgot to put him in a pull-up and didn't to the bathroom herself so had the 60 minute trip figuring there was no way he'd be dry. He was (and she was too, although she was certainly dancing around and so focused on him she forgot I could take him to one potty while she used another bathroom!)

When she was back from the errand we put the car seat back together (she took it apart to wash and customize for dgs since the infant padding could come off.) I had dgs go with Buppa into the play area next to us and told Buppa to build block towers. Dgs wanted me to go with him but I refused so he stayed at the gate and warily watched Buppa. But he was engaged with him, and loved it when Buppa started to juggle. So they had a good time together. They won't see each other for about 3 weeks or 4.5 depending on what happens when dh is home for 3 days, so I wanted them to have time together today.

Dh and I had a quick lunch out while I tried to regain some strength, then I dropped him at home and went to the grocery store. That is a lot of stimulation plus brain work - meal planning, food inventory thoughts because my list was not complete, tracking prices on the price-matching app, and simply remembering where things are in the store.

I'm exhausted now but everything is put away and my thick head is abating a bit. I'll go have a nap now or at least a rest. I've been out on the balcony and put away as much as I can to prepare for the high winds. I should grab the bungee cords now, though, so we'll have them handy if we need them.

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Re: Last Friday of the Season

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Sep 21, 2018 4:28 pm

We're 'in for it' too, Kathryn. I need to go out on our deck to see if there's things to batten down. Same temps here and high winds coming. It's already been very windy all day. Did go to rehab this afternoon and was hoping to get home before the skies opened up. It's beginning to look fairly dark. Tomorrow's "Halloween" here at the campground and the high is only predicted in low 60's. Some different than the 90+ temps today. Thus the wind.

Hoping dh comes back to the RV soon so we can go to dinner early. At least I think we're going to the Pub for fish fry.
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Re: Last Friday of the Season

Postby bittersweet » Fri Sep 21, 2018 4:38 pm

Last day of summer? High of 90?? If I could figure out how, I'd show you a picture of the snow covered tree outside my bedroom window! It's a good thing that any trips today are close to the house.

There are plans afoot for this day. We have much work to get done in the basement so that we can have our new (to us) dryer delivered tomorrow, and the old one taken away. It decided a couple of weeks ago that it didn't like heating up anymore, so we found a good reconditioned one (including one year warranty, delivery, and removal of old appliance) for about half the price of a new one!

I'm on day two of a three week vacation, and so far, I've accomplished shopping for a dryer, going out for lunch with hubby, lots of naps, and washing a load of dishes! :lol:

I'd better head downstairs if I want to get anything done, though.............
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Re: Last Friday of the Season

Postby Sunny » Fri Sep 21, 2018 5:30 pm

Hello! I am taking a break to sit and enjoy the little cooler breeze we have now. We had a short thunderstorm go through here that brought much cooler air, so I opened all the windows and the house feels much cooler. I hope it stays that way all evening and overnight.

Yes, my dsis and I had a lovely walk down memory lane this morning. It was nice to see the inside of the house again.

Yesterday afternoon after dh's INR test we stopped at W-M for a few groceries. I was glad to get home, rush hour traffic was extra heavy and the short ride from the store took longer that ususal. Today dh's PT was in the morning instead of the afternoon like it has been for a couple of weeks. So I was up early and had the weekly cleaning done just before she arrived. We don't have any other outside appointments for next week except to go downtown to pay the gas bill before the 26th.

I just looked at the weather forecast and it's supposed to be 76* overnight, then back up to 90* tomorrow. This is not how I envision fall weather!

Papa says he is ready for supper, I better put something on....(the stove, that is!) :lol:
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Re: Last Friday of the Season

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Sep 21, 2018 8:28 pm

waving again!!!!
I just walked in but wanted to say hello!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Last Friday of the Season

Postby Lynlee » Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:08 pm

We have had 3 weeks of spring here.
need to get otd to markets this Saturday. The local market has moved into town so I can get there on the bus. poof to last things before otd.
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Re: Last Friday of the Season

Postby CathyS » Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:24 pm

Hi! There have been reports of a tornado close to where the K in C family lives. This was a few hours ago, and she hasn't posted tonight. Hoping they are all okay. It wasn't right in the city she lives in but close. ("Tornado sighted over Gatineau came up on my news feed.)
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Re: Last Friday of the Season

Postby Harriet » Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:44 pm

Oh, bittersweet, a long vacation. What a joy. Have fun on lunches with hubby.

Thanks, Cathy - she does have some wind stories about her home already, so yes hoping everything is okay.

When dd came home, she needed a trip out to grocery, so we went to Tarjay because she has a gift card. We forgot to use the gift card! Oh, well. And, as those who know Target (actual name of store), the grocery area isn't really worth making the place a priority without some other reason. She tried and tried to find any item of clothing or shoe that would work and remained empty-handed. But I found a sale-priced toddler shirt that is soft and cuddly-sensible. The groceries we did find are helpful, anyway.

We were both famished in the store, I guess. Neither of us feeling well until we got home and got some supper.

She will be gone early in the a.m., helping the young man's family on their week to clean their church building. Hoping many hands make light work, they will head out to pancakes afterward.

Oh, also when dd got home she said:
Close your eyes and hold out your hands!

The quilt artist was so appreciative to dd for doing the installation, photography, and learning all about the quilts to give visitors mini-tours, that she brought her a beautiful conch shell from the beach near her home. It is lovely, and dd gave it to me to have a souvenier of the show I didn't get to attend.

So, what was I supposed to be doing today, again?

Desk Day time - check
Laundry time - check
Creative time - gee, I'm not sure I've done enough. ;) I may have to get in a little more time on that this evening.

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Re: Last Friday of the Season

Postby Harriet » Fri Sep 21, 2018 11:32 pm

Kathryn sends word that

They are safe, with no electricity however. Gusts are to 50 mph, so she had lashed things down on her balcony. They have lanterns for light and water is still running, even hot. They also have elevator and hall lighting. The apt is stuffy. The word is that they will have no power over the weekend, so they may go to her dd's, since dd's family (who are also safe) will be away.

Her ds may be at work, since he may have been called in.

She says they plan peanut butter sandwiches and then will go to bed.

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Re: Last Friday of the Season

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Sep 22, 2018 9:27 am

what a sweetheart your dd is, d harriet! so sweet!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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