Saturday Seasoning

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Re: Saturday Seasoning

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:14 pm

thank you for giving me a good word. I have to remember that!

oh my gosh - so true about the bread d harriet!

hi d kathryn

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Re: Saturday Seasoning

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:38 pm

Well, it was an interesting evening. We had spaghetti dinner at the rec hall and I was waiting for ds-A and entourage to come down. Was just beginning to wonder where they were and dh got an ambulance call for here - 4-year old. So he raced out to go open the gate. Lo and behold it was our dggd4. Her dad was carrying her and tripped & flipped his Halloween mask up and he fell on her leg, breaking it. Flurry of activity. Her dad rode with her in the ambulance (dgs & his wife are separated). DS-A drove his truck behind the ambulance so he can hopefully bring them back once the leg is set (supposing they don't have to do surgery and are able to set it). Camp manager put up several 'to-go' meals and I took them down for all the people left there. Dcampmanager sent dh to the store to grab the most expensive stuffed animal for her to squeeze. Nice.
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Re: Saturday Seasoning

Postby Harriet » Sat Sep 22, 2018 7:30 pm

Oh, (( the DeeClutters' dggd))! Also her ddad!

I made a cake of cornbread and we had pintos and onions.

The 2 boys sent back positive comments on my new furniture arrangement.

I did the part of "payroll" for church that I can, so that can be handled tomorrow and off my mind. But 2 pianists have played this month, and don't yet know who plays at end of month, so those checks must wait. I wish our long-time sub pianist was one of these, but she has not returned.

I am procrastinating visiting my colorist. Grumble, grumble. Oh well, faster it's done, the faster I move on to something more enjoyable.

An "amber alert" type thing was announced here this afternoon, and quick-quick the at-risk, handicapped teen was found through a chain of phone calls to police plotting the locations/times people had seen him wandering. What a blessing night did not fall, as family must have been frantic. Family had even asked police to give info that his red t-shirt had the Avengers on it, and what stripes were on his tennis shoes. The alert had very careful, respectful wording I thought, to let people know he would need help communicating. It takes a village.

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Re: Saturday Seasoning

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Sep 22, 2018 8:48 pm

I took a nap! That is such a rare occurrence. I am very pleased. I wish I could nap like other people do. I am always reminding DMom that the ability to sleep is a blessing and not to be taken for granted.

Two of the neighborhood boys are here playing with DS10. It is too wet for them to play outside so they are in the house. They are being good but when you get 3 ten-year-old boys together, they are NOISY. DGD7 is in her bedroom playing with beanie boos.

I made a loaf of bread to go with yesterday's leftovers. I can eat freshly made bread with no problems, but I can't eat a biscuit without getting sick. That makes no sense to me.

My fall garden was planted with the mindset that I wanted to learn how to grow vegetables in containers. I wanted to make as many mistakes as I could this fall so I would be prepared for a full spring garden next year. I have had one disaster after another. I keep reminding myself that is the reason I am doing a fall garden this year. Many of the plants are over 6' tall now and being held up by the same wire support that i used for years in raised bed garden. These wire supports are NOT working well to support the container garden plants. They keep falling over and when they do they hit the next one and it is like dominos.....over they all go. I have tried dozens of ways to stabilize them without success. In frustration, I asked DH to come to look at my problem. He made a few suggestions and I told him what I have already tried and why it didn't work. Then he volunteered to make customized wire supports that would fit around each of the earthbox containers. He went and got a roll of concrete reinforcement mesh wire and went to work creating the customized support. It took DH several hours over 3 days to create them all but now I have 16 supports for the container garden. My biggest container gardening problem has been solved! It doesn't help my current plants because there is no way to remove them from the current failing support system without destroying the 6' tall plants. However, at least I know I won't have this same problem in the future. Progress!
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Re: Saturday Seasoning

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Sep 22, 2018 9:04 pm

So glad that amber alert was resolved soon, Harriet.

Dggd4 -finally got an update. They just got the results of the x-rays back. She snapped the tibia and has a hairline fracture of the fibia. Fortunately she's young and will probably heal fast. Sure ds-A, dgs and dggd won't be home any time soon.

We're heading for bed where it's warm. It's 54 out. Actually it's not bad in here with just our electric heater running. Hoping it doesn't get any colder out. Hate to try turning on the furnace until our friend comes to fix it. Sounds like a jet engine taking off.
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Re: Saturday Seasoning

Postby Nancy » Sat Sep 22, 2018 9:11 pm

We got back from errands returned one lite that we did not need. The book sale at the lib. Is next week sigh.

Got the plugs with reset thingies h got one in the main bathroom replaced but the master no, it caused power to be out of both bathroom sso he had to put the one he took out back in, power is back on yea! I had to do a parts run for the new outlet covers, they only had one the right color so we returned the others. Not much progress made. I had to reset the bedroom clock. H. Had to nelp me I forgot how that one worked. :roll: H got the detectors /monitors up in the basement.
Dropped off 2 bags of donations.
I walked to dog.

I cooked chicken thighs with a lot of stock for soup and veg. To freeze up. Had meat and veg. From it in wraps yum! Got the clean up after dinner. Have another puppet nearly ready for eyes. It is the last o e in this batch. I am doing the mouth on it.

Got a planner cover and expander disks @ Joanne on sale and got them put on to use for a writing project.
Last edited by Nancy on Sat Sep 22, 2018 9:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Saturday Seasoning

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Sep 22, 2018 9:15 pm

(((Dee & family)))

I was groggy when I woke up from the nap but am pleased to find my energy level is returning. I am using this burst of energy to focus on doing some overdue SHE cards. I keep sliding backward and need a strong push forward.

I hope RR can check in during her travels.

Kathryn - The time-lapse video was very interesting! I love seeing your balcony view. I hope the electric is restored sooner rather than later. I'm glad you have a place to stay with full utilities!
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Re: Saturday Seasoning

Postby Harriet » Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:02 pm

LadyM, HRH says if it is ever a difference between homemade and purchased (even if purchased mixes), that could have to do with ingredients like stabilizers, shelf-life lengtheners or mold inhibitors, that are not in your homemade bread. Just a thought that you could have a reaction to something like that.

Visiting my colorist was put off. After opening the box, product didn't look right - looked red. And the other bottle is damaged. The warning signs were just too many and I'm not putting that on my hair. Unfortunately, I don't remember in which store I purchased this. I had another box I could have used but it is one for use on dry hair and I had already gotten my hair damp for the other one. I'm just in a scrunchie now and will wait to color until another day.

I've enjoyed rotary cutting this evening, satisfied with a banana for a snack.

HRH was settling in for the night but had left his computer on upstairs in his office. We heard some man calling out to him audibly. Asking him to come back to a meeting/chat, I guess, so he's gone back to find out. I told him, that's too much intrusion for a voice to come into my home when I'm headed for bed! Turn the computer off!

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Re: Saturday Seasoning

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Sep 23, 2018 9:26 am

I am so happy you enjoyed your cutting. nothing more enjoyable that creating. :D
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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