Tuesday Travels

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Tuesday Travels

Postby bittersweet » Tue Sep 25, 2018 7:20 am

Good morning, village! Today is National Cherries Jubilee Day. https://www.marthastewart.com/246211/cherries-jubileeGet your "gottados" done, and sit down for a treat!

Where will your travels take you today? Mine will be mostly around the house and neighbourhood - housework, laundry, grocery shopping, and other fun things. DH will be out helping a friend move this afternoon (he'll be the driver), so I'll have fewer distractions.

As usual, my sleep schedule is all out of whack. This happens every time I have more than a couple of days off...a holdover from my childhood, perhaps? I never wanted to go to bed on time...always thought I'd be missing something! :roll: Since I'm up early, I might as well get busy. Don't want to be too noisy, though...DS is sleeping. Normally, I wouldn't take that into such consideration, but he's had a horrible toothache since Thursday, and only just yesterday morning was finally able to get some sleep! He's going to get it fixed, but first, they had to get the abscess under control. It took a bit longer than usual, but the antibiotics finally started getting the upper hand.

First round:

- trash out
- put away clean dishes
- swish & swipe bathroom
- clean one cat box
- put Goodwill boxes in the car
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Re: Tuesday Travels

Postby Lynlee » Tue Sep 25, 2018 7:48 am

tai chi
library - read half the last lot of books, decided I wasn't really interested / to bothered with the others.
bus home
bin day

talked to a woman casing the street as a place to live. Though I think the last for sale home is already sold. Maybe she wants to rent?

worked on dishes today.. Another load would be a great idea. I'm the human dishwasher.
I'm onto the pots.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Tuesday Travels

Postby bittersweet » Tue Sep 25, 2018 8:10 am

LOL lynlee!! I completely understand what you mean about the human dishwasher! That's one of my roles here, too!

It's brisk outside this morning at 2*C. See your breath kind of weather! It's supposed to warm up to a semi-decent temp today, though, so I'm hoping to spend a little time relaxing at the patio table. The weather out east has been horrendous, though!!! So glad you, your family, and your friends are safe and well, Kathryn!! My dsis and her family live in the nation's capital - fortunately, they're a bit south of where the tornado went through. While you were dealing with that, we had several inches of heavy, wet snow :roll: It's all gone, now, thank goodness!

The last round is finished. I think I'll do a few more quick things before I head over to C*stco to gas up the car before they get super busy!

- refresh Scentsy
- gather dirty laundry
- pay bills online
- plan menu
- make grocery list
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Re: Tuesday Travels

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Sep 25, 2018 8:26 am

Bittersweet: the timing of mega power outage was pretty good. We didn't need heat or a/c but it was cool enough at night to put our food on the balcony to keep it cool (we put the most vulnerable food in the fridge at dd's and just brought enough back for breakfast when we'd come home to sleep.)

re: traveling

I've already traveled over to the smaller building in the complex. I woke up at 5:30 (I know because I could read the clock.) Closed my eyes to decide if I had to get up to pee. Opened them, there was a bright flash, I looked to see if dh had put on his phone's screen, low boom. Thunderstorm! Only it wasn't. Then there was an alarm and I thought it was strange I could hear a clock alarm since we can hear so little between rooms even in our apartment.

Woke up enough to realize it was our UPS alarm, looked at the clock and realized we had no power.

Got up and shut off the UPS, got dh to shut down his computer and the backup disk station, and pulled the lanterns in off the balcony so they wouldn't get wet.

I don't think it was thunder, but actually a transformer blowing since there was never another bang of thunder.

The houses in the neighbourhood had power but I can't see the other big building and it was so early there were only a couple of apartments with dim light on the side of the small building I could see. I wasn't sure if that was lantern or just light from their kitchens which are far from the windows.

Only people in our building were posting on FB (Harriet: I've set up a FB group for residents from this building. Anyone on FB can see the posts, but only members approved by me can post.) Eventually someone in the small building confirmed they had power and could see the two big buildings were out along with the nearby giant condo (tallest residential building in our city.) The three buildings were among the last to come back up in this area on Saturday night (they were bringing the big buildings up slowly because they were afraid the power draw would bring down the grid again.)

I got up at 6:30 and got dressed and went over to the small building with water, kettle and thermoses. There were three of us sitting on the floor in the basement, boiling water for our tea/coffee.

As I came back, the power came on in our building but I didn't realize it until I went to set a timer for my tea to steep because the generator was still running as I walked past it and the halls are lit when the generator is running.

I've had my tea and chocolate plus a piece of blueberry buckle. It turned out really well.

I think I'll travel back to bed now. My cold is out of my throat and into my chest now and making its way up to my head so I didn't sleep overly well (but did sleep from 12 - 5:30 so that isn't bad.) I'm sore from coughing so want to relax with a heating pad.

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Re: Tuesday Travels

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:27 am

b is sweet - hello hello!
hello d b is sweet, d lynlee, d kathryn.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tuesday Travels

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:36 am

I feeling better, and that's good because I need to get some stuff done today. The first draft of the last big Pro Gen report is due today. At this point I probably can't get it to the point I'd like to be, but I will do what I can. I am cooking salmon for supper, assuming dh will be home. It can be thawed quickly closer to suppertime.

Just called back re: dishwasher repair. :evil: I have the garbage out and a load of laundry going.

-breakfast, meds and vitamins
-walk the ddog
-make the bed
-continue with laundry

When I done with those, I am moving myself upstairs to my office to work. I gotta do a lot of citations, so having the big book handy will help. I'll take some bottles of water up there for the little refrigerator in the office and hopefully be very happy working up there.
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Re: Tuesday Travels

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Sep 25, 2018 10:29 am

glad you are feeling better d twins.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tuesday Travels

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Sep 25, 2018 10:34 am

one of the little ones dd younger babysat for yesterday bopped her on the head - she ended up with a headache right away. brains are funny things - once they are sensitive they are problem. she said it was not mean but it still hurt her. (it wasn't heavy but she is now prone to any movement to her head).
so hoping it doesn't continue.

I am late on starting the day so I can't say hi the way I want to but loving all of you!
You are great!

i didn't do my routines or home blessing yesterday as I ended up working full time on the 3 season room.
This mornings goal:

phone calls for d mom's dr.
morning routine
kitchen blow up put away - I tossed things that were in the 3 season room that were to go to other areas in the kitchen :shock:
laundry routine
paper routine
home blessing (superficial)
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tuesday Travels

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Sep 25, 2018 10:40 am

Just finished ordering DGD23's bridal shower gift. I even added gift wrap and then I can just buy a card and take it her Aunt's house some Sunday when we go to church -they live right across the street. I don't have to think about it or go shopping, etc, etc, etc. Have a lot of things here that were her Mom's (dShelley) that I want her to come get before we leave for the winter. Hate to see them sitting yet another winter in the storage unit. Also have a huge bin of pictures and other memorabilia for her (things her father had told her years ago that we threw away. She only found out last summer that we still had them when she mentioned not having anything. Told her, WE HAVE THEM! Sure didn't want to give them to her when she and dgs25 were still living with their father. He would have tossed them without a second glance).

DS-A had a house fire this morning just down the street from his place so he was there within 3 minutes. A couple of towns they had called in couldn't get crews. It's becoming a grave problem for all volunteer departments. We're fortunate that our town seems to do okay. Last Monday dh went to the fire department here (he's fire police for them) to get something adjusted on his phone for them. They had 3 members there for the meeting. He then went to Churchville for the meeting and there was 45. Unfortunately they did have to disband the ambulance about a week ago. Just couldn't get a crew often enough and now a service from Rochester has taken that over. Guess they still try to respond with a rescue unit. Sad sign of the times. They actually sold their fairly new guerney for $10,000 the day they listed it and the ambulance it self for $9,500. Interesting.

DD and DS-R have both called this morning to see how dh is doing. Sure other DS-A is either still at the fire scene or is trying to get 40 winks. Dh is quite tender and not moving very fast. Also didn't fall asleep until about 5am. So usual post surgery status.

It's been raining here, but seems to have stopped at least for now. Hoping Kathryn is recovering both from concussion and the lack of power.

I'm starting to put things in receptacles that we need to take to FL. Really hoping we don't have much to take. But, knowing my DH I'm not holding out much hope. A lot of the metal he recycles I think he'll be taking in here and not taking to FL -I hope. He did make an appointment with his audiologist in FL for November 5th. We've pretty well decided we're going to leave once the water is all shut off and that task is done. He'll be supervising for the most part.

You are so right, Blessedw2
brains are funny things - once they are sensitive they are problem
I fell backwards on black ice in Quebec City many years ago. Still, whenever I get a headace (usually) it's always across the back of my head. I evidently cracked my skull way back then and had a concussion.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Tuesday Travels

Postby CathyS » Tue Sep 25, 2018 10:41 am


Just saw on a news page on FB that 3 tornadoes touched down last Friday within 100 KM of where K in C lives. One in Nepean, one in Dunrobin and the third in Calabogie.

Today's travels will take me to a food bank to make a donation and to a local hospital to see a friend.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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