Thursday Two by Two

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Thursday Two by Two

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:10 am

Can you set a goal of doing 2 things? If you finish then decide if you want to set another goal to accomplish 2 more things.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Thursday Two by Two

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:15 am

My morning routine is being OBE (overcome by events). DD was here at 6:30 to drop off something for DGD7. I had DGD7 awake, fed, hair brushed, dressed and to school by 7:45. DMIL arrived at our home around 7:40. DH is taking his Mom to a 9:00 medical appointment.

DS10 has a sore throat and says he feels lousy. He is going to take it easy today and hopefully, his body will fight off whatever he has.

My next 2 goals -
** Take vitamins & oil
** Eat breakfast
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Thursday Two by Two

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:43 am

you ARE a busy household d lady!!!
hope your d son feel better soon
wishing you a great day.

i have a class this am with dd younger at the quilt shop.

I have the I don't wanna's about my morning routine so I might as well just hit the house and ignore this feeling. have a great day!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thursday Two by Two

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:46 am

Maybe I CAN do TWO things, LadyM. Now to decide on those two. Just had to fasten suspenders on for dh. He can't wear his belt to keep his pants up -just too sore.

Supposed to take our dneighbors to dinner at the Pub tonight. This is the last weekend for them to be open. Already saw the menu for tonight. But still don't know what I want.

Well, dh turned on the furnace this morning and NOTHING. Has a third call into our RV repairman. Hoping he gets back to us soon. We're pretty sure he's been in Hershey prepping some of their RV's they sold at their big show there. We do have an electric heater but it doesn't get to all of the RV and not enough.

Think I'll go take my first of several strolls. Trying the 'take many short walks' routine. See how that affects my weight and my fitness.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Thursday Two by Two

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:47 am

Thanks for getting us started today LadyM. I loved your coffee drink idea, btw. I really enjoy an iced coffee some afternoons as a little treat. No sugar but cold with some half and half.

Two by two. I have things to catch up here at home today and am watching a 3 p.m. webinar. It's from the DAR, and fittingly, the DAR contact person on the emails is named "G inevra." Doesn't she sound like a DAR lady?

Tonight we are going to the local symphony - the first work to be performed was commissioned by the symphony and composed by the DH of my friend M so it's a big event for them. DD and ds are supposed to be going and I'm texting with them about arrangements hoping they don't wuss out.

Our rain continues today but may be very light, or have stopped, right now. Schools are out today because of flooding and a woman died yesterday in the floodwaters.

I am going to change clothes and try to take dog around the block. Two things. I need to s2s today.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Thursday Two by Two

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Sep 27, 2018 10:41 am

Those 2 things done plus a slew of other things.

I love the thought of attending the symphony. Sadly, I am 99% sure in reality that I wouldn't enjoy it. I don't like crowds and being closed in so I think that would taint the experience for me. BUT THE MUSIC. OH MY. My heart beats faster at just the thought of listening to the live symphony music. It is a daily thing for me to say "Alexa, play the 5th symphony" and then enjoy the air filled with music for the next 30 minutes. I never get tired of listening to it.

I am trying to decide what I want to do today. Some things are a given that I will do...
** DS10 care
** prep/serve 3 meals
** DGD7 care after 3:45
** attend Tai Chi at 6pm & Yoga at 7pm

But that still leaves some time that isn't committed. Free time = choices. I have choices today!
** I want to take a couple of hours and just relax. Lay in the sunshine. Read a book.
** I want to make progress on a sewing project
** I want to make progress on a painting project
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Thursday Two by Two

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Sep 27, 2018 10:53 am

LadyM: I never feel closed in at the symphony. Unlike rock concerts, everyone stays in their seats and when the lights go down, you are only aware of yourself and the orchestra, everything else fades away. You can choose your seats as well, so we tend to take the first few rows of one of the balconies or, if it is important enough of an event, a box, so then we are only with 6 - 8 people.

I need to get four things done today:

1. Laundry, 3 loads
2. Annual physical but my doctor is far away and I don't feel well and dh can't drive me.
3. Let someone into the building at a 5 p.m.
4. Theatre tonight at 7:30. It is not a lighthearted play tonight so I'm not sure I'll enjoy it.

I had not been worried about the doctor's appointment until I realized yesterday that dh can't drive me. I'm feeling dizzy today (not sure if it my cold because my ears are blocked or the concussion) and I'm feeling anxious. Dh has 6 things on today (and leaves for Europe on Saturday.)

I had to convince dh to have us eat at home and take the car and park at the theatre instead of taking the bus. He still doesn't understand how much I'm overwhelmed by things and the play should be my only thing today but it won't be so I already know today will be too much.

I went to bed too late, stayed in bed too long and don't have blueberries so both my regular breakfasts are not available to me. I've had toast and milk and will try and have some veggies for my lunch (I'm afraid to look at them in the crisper but have already tossed the lettuce and used the half of the spinach that was still good.)

I really need to grocery shop as well. I've been avoiding that because too many stores were without power for so long and I'm worried they are selling food that defrosted and refroze (there's proof that's happening in the area.) But to get to the end of town where they didn't lose power is beyond my ability for today.

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Re: Thursday Two by Two

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Sep 27, 2018 11:51 am

The seats at this theatre are small and cramped. It's historic but people were probably smaller back then. I always try to get seats on an aisle but dh, who is taller and bigger, needs the aisle seat more than I do.

I walked the ddog but took an umbrella and we got rain almost as soon as I left the house, so we took the shortcut 1/2 circle. DD also came by and distracted me for awhile. Before Sunday I need to figure out another 45 min session with kiddos, and before Monday do an extensive critique of the work of three other members of the Pro Gen group. Thank goodness the other members didn't write as much as I did. :lol: (The course coordinator limited us to 20 pages, even tho we can write as much as we want when we do it for our portfolio, but there is a 150 pg limit for the portfolio.)

Two things.....
--laundry (unfortunately, this is a big job...put load into washer, fold three loads and put away)
--papers - get rid of at least 10

BTW, I fell off the decluttering challenge after Rosh Hashanah. I was doing a lot of spiffing up then house until then and I just didn't make it a priority after. But I got rid of a lot of stuff along the way...


Forgot to submit this before....
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Thursday Two by Two

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Sep 27, 2018 11:59 am

I actually only folded and put away two loads of laundry.

Going 2 x 2 this time:

-file or get rid of 10 more pieces of paper
-fold next load of laundry
-brush and floss (whoops, not done yet)
-refill meds/vitamin boxes

My dh last night was fussing mildly about the expense of Shipt. I should have reminded him how much he has in his closet that he doesn't wear. And he still buys more. I can hardly put clothes away.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Thursday Two by Two

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Sep 27, 2018 12:09 pm

Good morning! Yesterday, I had to file a claim for damage to the rental - sometime during the day, while parked, it acquired a large windshield crack. I notified the rental company, filed the claim, collected the info I needed, and prepared to write them a check for the deductible. The person who took my info saw there was a previous note on the windshield crack, so it is possible that it was pre-existing. It must have significantly expanded though, because neither I nor the person who did the initial walk around noticed it. She sent the info to their claims people and did not take my money.

When I got my car this morning, the body work looked good, but the check engine light came on! Turned out that they had to disconnect a sensor to replace things and the notification was for signal lost. A fake problem.

I did not eat dinner with my friend, she was not hungry and I was just not feeling up to eating much. I did get some soup. I guess if I am not better by next week, I need to see the gastro doc. I'm wondering if I have a partial blockage. I got one errand run, then talked to the insurance company.

Tonight, I have DD16, who will probably do homework. I need to get the last set of invitations done for the party. Bills and Budget would also be useful. That's my two! And my prior two was the two cars.

Off to finish that report!

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