Saturday catch up

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Re: Saturday catch up

Postby Harmony » Sat Oct 06, 2018 12:38 pm

Just finished all my updates (spreadsheets) 5 of them. Got my jumpdrive out and copied just the important ones. I would lose a bunch of stuff but the most important is saved and it wouldn't be the end of the world if the rest was suddenly gone. Don't know how to set up updates to manual instead of automatic and I don't think I want to tackle that so this is enough for now.

I had to watch a u tube to see how to do that. :oops: Easier than putting everything on a disc like I used to.

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Re: Saturday catch up

Postby helia » Sat Oct 06, 2018 1:48 pm

Hello friends! Ah! I've just finished a busy 2 months of life. (1) As of yesterday, I've just finished 10 weeks of payroll with a much heavier than desired work schedule. I've made my limits very clear for our next session, plus I believe all the teachers will be on deck , something that hasn't happened for a couple months -- thus the heavy schedules. The Canadian hire's papers still haven't come through yet.. . . Her presence would help a lot too! (2) My talk for the women's ministry is done. It's nice to have that off my plate. I think I already shared about that here, so I won't share again. (3) M left for 2 months in Europe last Sunday, so it's just dh and me in the house right now! She wasn't a big burden to have around, but she was another person in the house, which resulted in a little more cooking and shopping and cleaning and time spent watching out for her. We did chauffeur her around a little.

The class I developed for payroll was very well received. My supervisor interviewed my students on Friday, and said they all had very positive things to say, so that felt good! There are definitely some things I would do differently next time. I need to make a note of those this weekend, and I will have a meeting with my supervisor to debrief all of that next week.

So, I feel some weights lifting from my life. And I now need to take on some new weights around the house.

I did jog 4 miles this a.m. - in the rain. I think that was the wettest jog I've ever done. Most of the time it was light rain/ drizzle, which isn't bad, but a thunderstorm did roll through at one point, and that was pretty hard rain. I was soaked through by the end, but I didn't let that keep me from stopping by WF for some odds and ends en route home.

I have a quiet weekend planned, a couple errands today, laundry, putting away the stacks of books I used to study and prep for my talk, and other tasks tidying up around the house. I'm also going to see if I can obtain fresh birth certificates for our kids online. They need them for Dutch passports. We still haven't done this -- dh and I have both been so busy. Our yard needs a lot of attention as well.

Have a lovely day, SHE friends!

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Re: Saturday catch up

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Oct 06, 2018 2:50 pm

I'm s2s now and did a round of physio. In two sessions my leg is many times better than last night when I could hardly walk.

I had my leftover dinner from last night for lunch. My goodness it was good! Dd had sent home the leftover potatoes and turkey. I fried up some onions and added in steamed broccoli and the leftover turkey. Tossed in some poultry seasoning and savoury and then put that in a casserole dish. Added a layer of grated blend of Italian cheese, then put the mashed potatoes over top and cooked for 30 minutes in the oven. I'm determined to never forget this way of using up leftovers. Normally we don't have leftover mashed potatoes so I'll be having dh cook up extras during future turkey dinners because this is my new favourite way of dealing with leftovers!

I'm badly congested so want to go to bed. I'll take a decongestant instead and head out for shoes. I have a plan.


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Re: Saturday catch up

Postby Nancy » Sat Oct 06, 2018 4:28 pm

Dining room has a new lite fixture now it works too we are taking a breager had lunch and some coffee. Yea for progress!

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Re: Saturday catch up

Postby BookSaver » Sat Oct 06, 2018 4:35 pm

Hello, villagers ~
Yesterday I stayed home because the roofer was supposed to stop by to make final plans to replace our roof next week (tell me where he wants the dumpster and such). Unfortunately, he didn't show, and I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that he is still scrambling to finish the job before ours because we've had so few days without rain. Now the forecast is saying 80% to 90% chance of rain and storms every day for tomorrow through Wednesday. I hope he can start our roof on Thursday but at this point I'm still stuck waiting.

Did some leisurely decluttering and moving stuff around while I was stranded at home. Menu plans for a couple weeks. Started knitting another hat for charity. Caught up on reading some blogs. I had to find things to do that kept me near the phone, which was limiting.

This morning DH and I ran some large items to the drop-off dumpsters provided by our TinyTown for free disposal. I'd been reminding DH for 2 weeks that they would only be there yesterday and today, and hoped he would gather a lot of junk from the basement, but he didn't get around to doing anything until 10:30 this morning and they were only going to be there until noon. :| Oh well, anything is better than nothing, right?

This weekend I must catch up on desk work and laundry.

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Re: Saturday catch up

Postby BookSaver » Sat Oct 06, 2018 4:37 pm

Yea for progress!
Celebrating with Nancy. Good work! You continue to be my inspiration for downsizing. :)

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Re: Saturday catch up

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Oct 06, 2018 4:51 pm

Got shoes, winter boots and a tarp. Am taking a short breather with Nancy (although she's been working a lot harder than me!)

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Re: Saturday catch up

Postby Lynlee » Sat Oct 06, 2018 6:15 pm

Waving from Sunday.
Wishing you all well with pending endeavours, commiserations for those been through the mill.

I'm back to church this am so can't dally with this.
Need to get to groceries too. maybe.
a movie - some I'd like to see.
vegan market day too, though I can skip that.

rain is a possibility. uggg for carting groceries in the rain.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Saturday catch up

Postby Harriet » Sat Oct 06, 2018 8:18 pm

The birthday party was a joy. What a pleasant time, seeing old friends, telling stories. I got to hold my little 10-month-old 2nd cousin, who was content with me. Time spent with my dcousinMary was over-the-top happy. Dd had great fun. The birthday girl was lovely and poised, certainly looking the age of 60 if she looked a day, lol.

Then dd and I went out to the univ, where she had to pick up a project, so I got to see some of her "haunts" and have a good, long walk on brick herringbone-pattern walkways (whew).

Then to Michaels where we took advantage of sales and bought her canvases at a great discount. I got the credit for realizing that the black canvases, although at another area of the store, were the same sale price - she was so inspired to think what she might do with those. I found a pair of tiny scissors for bitsy snipping. I hope they work for cloth - the packaging wasn't clear, but they were alongside other cloth scissors and the price was right.

Back home, she and I made Italian food tonight.

In the mail I had received a meaningful note of thanks "for standing strong and using your voice", and she got a small gift in the mail herself. So we were asking each other, surely something is going to go wrong today - what will it be. lol.

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Re: Saturday catch up

Postby lucylee » Sat Oct 06, 2018 8:49 pm

I haven’t really caught up on ANYTHING today
except I did get a baby gift delivered to dcousin...
AND I ordered 2 books for ds for his birthday (and 2 for me, LOL! Mine were less than $10 each though, including shipping.)

I’m just sitting here watching dgs play in the tub
and watching our team lose on tv. :(
Dh’s knee was bothering him so much he stayed home today — so y’all KNOW he’s feeling rough. Luckily, dbil’s girlfriend was able to take dh’s ticket so he didn’t have to go by himself.

It’s been a slow day around here. I might have been more industrious if I’d had the day to myself, but with dh home and him feeling so bad, I’ve just napped and watched tv.
Tomorrow is another day.

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