Fantastic Friday

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Fantastic Friday

Postby Nancy » Fri Oct 12, 2018 9:48 am

How can you make your Friday fantastic? Our weather is fantastic here today. I have been making great progress this week so today not so much work to do yea! Good news h let me know he had $ set aside for holiday gifts and meals, yea~ fantistic news. How is your weekend shaping up?

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Re: Fantastic Friday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Oct 12, 2018 10:12 am

It is cool but sunny here.

I'm having a frazzled, fried-brain, Friday. My brain is fried from the events of this week and I have a killer headache which is currently beaten back with ibuprofen.

I leave for my workout in a few minutes. Dh is driving me both ways.

I've managed to call the tax man to day I don't know when I'll get the copies of missing cheques from the bank (should have had them by Wednesday) and do two loads of laundry. I've also tidied the room a bit but still have things to put away from the trip. I did a deposit into our bank account and handled email for the day.

I'm off to vote in the advance polls for our municipal election. The polling station today is in the lobby, compared to voting day where it will be a mile walk.

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Re: Fantastic Friday

Postby Nancy » Fri Oct 12, 2018 11:03 am

I have done my first round of pups this morning. Not much but a few items in each room. A couple articles of clothing to put in with the seastonal clothing. I put downstairs earlier in the week. We are having lovely weather here this week. Watching twc updates on the hurricane.

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Re: Fantastic Friday

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Oct 12, 2018 11:29 am

Good morning and it is already a fantastic day and it is only 9:05 am in my time zone! Item the first: it's Friday! Second: it's payday! And third: I have confirmed that yesterday's completed queries for federal orders can be used for warehouse transfer orders also simply by adding one if statement! If I were to leave work right now, that alone would save me days of trouble.

Last night was not so hot, with me goofing off instead of party pickup and declutter. My x is still a pain in the tailbone, he has not replied to my suggestion of how I can verify the sum he expects me to pay him. (Note: I definitely owe him money for DD16's medical expenses. The total he listed may be entirely accurate; it is in reasonable range. However, he presents no proof whatsoever and it could be full of errors, whether accidental or deliberate.) If I cannot get proof from him, I am going to look at setting up an escrow account and deposit the total amount that he claims and notify him that it is pending proof. This will show the state that I am acting in good faith whether he is or not. I may end up needing legal advice. I have decided NOT to do this by EFT, it will be a paper check so I will have a paper trail. The memo will say "<my full name's> share of <DD name's> medical expenses up to <last date included>". I will both scan and make hard copies before I give him the check. When he cashes it, I will also keep similar copies. Should work as a receipt.

He is also a turkey because a few months ago, I had told him I wanted DD for the Halloween party weekend. He "forgot" and wants to take her to a pumpkin patch. I okayed this because she will enjoy it, BUT she invited friends to come early for party setup, so he is now stuck with getting her back at 4 pm. And the pumpkin patch is in another city. :twisted: :lol: :twisted:

Tonight, I am returning to my new dance class! Groceries are on the way home, so Friday may be my new errand day.

My life starting when I get home tonight:
  • Tonight: finish as much pickup and declutter as I can
  • Saturday: cat clinic, more pickup until DD gets to my house, dinner, inventory party supplies and make list of needed stuff, costume work (if time)
  • Sunday: church, costume work, youth group unlikely as finals are next week
  • Monday through Thursday evenings: clean bathrooms; clean stove, fridge, microwave; sweep and mop
  • Friday: dinner with friends scheduled, party purchasing (mostly food and drink)
  • Saturday: no cat clinic for me, get up at reasonable time, morning = get decor from shed and start decorating, lunch out?, afternoon = food prep and finish decorating, dinner out?, party

This is doable, but not easy.

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Re: Fantastic Friday

Postby Harriet » Fri Oct 12, 2018 11:35 am

Good morning Nancy and everyone.

I was so disappointed not to be able to post my own thoughts yesterday on thirst for knowledge. Loss of electricity is a disappointment - yep, that's the right word! Remember how LisaB's community in South Africa used to have such regular, rotating loss of electricity for hours at a time and she would plan for those hours. I don't see how she did it.

I also agree with Nancy and think there's an edge that's found posting here. Because of several things. I've learned a variety of knowledge here, from tidbits/trivia to sweeping/significant. So that's one thing. Also this is the place from which I just "got the concepts" - such as routine, consistency, etc., and how they translate into practical difference. I've had my opinions change because of encountering other opinions here. That's rare in the world, lol.

3x5s, not just the actual cards but that general mindset of divide and conquer, is an edge. Also it's a way to satisfy a thirst for knowledge, in that you can discipline yourself to get some chores done, for instance, and then treat yourself by reading or tackling something new and interesting.

I never knew when I was a young woman how I would eventually be using tech to be more efficient. I'm as likely to use a printer while taking care of my home today as I am to use a ruler, or some particular pan/utensil - I'd have never thought that. Losing electricity yesterday reminded me how delicate a balance we all have with counting on tech, of course, but the tools are still valid.

Dd is back at univ today, but the children are still out of school because so many schools didn't have electricity. The weather itself is fine.

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Re: Fantastic Friday

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Oct 12, 2018 11:53 am

yeech. I don't feel like doing anything today. I had something of an headache yesterday and an upset tummy last night and the both are continuing today. true SHE-procrastinator fashion, I need to finish our tax return.
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Re: Fantastic Friday

Postby Harmony » Fri Oct 12, 2018 12:35 pm

Taxes, still Twins? Better late than never! Speaking of never, a voice from out of the past (few years) on the phone the other day with DH. Guy who worked with us part of one year is back in town. I was able to get rid of one more W-2 I've been saving since January of 2016 when I sent them out. I have a whole stack of W-2's from that year. We had a lot of part-time temporary workers on a big job and they mostly all moved on, moved away, didn't give us new phone numbers or addresses. Apparently none of them did their taxes either.

My heart just breaks for those hit by that awful storm. It looks worse than when H Charlie came through, just because we didn't have the storm surge where it hit here, and we looked pretty bad in places.

Yesterday we had lots of heavy rain on and off all day so the concrete companies weren't running until afternoon a bit. So DH got his work done but worked really late. I took his dinner over and stayed through the evening in case I could do it made for a late night.

Drove to next town and picked up papers for county and that was really good progress. I'm watching the computer for an approval and when that comes we'll be able to wrap a whole big batch of stuff. That will make my Friday just fantastic for sure!

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Re: Fantastic Friday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:07 pm

I voted then texted dh I was waiting for him the lobby. He texted that he had just parked the car in the garage so he picked me up on the driveway. He was coming up to vote when I texted and I had lots of time so he turned the car around and ran in and voted himself. So that's out of the way.

I was still early for my workout so had over 5 minutes on the treadmill before my trainer was ready for me. My workout with her left my heart and head pounding. Still, I feel so great after them so I was really glad I went.

I walked to the bagel shop (2 long blocks) and dh met me there (he had been at a meeting that could end when I was done) and we had lunch.

Ds called to talk about his counter-counter-offer on the house. I told him that there will be stuff wrong with it, it isn't perfect but then listed all the good points, the price being one of them. It will end up being about $10K under his price limit (not the mortgage company limit which is much higher) and so if something goes wrong he will still be able to recover financially.

As well:
* It is closer to the city than the other house.
* It is within walking distance of the town centre.
* It is across from a protected forest and around the corner from river access, and close to the ski hill.
* There are 3 hospitals nearby that could hire him.
* It will be easy to rent to a tech worker (and our city has a 98.5% rental level now so rental housing is in short supply.) That means he could rent out a room to cover costs or the whole house if he meets someone who wants him to move in with her instead of her with him.

He said he felt better after our talk.

I'm home now and think I might take a nap. I'm still woozy but feeling strong otherwise so it is tempting to do something. But my head is buzzing so I'd like to give it a break for a bit.

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Re: Fantastic Friday

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:25 pm

Harmony, I typically work on our tax return in April until I get to the point I know we're getting a refund, and then stop and extend it. Embarrassing but true. I've reviewed everything I did then except charitable contributions so I need to pick up there now. It's the worst part because we do some substantial contributions, and then dh goes through checks and other stmts to pull out more, and they are usually duplicated so I really have to pay attention.

I ate lunch and took ibuprofen.

I reminded dh last night that I had all weekend to do this and he didn't buy it.
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Re: Fantastic Friday

Postby Sunny » Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:29 pm

The weather here is beautiful today. Blue sky and 84*, though the sun feels hotter.

I don't feel like doing much of anything either. I did manage to get the kitchen cleaned up and the rest of the canned goods in the cupboard. The floor is swept and I have a load of laundry in the washer. After I finish my lunch I will putter with some odds and ends.

Talked to ds#3 last night when I heard there was tornado warnings south of his area. They were getting heavy rain and gusty wind, but that soon moved away. Harriet, I'm glad you had no damage and power was quickly restored. The devastation and lives lost from this storm is heartbreaking. Recovery will take a long time.

Just after I posted yesterday dh received a phone call from his dfriend. They've known each other since grade school. He was calling to check on us. Then just a little while later he had another phone call from their other dfriend. This man lives about 30 miles north of us and we are going to meet him for lunch on Sunday. I'm sure he was at our wedding, but I don't remember him, just his name.

Twins, and Kathryn, feel better.

Time has come to attend to the laundry...
Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. --- Francis of Assisi

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