Monday Multiple Tactics

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Re: Monday Multiple Tactics

Postby Harriet » Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:43 pm

I joined you in another round, Twins'.
All the trash and recyclables are bagged and in the cans. Picked up the mail and put a little present for the grandchildren where they will be surprised to find it. Will try to get more into the cans tomorrow if possible. We seem to have a lot of cardboard around here without a clear purpose. I was able to get rid of some, but I suspect others!

Yay for meaningful seasonal textiles, too!

Worried about dd20, who was able to sleep very little last night because of school projects, then up with the chickens and off to this long day at school and work that won't end until 9.

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Re: Monday Multiple Tactics

Postby Nancy » Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:52 pm

I am continuing with another round cannot believe how much there was to do today after the open house, Folding laundry now. Got the front yard hose drained and in the carport. I cleaned up after dinner meat is cooling & it was a hit so that recipe was a keeper.

Had a good talk with Ds this afternoon.

He on is not hosting thanksgiving this yr, was non committal about coming here. They have the ex. To work around. We'd has in-laws to work around so we have an alternate plan for two. Getting used to it now.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Oct 16, 2018 10:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Monday Multiple Tactics

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Oct 15, 2018 10:15 pm

It is really windy here so the balcony is making noises. I don't have the energy to go out there in the dark but I think I might have to. I need to crawl out and lay down the tables because the drop leaves are raising and falling in the wind. I hate going out there in high wind so should have had dh do it before he left. It isn't as if I missed the forecast for the windstorm this morning.

I have got the bed remade with fresh sheets and dusted the bedrooms. I pulled out the autumn paintings and hung those up. And I washed up the dirty dishes (not many since I've kept up with that through the day.

After I deal (or don't deal) with the balcony, I'm off to bed.

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Re: Monday Multiple Tactics

Postby Harmony » Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:12 pm

One foot in front of the other. Is that a tactic?

I was home at 9 and should have gotten something done, but I was too tired. You'd think there would be lots of energy left from just sitting all day between bouts of pacing in the lobby. Not so, it's very tiring.

I did get outside once, drove down the street to a supermarket which had a very nice salad bar and I had that and some yogurt for dinner. The cafeteria where I was is only open for breakfast and then 11-2 for lunch, closed at dinnertime. :roll: This place has machines with snacks all over the place. But the snacks are all unhealthy, every single one of them. And the machines are all right next to soda it's sugar or fat or salt in that place!

I did get the garbage bins out and gathered back up. Mail has a bunch of things to do. I must make a phone call early tomorrow about something that came.

Fielded phone calls on the way in and had to stop 2 places to handle stuff. Made phone calls later and got everything moving along. DH finally talked to customer about what was going on and his helper.

I'm glad I did a house blessing Saturday morning/afternoon. It was a good time to get that done.

Tomorrow's another day, hopefully a better one.

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