In the Zone Thursday

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In the Zone Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:41 am

Relax! We've got this.

Do you ever just relax and expect to be a great homemaker today? Sometimes we are just "In the Zone". ;) We know what to do. Yes, we know there will be surprises, but we have confidence we can handle them.

In 1974, tennis champion Arthur Ashe coined the term "In the Zone", meaning a state of relaxed mastery of a sport, after a match with Bjorn Borg (in which he noticed Borg was "in the zone"). Later, after a match with Jimmy Connors (in which Ashe found himself "in the zone"), Ashe discussed it further, and it got into the popular culture, meaning relaxed mastery of any endeavor.

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Re: In the Zone Thursday

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:59 am

My "zone" has been mastering sitting quietly/eyes closed, fighting off a headache. Had regular t ylenol about 2 hours ago -next up in another 2 hours will be e xcedrin migraine. :roll: Had big plans for this morning. Have so much to do over the next 11/12 days. I think I've procrastinated on lots of tasks as long as I can.

Did receive good news for dh (and me really) this morning. He had PT this morning (after encountering black ice and praying the car behind him was going to slow down!) He had an appointment for PT the morning we plan to leave -at 9am (his surgeon appointment is at 9:20 -same building). But, therapist told him this morning he doesn't need to come in that day -means we can start out a little later. We had planned to get there at least 20 minutes early, hoping both appointments could be met. Therapist gave him the next bands he'll need and instructions for the next few months, with the advisement to call if he had any questions. Told dh he's so far ahead of almost all patients and he knows dh will continue. For instance their goal is 70% of side movement & dh is already at 68%. He's to continue the 5x a day through February and then start doing them 2-3 times a week. Sure he'll have some sort of follow-up with the surgeon after he returns in the spring.

Okay, think I'm just going to try doing 3-5 minute rounds so I can at least get a handle on being "in the zone" today. Thanks, Harriet -needed that push.
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Re: In the Zone Thursday

Postby Harmony » Thu Oct 18, 2018 10:27 am

Never knew where that saying came from! I don't know how relaxed I ever get....

But I am more in the zone than I was a day ago with a lot of work done and house is a semblance of order. Not perfect but a semblance.

I went to county offices with a couple more stops to make yesterday but DH called and needed to figure out some computer stuff so I had to come home. Then was a whole bunch of stuff to do here with him and I never got back out again until 7:30PM.

Went to supermarket where I read every label on every product there (it felt like). Came home with a cartload of stuff.

So this morning a bunch of work done and phone calls made and emails and faxes sent. 3 places today: returns (I found that receipt in the copier :roll: ) and have to get a few keys made (DH and DSiL fixed our ignition problem) and another store to stop in.

Have some cooking to do in the kitchen later.

So that's my day planned unless other stuff crops up - which it usually does.

(Dee) hope you feel better.

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Re: In the Zone Thursday

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Oct 18, 2018 10:35 am

Thanks, Harmony. I do feel some better. Enough that I got a few 5-minute rounds done and the dishes done.
Oops, dneighbors are here. Need to go see them for just a couple of minutes. They're dropping off the laundry she took home before they head out to Jamestown to see his sister/dbil. I'll be back...…

Okay, I'm back. On to the next "10"-minute round or whatever the next step takes.
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Re: In the Zone Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Oct 18, 2018 10:52 am

I'm pretty sure I'm not in a zone.

I need to get to the grocery store and the library today. I will do that next and leave the housework for a mad panic (along with the sermon, children's time and prayer.) I spent time this morning getting the service into my 'script' format so that's done and I've assured myself I only have the three items to write.

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Re: In the Zone Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Oct 18, 2018 11:01 am

d elizabeth... I hope this helps you - dd younger is on her own policy but my d brother has access to her information and billing because he handles hers (she has so much). I gave the insurance company written permission for my d brother to ask questions on billing - see the information on billing etc.. I don't know but maybe they can give you permission to talk to the company to get copies of her billing. I doubt he will but I hope they are flexible. best wishes with this!
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Re: In the Zone Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Oct 18, 2018 11:12 am

Good Morning everyone!!!
I was all set to go to the sewing circle thing but I woke up late. It's once a month. dog gone it! I am sure something good will come from it.

we had great news for d mom's neck - she still have the fractures in her vertebrae 2/3 but they are not life threatening if she has the hernia surgery. Yay.
we didn't get home until late.

dd younger got paid for a photo. which is great for her self esteem.

today: errand day
I missed bill paying yesterday
so that is today.
chili for tonight

it's already 10:12 am here and I haven't done a lick of work - wishing you an awesome day :D
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Re: In the Zone Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Oct 18, 2018 11:14 am

hello d harriet - loved the beginning!!! in the zone! thank you!!!

Hello d harmony

hello d dee

hello d everyone.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: In the Zone Thursday

Postby Ramblinrose » Thu Oct 18, 2018 11:16 am


Well think I’ll join Dee with a few 10-15 minute rounds this morning. Never got to work on my office yesterday but I’m not complaining. Sweetie asked that we take another hike and so off we went

I am lucky enough to live just a mile away from the 4th largest nastioal parks in the country. We took Willis and headed to one of the lakes in our area. We walked a trail and enjoyed the fall weather. On the way back to the car I suggested we stop at the river along the way home. There’s a nice rocky river beach area I like to walk.

As we started to drive away Sweetie spotted a lone wild stallion standing in a grassy area. We have many bands of wild horses in this area. This fellow has not been able to claim his own band of mares for himself. In order to do that he must fight to remove the other stallion from the group. Until then he roams the area by himself. Course I had to take pictures.

The river trip was fun. Usually the river level is getting low this time of the year, but because of all the rain the currents were pretty swift. I had Willis on a long leash and he was able to enjoy the shallow rivers edge for the first time. He was a happy dog.

Then just as we were leaving we spotted another long stallion coming out of the trees headed towards us. We waited to see where he was going. No surprised, he walked within ten feet of us and went down into the river. He was after the eel grass which grows in the river. It is very long, two to three feet in length and green. The horses feed on this during the fall to fatten themselves to prepare themselves for the lean
Winter ahead. I walked to the rivers edge to take more pictures marveling at the beauty of Mother Nature.

He was a beautiful chestnut, the other fellow was gray, and also alone. The wild horse group that watches over all the bands have identified most of the horses and usually knows their names and histories. Sure when I post my pictures on FB one of my friends will be able to I’d these two guys

We spent most of yesterday outside and Sweetie wants to go on another adventure today. My house can wait. I have an out of town friend coming to stay with me next week and my house is company ready now so there’s no need to panic.

Since I am retired Sweetie is my first priority and I am enjoying this fall weather and time with him. Temps will be 86 by tomorrow... it’s gonna be 80 today so it’s now or never to enjoy this weather.

Perry’s on and my coffee cup is empty. My kitchen is clean, bed is made and footprints gone. Waving to y’all. Harmony, take care of yourself too. Later...
Live Boldly, Take Risks, No Regrets...Jilliam Michaels

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Re: In the Zone Thursday

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Oct 18, 2018 11:54 am

The 'rounds' are helping me get things done, RR. I actually set my timer for only 7 minutes and sometimes able to get onto the next round. Then dh came home -and you all know what that means. Plenty of interruptions. :D One nice thing is he no longer has to do the 'sliding of his arm across the table'. That means my place mats can stay in place. I decided a long time ago that I know why the place looks pretty disheveled when I get back here in the spring. He (like perhaps a lot of dhs, leaves things as he uses them). Am I right? Job security for me at least. :lol: With that in mind I'm trying to leave things so he has plenty of room to do just that come March. Then it'll take me the usual couple of days to put things to rights.

I feel better than I did this morning and am slowly getting things done. Now to look for a receipt that I found the other day. Did I put it with the booklet that came with the bicycle pedaler I bought a couple of weeks ago? Of course not. I laid it down again and now I have to 'find' it again and this time staple it to the booklet. It has a 2-year warranty so I definitely want to keep it. This particular one is quite heavy and I really like it. For the life of me though I sure can't get my feet in the attached pedal stirrups. So I try to be careful pedaling away without them.

Editing: Just to say that I went through about a 2" stack of papers on top of my printer and every receipt I had saved (now shredded) looking for that bike receipt. Finally resorted to looking in my wallet -sure that I hadn't put it in there. I was so sure I'd had it on my desk. :roll: Of course there it was! Now it's stapled with the warranty card into the booklet that came with the pedal exerciser. Done!
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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