planning ahead Sunday.

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Re: planning ahead Sunday.

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Nov 04, 2018 2:19 pm

Oh boy! Can that ever equate with housework or anything else we have to do! Good quote, Blessed.

Dh's phone got fixed. Agent also gave him papers on a plan offered by AT&T for First Responders (he happened to have on his fire jacket). Not sure it would be any better than what we have by the time taxes and fees are added in. Also need to find out if it includes our unlimited text and 6GB of data per month (with roll over). I'm doubting it -which means it would probably be more than we're paying right now.
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Re: planning ahead Sunday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Nov 04, 2018 3:08 pm

Love the quote bw2!

I had to get out of pajamas to go to pick up dd at the rental car place. She took kids out of town this weekend for a youth event.
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Re: planning ahead Sunday.

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Nov 04, 2018 5:03 pm

hello - I am dragging today - maybe it is the weather - very grey and dark which i usually don't mind.
my cooking is done - not the appetizers like I had planned but cooking with dd older to make dinners for us and then for her during the week. she is learning how to cook. dd younger is a great cook but she has always been interested in it. dd older laughed today and said that she always had a nice variety of healthy good food from either dd younger or I that she never thought about cooking. lol she is thrilled. She is coming back next Saturday to cook with dd younger this time. dd younger will set up a simple meal plan and an easy cooking plan for her.

She order groceries and they will be here soon and then she will be off.

dw going
next clean stove and counters
after dishes are done I will empty them and do the rest. I hadn't turned them on this morning. ;) So now I have double the dishes because I hadn't turned on yesterdays dishes.

dogs are eating as they usually eat at 5 - they are hungry and don't understand time change :lol:
I have to get money from dd older for groceries before she leaves
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Re: planning ahead Sunday.

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Nov 04, 2018 6:04 pm

I am exhausted - time for timer and hit that stove and counters. I know it won't take as long as I think. ;) I will let you know.
It took ten minutes 8-) thats all.
Next surface vacuuming - 5 minutes vacuum the kitchen and front hall. :D
next: fold a load of laundry and put it away.

waving at everyone
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Re: planning ahead Sunday.

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Nov 04, 2018 6:42 pm

found another one that i like: okAY I AM DONE FOR TODAY 8-)

“Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” ― Warren Buffett
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Re: planning ahead Sunday.

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Nov 04, 2018 7:33 pm

Today has been a beautiful day with sunshine and a gentle breeze. I wish I could wrap these type days up and save them for when the weather is yucky.

We were on time today because LucyLee reminded me yesterday about DST.

Church was amazing. I enjoyed every moment of it. Our church continues to grow and we are going to have to do something about seating soon. I went 3 times to ask some strong guys to set up more chairs. They would set up several dozen chairs and think that would be enough.....then more people arrived and we had no seating for I notified the guys again that we needed more chairs brought in. Repeat. Repeat. A good problem to have!

We had a picnic lunch after church. The weather was perfect.

I attended my first skeet shoot today and totally enjoyed myself. I didn't want to shoot skeet because I don't want the HIT from the rifle/shotguns on my shoulders. I've shot those guns before and remember my shoulder was bruised for days afterward. However, I did want to shoot my pistol so I took this opportunity of having a safe place to shoot. I messed up by not wearing hearing protection. Grrrr....I didn't think my pistol would be that loud out in the open pasture. Lesson learned. My ears are still ringing.
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Re: planning ahead Sunday.

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Nov 04, 2018 8:17 pm

Score! I just found a weighted blanket for less than half of what I've seen them at other places. I have resisted buying DS10 a weighted blanket because they are so expensive and I don't know if it will help him. Weighted blankets have been shown to increase serotonin which helps with anxiety. I am excited to see if it helps.
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Re: planning ahead Sunday.

Postby Lynlee » Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:00 pm

Good Morning Monday here.

Just occasionally you have a theme that meshes with what is going on here.
Saturday night and Sunday I played with some lists, and ended up with several lists dated to 31:-
places - inside and outside; tasks; other things to do.
I know many people do so much daily but I thought if I do more than what I normally do that is a win, of sorts.
Not promising to action each of those lists each day, but its a start.

Yesterday - I attended to some weeds - dandelions mostly, and started to move the grass clipping dumped around a tree.
Also I got myself out to a/c, and a movie. Spoke to a couple of people I knew also at the cinema.
back to bujo check list
must away. yoga toda.

home from yoga.
Is that a storm brewing overhead - it would go elsewhere- or is there smoke in that mix.??

I could go to a support group, and later a movie I've been meaning to get to. There are library books to return and some groceries to get as well.
Other than that, I feel like I've had enough already.
If I'm going to the support group I've got 15 min to have lunch and leave for bus stop.

Its a 35c/95f sort of a day.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
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Re: planning ahead Sunday.

Postby Ramblinrose » Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:10 pm


My friend just got a weighted blanket because someone suggested it would help with her insomnia and since she started using it she’s been sleeping like a baby. I know I sleep much better in the winter due to the weight of my blanket and comforter and my mom is the same way. We were just talking abt this the other day. Sweetie on the other hand doesn’t care for blanket weight when he sleeps, but he can fall asleep anywhere and usually does :D

You can also go to you tube to learn how to sew a weighted blanket.
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Re: planning ahead Sunday.

Postby lucylee » Mon Nov 05, 2018 12:46 am

DDIL made dgs a weighted blanket. I think he really likes it. He doesn't HAVE TO have it, but I think he enjoys the coziness of it. When he was picking his cover for the weekend -- he slept on the couch at the condo -- he said, "I like that heavier quilt," choosing between a heavy quilt and a lighter weight blanket.

LadyM -- I am so glad my post re: DST helped you! I have LOL at dh about the fact that I was just trying to sneak in an extra hour on Saturday as well, with my mistake setting the clock. I blame it all on this horrible cold I have, and the heavy doses of OTC meds I am taking. I actually forgot to set dh's alarm this morning, too! (But he doesn't know it! DGS and I were up; I DID set the alarm for dgs, and I just happened to look at the clock again before ds came to pick up dgs -- and it was 3 minutes after the time dh gets up for church! * whew * ) I went to church this morning, but I went outside once to just blow my nose. And blow and blow and blow my nose... :oops: I slept all afternoon in the recliner.

I really need to exercise, but it is hard to do when one cannot BREATHE.
OTOH, "they" say if your symptoms are above your neck, you should keep up your exercise routine, right?
I hardly have a ROUTINE, I guess I must admit.
:!: :?: :arrow:
WHY do I do this??? I will go along pretty well, tracking my habits -- s2s 1st thing, exercise -- and I will actually DO those things for 19 - 20 - 21 days or so, and then I completely fall off the wagon! I know they say 21 days to establish a habit, and 28 for SHE's, but something apparently happens in my brain after 3 weeks and everything goes to you-know-where with me.
So I said I would start again NOVEMBER 1ST... and I did exercise that day, and I did s2s 1st thing for the 1st through the 4th, today. I have NOT exercised the 2nd and 3rd, although I did get my (8000+) steps in the 3rd. I have not worn my Fitbit today; I have it on the charger right now, but the only steps I guess that amounted to anything were the ones around Wmart tonight.
I just don't know why I hit such a roadblock when I should be getting to the ESTABLISHED HABIT point. :evil: :? :roll: :cry:

IF I EVER manage to get s2s and exercise habits under control, I am going to work on the daily routine habit... whb habit... zone habit... etc.
Those things get done, generally speaking, but not in any really consistent HABITUAL manner.
I want it to be to the point that it is harder to SKIP something than it is to DO it.

Lynlee... stupid question here -- I know I'm showing my ignorance -- do y'all change time like we do for Daylight Savings Time?

DH here is glad we are back on standard time; he wishes we would never change back.
Someone on the Grand Ole Opry said last night that DST was like wanting to be taller, so you cut off your head and stand on it. :lol:
My mother, OTOH, hates hates HATES it when we switch to standard time; winter and early dark evenings are kinda depressing to her. She already falls asleep as soon as it gets dark -- and then wakes up before daylight and can't go back to sleep. :roll:
I don't really care one way or the other. I just hate changing clocks.

“You can't plow a field simply by turning it over in your mind.”

Excellent quote, blessed. I spend waaay too much time turning things over in my mind, that is for certain!
BTW -- sounds like you have accomplished quite a lot today!

Waving to ALL! Hope you all have a great night and start the week off with a great day tomorrow!
Tomorrow is another day.

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