Tuesday Ubuntu

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Tuesday Ubuntu

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Nov 06, 2018 9:51 am

Ubuntu = Ubuntu refers to behaving well towards others or acting in ways that benefit the community.

I saw a picture describing this word and it hit me that our world needs more Ubuntu in it. My life needs more ubuntu in it.
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Re: Tuesday Ubuntu

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 06, 2018 10:13 am

i never heard that word before but I love what it means! thank you for starting us in such a warm and thoughtful way.
have a great day d lady!

my youngest is emotionally intelligent about the whys and more than anything the empathy and kindness for those behind others anger, worries, etc. She sees behind the why people react - it helps me to be understanding and kind when I listen to her natural ability to understand why people do what they do and step back now.

great way to start day
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Re: Tuesday Ubuntu

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 06, 2018 10:14 am


I saw d lucy and d harmony checking in last night!!! hello hello waving!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tuesday Ubuntu

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Nov 06, 2018 10:20 am

I hope no one minds if I post something that our Rabbi shared yesterday. He was one of those clergy persons on Sunday who stood with police between protesters and the Trump attendees here.

Clay Thomas
Yesterday at 12:34 AM
The Day Jesus, Bredesen, and Trump came to [edited for privacy]

"You cannot love, what you cannot see."

This morning I preached on Jesus' teaching that the "Kingdom of God is among us." I referenced the opening monologue from "Love Actually":

"Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world,
I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport.
General opinion’s starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don’t see that...If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you’ll find that love actually is all around."

Pipe bombs, Tree of Life, gang violence, sexual assault, refugees, immigrants...It is easy to despair for our world right now. But this morning I invited the congregation to think about where the kingdom of God is present. It's not a place so much as where God's will is being done. I believe the Kingdom of God is among us when we love deeply and celebrate the image of God in everyone. It was all in all a sermon of hope.

I was invited to attend the clergy interfaith lunch for Gov. Phil Bredesen. I am not much for campaign events. There's about 1000 other things I'd rather do. But I was honored to sit at the table with Rabbi Tendler and Michael Dzik (E.D. Jewish Federation). Governor Bredesen made a sound appeal for civility and finding common ground. I appreciated most everything he said. However, I also hurt as he referenced "our" pioneer days and when "we" came over to settle in America. And how Americans came from oppressive places to build a land of freedom. Note: the room was easily 25% black. And it pained me. I'm just in a place right now where I'm convinced the most important thing we can do is see each other. Really see each other. As someone who speaks publicly, I am often misunderstood, not given the benefit of the doubt, and oftentimes I just say something stupid. So I am in no way drawing any conclusions on a man or his views based on word choices and history narration. This is about what I felt in that moment. And I felt some people were not being seen.

Trump-late afternoon
I get an urgent text from Tricia. Some UTC students she works with organized to have a small non-violent protest with special attention to the tone of their signage and what they would say. They didn't want to bring any more hate to the game. Secret Service changed up the game and put the students with the larger block of protestors. Tricia said some of the students were scared and thought it would help if clergy were present. Multifaith clergy mobilized and stood alongside the police as peacekeepers. I watch thousands and thousands of people stream towards the doors of the McKenzie Arena to hear President Trump speak. They were excited and happy to be together. I worked hard to look at each one of them individually, not at what they were wearing, not who they were standing with, and really see them. And I could see the image of God in them.

Behind me were protestors, maybe half of them were college students. They were glad to be with people who felt as passionately about the state of the world. They chanted "Love trumps hate", "No Trump! No KKK! No Fascist USA!" "Black Lives Matter", "Jews Lives Matter." I saw the image of God in them as well.

Odd to me, the most common response to the protestors was bewilderment. It appeared to me that many of the Trump rally attendees were surprised by the fervor of the protestors. What's all the fuss about?

To the protestors, every chant and sign was responding to something concrete: a policy, a speech. For them they are pointing to clear and present dangers. To the people in the Trump line, the protestors' laments were either hyperbole or fake news. Of course it's easier this way. If we don't have to see the people our choices affect. And so we become each other's fairy tales or nightmares. Adversaries are not allowed to have families, hopes, illnesses, dreams, loves. Adversaries must not see one another's humanity.

Well, America, we apparently have done a swell job producing adversaries.I have never seen two groups more alien to one another.

Lastly, I wasn't so naive to hope people would listen to each other. But once I got there, I did hope the people streaming into the event could see the pain of those across the street. Because that's what I saw. I saw a lot of pain and hurt and even fear. You don't have to agree with someone to have compassion for them. Because you know what it is to hurt, and you know what it feels like to be afraid. Compassion is great that way.

They say: "Love trumps hate"
They chant: "Love wins"
They sing: "What the world needs now, is love sweet love."


You cannot love what you cannot see.

I hope to see you soon.

This has changed my outlook today.

BTW, our rabbi is a treasure. He was canvassing last night.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Tuesday Ubuntu

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Nov 06, 2018 10:27 am

Good Morning Blessedw2!

Twins - Good read! Thanks for sharing that

I'm having a slow start to my day. I've done my personal AM cards but then sat down to enjoy the fact that I CAN SIT DOWN. So much of my life required leaving home before 7am that I find it quite luxurious to just be able to choose a different type of start to my day.

Today's activities are just normal Tuesday -
** Homeschool
** DS10 to piano lesson
** Pick up DGD7 from school, snack & homework
** DGD7 to piano lessons

Speaking of piano lessons......the band director recommended this website for those who are struggling to learn their notes. DS10 is still working on learning to instantly recognize the notes so we have added this Note Trainer Game to the daily lesson plan.
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Re: Tuesday Ubuntu

Postby helia » Tue Nov 06, 2018 10:50 am

I'm popping in this morning. No payroll today. . . Well, I don't need to go in to payroll, that is. I have payroll tasks I need to do at home either today or tomorrow morning.
Thanks, Twins! I definitely feel/sense some of the same thoughts as your rabbi. There are some trends in our country that greatly disturb me. His ability to not demonize groups is really refreshing and healthy.
I'm a big proponent of kids learning music, LadyM. I think I've missed which instrument -- unless he's playing piano (percussion?) for the band.

I have 5 main goals for today, though I do hope to get more done than these.
2. Prep for carpet cleaner; get carpets cleaned. The downstairs is ready. I just need to move furniture off the living room area rug. He'll be here at 11:30.
3. Go for a jog.
4. Grocery store errand
5. Circles meeting, out 5:45 - 8:30

Other things that would be good to get done: finish folding and putting away laundry, call window cleaning co. again, other errands -- library and bank. Garbage and recycling and compost will also be gathered and put out tonight. I should probably check my work email today too. . . and work on prep for payroll tomorrow, including some grading.

I'm moving slowly these mornings, but the a.m. routine is in progress. The dogs have been cared for,and the kitchen is reclaimed. I've helped dh with something in his workshop, and he's helped me get the play room picked up and light furniture moved off the floor. I've had bfast and checked email and websites. Off to s2s and do my back exercises!

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Re: Tuesday Ubuntu

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Nov 06, 2018 11:13 am

Helia - it is so good to see you post today!

I agree about the importance that music plays in our lives. DS10 is leaning to play piano and percussion (bells). He really wants to learn guitar but I've put a limit on how many instruments he can learn at the same time. I have told him playing the guitar will happen but first we are going to focus on learning these 2 instruments. This decision is based on ease of getting him to/from lessons. His piano teacher lives about 2 blocks from us. That makes taking piano lesson super easy. The percussion lessons require more time and effort (50+ mile drive) but it also puts him in a classroom environment so I feel it is worth it.

Recent victories.....
DS10 has learned 100% of his multiplication facts. He is now working on division facts and is currently scoring 81%.
DS10 can type 25 wpm
This isn't meant to be a brag.....just acknowledgment that what seems impossible can be accomplished with consistent effort.
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Re: Tuesday Ubuntu

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 06, 2018 11:58 am

oh my gosh... absolutely beautiful d twins! thank you for sharing.

There are tremendously good people on all sides. I pray that others of all sides, can start seeing that, even if views are different. that we should not fear each other so much. fear stagnates people. Find compromise. We are good people and need to see the good in each other instead of being terrified. Then maybe people can talk. I always think we are better than that.
praying for peaceful hearts that can see each other as good people.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tuesday Ubuntu

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 06, 2018 12:02 pm

I have the cleaning ladies coming and I am the only one grateful and thrilled! 8-) :D I will be so grateful when they are done. My check book won't be but it will be nice to have the bathrooms thoroughly cleaned.

I realized what has not been working for me... I haven't been doing my 3 a day clutter check. I in my busy life right now was not picking up and putting away. Clutter was overwhelming me and I couldn't see it was doable to just pick up three times a day.

I am thrilled beyond measure. today I was going to put up Christmas lights but it is raining. I will do a put away outside of some pots (into the shed) and work in the laundry room and 3 season room.

I wish you all a great day
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tuesday Ubuntu

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 06, 2018 12:05 pm

hi d lady
sat down to enjoy the fact that I CAN SIT DOWN.
How absolutely wonderful
thank you for sharing that link.
well sirens are going off as usual on Tuesday at 10 am.

Hello d helia - so good to see you post
I agree d helia on your thoughts of the Rabbi's speech
yay on all you are doing

I am running to get a cup of coffee and then work.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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