anti-procrastination Wednesday.

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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday.

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Nov 14, 2018 1:51 pm

Thanks for the hugs and good wishes. And no, stomping feet isn't going to happen. There's nothing on the bottom of the affected foot but it feels like I'm walking on a pot scrubber so I'm guessing that's a nerve thing.

The side effects of the meds include nausea and headache. Already have those so I've taken the first dose. The sooner I start, the sooner it will be over.

I'm cancelling the trip to Nova Scotia. In theory it is doable. I should feel better after 48 hours on the drugs (and I don't fly until the night.) While I'm contagious, it is by direct contact only and it is my foot so that's not likely to happen by accident. As long as I keep my own hands well cleaned, I shouldn't pose a risk.

BUT, the baby has no immunity (she's only a month old) and I'd hate to stress out her mother. Besides, I wouldn't want to handle her and I had been hoping to babysit which would mean handling (or at least instructing dh.)

On top of all that are the other good reasons to not go:

1. Stress is bad for shingles. Flying in a turbo prop is extremely stressful with my concussion. Travel is extremely stressful with my concussion. Worrying about making the baby sick would be extremely stressful.

2. There's no guarantee I'll be strong enough to go. At the moment I can barely walk and I can't sit. Just because I have shingles doesn't mean my back issue has cleared up.

3. While I'm on the drug and it is likely that Advil and Tylenol will deal with any nerve pain from the shingles, there's a chance I'll need other meds. In theory, I can see a doctor in another province but it gets more complicated (I would have to pay for the visit and then apply to our government for the money back.)

3. While our air tickets are non-refundable, the car rental and the meals and the extras will almost triple the cost of the trip. So losing $700 now is better than spending $2100 and having a miserable time.

Still, I'm disappointed. But if I make the decision, I know it will reduce my stress and reducing stress right now is what I need to be doing.

It has been 2 weeks since this place was vacuumed, the dust level is terrible, I need to put fresh sheets on the beds, the towels are still in the dryer from last Satureday and dh still hasn't woken up to the fact that he needs to feed himself, cook for me and plan his own meals AND do all the kitchen clean up. When I finally try and prep something for myself, he takes it as a good sign that I'm trying to get better. It isn't that he won't do what I ask him to do but he won't do anything unless I ask and my brain won't work that way, I can't think of food options, I need someone to make some options for me to choose from.

None of this is procrastination. I'm sick. And sick with a concussion is way worse than regular sick because I really can't think and making decisions is so hard. I'm paralyzed by all that needs to be done and all that has piled up over the 3 months and I can't help but feel bad that I'm doing nothing but then people say, rest is what I need. Except rest doesn't make things better and just contributes to making me more depressed.

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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday.

Postby helia » Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:01 pm

Hello friends.
((Kathryn)) and prayers for a speedy recovery. This is not your first time with shingles, is it? Or am I remembering someone else who had it?
I have heard of but haven't read that book, nancy. I'm not a big fan of war books.
Well, happy hair appointment, Twins!
Great theme for today, blessed.
My box sits somewhere unopened gathering dust, I'm afraid, LadyM and Harriet. Your testimonies are inspiring. I still use my notebook.

I have a very light work schedule for this last session of the year. Just a T-Th class. It's actually a little lighter than I think is ideal - I have requested one MWF class - but it's OK. I can use the extra time to catch up and get ready for the holidays. Work is not about the $$ for me, so I can just enjoy! And they did overload me for two sessions in a row

My anti-procrastination task: I finally called the vet today about an unopened bag of dog food I bought from them on Oct. 25. We can't use it b/c the 2nd ingredient is wheat. We keep the dogs grain free for the sake of dd23 who has celiac disease and is at our house almost every day now. For some reason, the phone call became more and more onerous in my mind. But the reality was that it was quick and friendly with a positive outcome. Yes, I can return it. If they have another food that the vet thinks is appropriate, we can exchange it. Peppy needs to lose a little weight.

Unfortunately, I procrastinated on several "prepare for winter" tasks, and winter seems to have creeped up on us earlier than usual -- though, we're hoping we'll still get some warmer days before the snows fall and stay for months. For example, I'm not sure the window cleaner guy will come now. He was supposed to come last week but postponed to this week -- and this week is much colder. He hasn't contacted me yet, so I'll need to contact him. If he doesn't come, dh and I will do the windows ourselves. Dh has the tools for the outside of the upper story windows.

Today, I'm working on laundry and prepping for payroll tomorrow: syllabus, classroom activities outlined for the next 6 weeks, at least 1 small project thought through --- requirements, timeline, etc. I'd like to go for a jog, even though the high today is 32*F. It would be good for me. I might also work on prepping ds' room for his return next week. And the play room shelves are a disaster. . . .

I have done:
- a.m. routine - minus making the bed
- laundry progress: 1 lol folded and p.a.; lol #2 washed
- deacon tasks: phone call + text + email to other deacon
- called vet
- lunch
Best of all, I have. .
- ordered the first 2 Cmas gifts of the year! :)

- make the bed
- keep laundry moving
- contact window cleaner guy
- start on payroll

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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday.

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:14 pm

Helia: it is my first time with it. Dee had it. And maybe Harmony?

Everything is cancelled except the flights. Those dh will do for me.

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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday.

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:49 pm

Home with beeeaaaautiful hair. Color is much better, cooler and hopefully gray will blend well as it grows. The color I've been using fades to very yellow blonde and the difference between that and the gray is more marked.

Made an anti procrastination phone call to county courthouse re deed research. I need to go there to do that tomorrow a.m.

I need to have lunch next and clean up kitchen counters. Not finished this a.m.....
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday.

Postby Harmony » Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:30 pm

Knock on wood...I have never had shingles. Kathryn, when I read your last couple posts my thoughts immediately went to Sunny, who had shingles a couple years ago or so and posted about how sick she was feeling. So I suggested it, hoping I was wrong. I'm glad you got some help for it quickly though. Your body is telling you to take it easier, that you are run down.

I spent 4 hours consolidating, updating a spreadsheet, stapling, unstapling, shredding, and organizing and emptying one file box from that house project now done. I have some updating to do on one last spreadsheet hopefully soon, a check to write, and then I won't have to think about this stuff ever again. They are finishing his pump house / water equipment shelter and those are the last bills we'll get. I can't believe it took this long. But now I have my dining room table back to use for Thanksgiving. I did get the ok from the loan company that they finally have all the paperwork they needed from me. I did have to send that one last set of information yesterday and I just forwarded the email with it from our water authority. Gotta love government agencies. Not!

I could have just put the file box away somewhere and done this later, but stuff like that tends to nag at me and I just wanted all this paperwork GONE. I'm in a mood about all this paper around here because DH and I have been "chatting" about what's to come now that his big projects are all coming to a close. He informed me yesterday that he's been hoping I'd change my mind. :o :evil:

"Chatting" is a polite word for what we've been doing.

I've had lunch now and sorted mail so I should get busy doing something but I'm all burned out. Oh, my package came, they sent it in 2-day shipping which is better than what I paid for. Bad thing is it has that "new" smell and I have it outside on the porch airing. Hoping I don't have to wash this brand new thing before I even use it, but I will if I have to.

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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday.

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:47 pm

Good afternoon all! We just had our payroll Thanksgiving potluck and I am stuffed. I always make jasmine rice out of habit. It is always on hand at my house and if I use it for potlucks, DD16 will have at least one thing she can eat (and love). The three day weekend was good to me. I revisited the doctor about the cough that will not go away. I am on steroids now for 5 days AND the cough syrup I originally wanted AND a cough suppressant pill. I take the syrup at night because it makes me sleepy. If I get worse or just not better, there is lab work in my future, but she does not think I have pneumonia yet. I also got a haircut, bought new jeans and a crochet hook holder, oil change, gasoline, and made much progress on Mom's Christmas gift - a keyhole scarf in autumn colors. I had all the laundry caught up until one of the foster cats threw up.

Not so pleasant was the 5 phone calls in a row from Canadian/US Pharmacy (they are the same people). It is always the same man who calls. I asked him why he kept calling since I would never buy and that drives down his percentage rates. He kept wanted to tell me about Viagra until I pointed out that I am female! Then he promised female Viagra (no such thing). He ended up asking for phone s*x. I would report him, but the company is so disreputable, it cannot be contacted. I doubt they would care. At least he has a steady job, he has been calling for more than a year. Better job record than the real life boyfriends of my desperate single friends.

Today at payroll, I am concentrating on security fixes in case I get moved to another project. On breaks, I check home email, it got backed up to 200+

It does not look like I will be getting 6 new foster cats given that I still have to keep Briggs separated from Loki and Thorin. Chelsea may come back. I made sure to pay Briggs lots of individual attention last night because he has gotten the short end.

My watch keeps resetting itself, so I guess today's WTF is to replace that. Also to work on Christmas crochet.

blessedw2 is making me glad I live alone.

Nancy's high school English teacher is not grading her on this book, so I recommend not finishing it. Unless, of course, it is so bad it's humorous, but it does not sound like that is the case.

helia: Why do the dogs have to be gluten free around a 23 yo celiac patient? Need to know because DD16 is also one. She has not sampled pet food since she was two.

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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday.

Postby Nancy » Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:55 pm

I had lunch coughing a bit. It is smoky out. Considering skipping walk doing stat bike instead. Just confirmed w realtor going to let the house for sale expire this mo. Not sure on spring depends on interest rates. I am not in favor of this in any way shape or form. But I think I have already expressed that here. H. Is talking working beyond when he said he would. That is a relief. With the farm going on the market he will have enough to deal with in my opion.

Giving this book a thumbs down. Reading it now for critique as to how NOT to rite a book! LOL. So do not expect a book report here. ;) I was looking at dialogue for structure. It is 500+ pages.

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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday.

Postby helia » Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:06 pm

That's a great question, Elizabeth! Dd23 has become more sensitive and thus more vigilant over time. The concern is cross-contamination. For example, if someone touches the dog food and then touches the kitchen counter which then something else touches (a piece of food, a kitchen utensil, etc.) that then touches food or goes directly in dd23's mouth, well, then she has ingested a bit of gluten -- if the dog food isn't gf. We do ask dd23 to watch the dogs sometimes, and then she has to touch the dog food herself, though she would wash her hands carefully after feeding them. The gluten in our house is corralled in 1 drawer in the fridge and a large tub in the pantry. We're mostly gf even though dd23 doesn't officially live here. I just couldn't give up my 1 WW point wraps that are not gf, for example. . .

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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday.

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:15 pm

hello again. dh was tickled to go out for lunch. it's so unhealthy but it makes him happy.

d harmony - well done on getting all that paper/computer work done and having a nice dining table again! Well done d harmony!
I am sure having that work off your mind is a blessing!
paper work does burns one out of doing more. it is all that decision making, thinking and action work that is exhausting

Oh how nice - a new beautiful chair! and it sounds comfy as well d twins!
i hope you and your sweet dog had a lovely walk together.
In the procrastination museum of excellence, I am Exhibit A today

this made me laugh!
Yay on taking care of that phone call!

D kathryn - I hope the shingles doesn't hit you hard and heals very fast. It says a lot of why you were feeling the way you were. The shingles were making you sick and then showed itself. So sorry you got this.
I am sorry you had to cancel the trip! The house stuff will catch up eventually but it is better to just to care for yourself. It is not procrastination. you are sick and it is frustrating. not being able to make decisions is very difficult with concussions. Rest and sleep and not over doing when you feel good is the only medicine. It is really hard. ((())))

Hi d nancy you must need to have a break! maybe today you can have a fun sewing day after the routines are done. It will give you something to look forward to.

d harriet I should put a big heart on mine and hug it every day. I should too... my card file keeps getting dirty looks from me rather than a chipper and grateful response.

Hello hello dearest Helia!
a notebook is great. My d brother is a born organized and he has a notebook for everything he thinks and does.
hope the next semester you can have a M-W-F schedule. It will be nice to have less stress for the holidays! I know you love what you do! Good for you!
Glad you can return the food!
Yay on ordering Christmas gifts!

oh no I love my life d Elizabeth... I just like to complain every so often to get it off my chest instead of on anyone else! ;)
I actually always wanted to tape family parties so I could enjoy the sounds when everyone was gone. I love the chaos of a lot of kids (happy ones lol) and people I love around me. Even goofy barking old dogs. I know my d mom says I am strange lol.
- I hope you heal fast - this cough has lasted so long. Praying it goes away fast!
I wish you could block that call. is it on your cell? so sorry you get this call.
Yay on pay day for you!

I hope I haven't missed anyone
hello to all!

dd doesn't have celiac but can have gluten bc of her pain disorder. she tried to have a little now and then but her pain levels jump later in the day and she doesn't do well with her stomach and intestines. mayo told her to go gluten free so she has.

waving to all of you. laundry just went off
I did my swish and swipe in the powder room and surface rinsed the floor.
Next: I don't wanna: the 2 upstairs bathrooms. dh has done so well at keeping up with his sink. It makes it much easier on me.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: anti-procrastination Wednesday.

Postby Nancy » Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:45 pm

Picked up after the dog in the back yard, took dog around the block for a short walk.

I have a possibility of solution for paperwork to get to another location bc we do not have a scanner, maybe able to take a pic. Of it with my new tablet and email it to farm realtor, or dson said he had a printer we could have might be able to get it to scan with new pc, or take it in to our house realtor and have them help. Or take it to the copy place down town. One of these should work.

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