Tuesday TA-DA's

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Re: Tuesday TA-DA's

Postby Nancy » Tue Nov 20, 2018 10:18 pm

Romaine lettuce alert to toss it bc of salmonella. Heard on the news tonight. Wondering if sis in law got some of that to make her so ill.

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Re: Tuesday TA-DA's

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Nov 20, 2018 10:39 pm

RR, just happened to look in this evening. We are in Manhattan through tomorrow afternoon when we go out to LI for Thanksgiving and seeing family. We’ll be more protected from the weather there because we won’t be walking everywhere. Was cold enough today at Ellis Island and on the ferry! We did a hard hat tour at Ellis island that took us into the old unrestored buildings and it was oh.my.goodness cold.

Dkids are having fun I think. We’re beginning to get on nerves all around tho
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Re: Tuesday TA-DA's

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 20, 2018 10:52 pm

Sunny, everything I read is 3 to 5 weeks so that is what I am planning on. That takes us very close to DD's delivery date. And she desperately needs me now and I am useless.

Dh wasted three hours with the trip to the dentist. Since the morning, his gum healed over the broken implant so he has to go back to the dental surgeon who will cut back the gum, cap it off and then back to the dentist to reattach the crown. Sigh....

While he was gone I did weekly kitchen chores (first time in 2 weeks) and then rested before cooking a stir fry for my dinner. I ate too much.

Didn't do anything this evening except for my stretches. Managed 10 deadbugs with each leg so that is a huge improvement. And my 2 long stretches are not as painful. My foot still won't move properly. I think it is the pressure on the nerve but it could be the shingles since it is the same foot. I am soaking in cold water now to dull the nerves before bed. I have an ice pack in the bed as well.

I'm going to take my shingles meds an hour early so I don't have to wake up after going to bed. Only 2 more doses!

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Re: Tuesday TA-DA's

Postby BookSaver » Tue Nov 20, 2018 11:23 pm

Hello, villagers ~
Checking in with abbreviated update since Saturday.

I did make it to the sale at the neighboring TinyTown's fabric store, but I resisted the urge to buy fabric. Pretty colors and prints, but no bolts jumped into my hands. However, I was very happy to find purse organizers at half price because the one I have is so old that I've mended it several times. I'm talking about an insert with several pockets, made from very thin nylon fabric. It helps prevent everything in my handbag from snarling into a jumbled mess. I'm very happy that I could support a local store by buying something that I really did need.

The pot luck at work yesterday was as awkward as I was afraid it would be, but there wasn't anything I could do to make it less so. A coworker asked for my soup recipe, which happened to come from a library book so it was right there for her to copy.

Work yesterday afternoon and evening was wild. Patrons ran in to stock up for the long holiday weekend since the library will be closed Thurs-Fri-Sat-Sun.

Today we had staff meeting (ugh). We all need a break from each other.

One good thing came out of it, though. In the past we've all exchanged Christmas gifts and I have made something for each of them. This year someone suggested that we do a name exchange so we would each only have to come up with 1 gift with a $20 limit. A library board member was there and she assigned the names. I would have preferred a randrom drawing, but oh well. I was assigned the boss. I already had pretty much decided what I was going to make for her anyway and now I won't have the time pressure of making things for everyone else, too. I might not even have to buy additional fabric if I can find in my inventory a large enough piece of her favorite color. Anything handmade will be worth over the $ limit but I'm not going to worry about that.

After staff meeting, we pulled the library's Christmas trees out of the storage room and set them in place so a group of volunteers can decorate them next week. Last year a patron donated several buildings from a Charles Dickens Christmas Village set, so we pulled those out of storage as well. They need to be dusted, rearranged, plugged in, and probably some will be put back into storage due to lack of display room, but we ran out of time to finish that job today. We only have a few volunteers who help with the decorating so it will take a good 2 weeks to do the whole building when we are so busy with our regular work.

Thanksgiving holiday preparation:
I am grateful that tomorrow I am able to work at home all day.
* Onlline orders need attention first thing in the morning to grab sale prices.
* Clean the refrigerator before I start cooking.
* Wash the trousers I want to wear Thursday.
* Sew a quick alteration to a jacket that I'd like to wear Thursday.
* Precook as much as possible for the spicy cheese dip that DSis's family likes so much.
* Prepare the no-bake chocolate peanut butter dessert.
* Make sure that the crock pot is extremely clean.
* Any cleaning whatsoever in any room wherever will be helpful.

I cleaned out my car today which makes me feel good.

If I can stay on schedule tomorrow and not get too sidetracked by fun videos online, all will be well.
That's a pretty big IF. ;)

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Re: Tuesday TA-DA's

Postby BookSaver » Tue Nov 20, 2018 11:27 pm

CUOP from the past few days and I am concerned about all of our PWYC village friends who are not feeling well.
I wish I could bring you all soup and hugs.
Even those of you who are not in ill health!
Do you think maybe Santa would lend me his sleigh to travel to all of your locations? He doesn't need it for over a month, right? :)

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Re: Tuesday TA-DA's

Postby Harriet » Wed Nov 21, 2018 12:25 am

cats, hello! nice to see you

BookSaver :) let's do that, then, and I will listen out for the hoofbeats and have some sweet hay as a snack for your coursers.

Ramblin', what terrific news! You will be grandmother-awesomeness.

((Ken and Kathryn)) No fair! But do you realize that in 2019 you will be due exactly ZERO health concern? You will have used it all up and the balance will tip the other way. (that's my story and I'm sticking to it)

Sunny, so glad to hear from you. Happy for dh that he is getting to the end of a PT round.


Nancy, the romaine worry is awful, isn't it? What a shame that something so pristine can end up so contaminated (and cross-contaminated) before it gets to consumers. This is an explanation from a Washington Post article :
Contamination can occur on the farm when birds make frequent flights overhead or low-lying fields flood with contaminated water. E. coli can also be spread by farmworkers who don’t wash their hands or via farm equipment that has manure on it.

Once the greens are picked, they move to a packaging plant, where they’re exposed to more workers and more equipment. Product from multiple farms is often bagged in the same facility, which further increases the odds of cross-contamination.

There's a difference of opinion about whether birds really cause this kind of contamination, since we never had these outbreaks before we started bagging lettuce products to the extent we do now, and we've always had birds. Some stores around me sell romaine as "heads" like they do cabbage, unbagged. I wonder if those are safe, but imagine they won't be on the shelves either. We'll be having a veggie tray and cooked kale at our big family meal.

I feel as though I never get to talk to ya'll.
Tomorrow I will be OTD by 8 at least with dd20 headed for grocery, so may not "see" you all until late morning and just hope interruptions won't get in the way again.

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