Working it Wed.

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Re: Working it Wed.

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Nov 21, 2018 1:29 pm

Oh my gosh (((dearest elizabeth))) I am so sorry that happened to you! ((poor kitties)))

waving hi to d Helia as well.

I am having trouble with my computer today - I will see if i can come and work with you during our day together. Have a great day everyone
congratulations d son of d lady on his new lost tooth

heading off to do errands.
going to ww at 5:30 I missed yesterday(getting over fear of going to meetings)
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Working it Wed.

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Nov 21, 2018 2:25 pm

Got a text from ddil-A asking if I knew DS-A's password for NY State taxes? :cry: Really? Why would I have that at this point -don't think I ever did. She did finally figure it out. His computer crashed and he had no back up!!!! :o At least now I know what I'm getting each of them for Christmas -a back up external hard drive. One for each of them. No doubt he'll have to get a new computer extremely quickly. Almost ordered them as an early Christmas gift on A-river today, but then our thoughts were: will it be cheaper Friday or even Monday on Cyber Monday? Guess I can wait a few extra days.

Nice day out. I'm just puttering around the house and picking up. DD and dh took the dogs to the dog park for a while this morning. The plus of that is -they're zonked for a few hours. :D Would have gone with her but I had taken some immodium last Wednesday before my flight. Need I give any more TMI? Let's just say it worked -for a week!

Got our invitation to dgd's wedding today. DD was a tad upset that she hadn't sent individual invitations to them and to us. :roll: Told her I'd told dgd to just send one here. Should have known better. But I was able to pretty much say, "get over it" and she does. She's just hurt that we (her dMom's {dShelley} side) have had no say in anything regarding the wedding. But then neither has her dad's side. His 2 sisters did have a shower for her that we were invited to but also unable to attend that. I was up there but was afraid at that point it would be 'too much' for me. It was the Sunday after I got out of the hospital.

I love your Roomba story, LadyM. I can just picture it. Almost wish dd had one, but can't see it working with this puppy around.

Dh and dd are going to the hockey game in Orlando later. She has tickets for him tonight, Friday & Saturday nights. I'm not going to try to go yet. Still manage to 'hit that wall' each evening about 7. Need a little more resting up, but at the same time building stamina and strength through exercise.

Congratulations, RR. Nothing like grandchildren. Also glad to see your family will all be there, Helia.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Working it Wed.

Postby lucylee » Wed Nov 21, 2018 2:48 pm

What am I working on?
The top three today:
-- bake cookies
-- change sheets
-- finish laundry
-- go to drug store for dmom (thanks for the ERRAND reminder, blessed!)
I also hope to get the bathroom cleaning finished. DH’s shower is no problem at all, IF I do it regularly. I skipped it last week, so it’s pretty grungy right now.

Last night I made a HUGE “On My Mind” List… then sorted that stuff out by the time required and when things were necessary to be done (like the cookies – that can’t wait, has to be done TODAY.) I had been browsing all the wonderful, beautiful, * expensive * planners and cute stickers and all that stuff on the internet, :mrgreen: and I was thinking I wanted a pretty daily planner like that sooo much... and then I told myself, no $50 planner is going to make me get off my rear end and DO IT. It would probably just be another time trap for me, if I bought the stickers and all the little pretty extras. So, I reasoned, I can do ALL this PLANNING with my $5 planner and 5x8 notebook, and I should start NOW.
So I did a real Brain Dump, and I felt a little more in control then, and today, I got up IMMEDIATELY when dh did and s2s. That little action just gives me so much more ENERGY for the day – 20 minutes (no makeup, just showered and dressed to shoes). I’ve eaten breakfast and taken vitamins, remembering B-12, but have not done my Bible reading yet, b/c dh needed help with the computer.

Nancy, you are sooo right – you are so far ahead of the game, having all that decluttering and cleaning done ahead of the holidays. I am a little envious!

Rose, your Thanksgiving meal sounds perfect. DH always complains about the mashed potatoes at my family’s gathering. I love dmom’s – they are kind of a twice-baked version, with sour cream mixed in – but dh HATES them. He does not want ANYTHING done “extra” to his mashed potatoes. Just mash them up with a little butter and milk, he says, why is that so hard? LOL.

Oh, (((Elizabeth)))! Oh my goodness… (((BIG HUGS))) That is just horrible. I am so glad no one was home when it happened, but I can imagine it is just a horrible feeling – we have never experienced a burglary, but my dbil/xdsisil did many years ago. Aside from the monetary loss, just lots of mixed feelings of anger and anxiety and sadness, I’m sure. (((BIG HUGS))) and prayers that these people will be caught, your belongings recovered, and you will be given a feeling of peace and security once again.

WTG, LadyM, on the robo-sweeper! That is a great idea, to use ET to make the kids clean up!

Happy Thanksgiving, Helia! That is wonderful for you, to have just your family for a change. I admire the way y’all are so welcoming to others and share your home with so many – but it is really nice to just gather your own babies around you for a little bit, I think.

Dee, I’m waiting till Thursday night or Friday to place my orders on Amazon, too. I don’t know if I’m buying anything that will go on sale, but it never hurts to try!

So... better get with it...
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Working it Wed.

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Nov 21, 2018 2:52 pm

I'm trying to decide on whether I want to do the 5K in the morning. I've taken DGKids to this yearly event since it started so I kinda hate to break the streak. I remember DS10 was in a stroller the first time I took him. I am hesitating because I have been fighting off a cold/sore throat for several days. I am finally feeling better. However, something tells me that doing heavy, deep breathing of early morning cold air would not be kind to my lungs.....especially since I have a history of getting pneumonia. If I was used to doing the early morning exercise in the cold air like RunKitty & Helia, then I would not be hesitating. Decision made. I'm breaking my streak of participating in this yearly event.

However, I'll get some exercise when I take DGD7, DS10 and one of his friends to YMCA this afternoon to swim an hour or two.

I put things that I am considering buying from A-river in cart and hit "save for later". Then it notifies me when a price change on the items happens. I just got notified that my favorite panties dropped to 1/2 the price. That's when I put them back into my cart and hit buy button.
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Re: Working it Wed.

Postby lucylee » Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:19 pm

That's what I'm doing, LadyM -- putting things in my cart and waiting. I wanted to shop early, and dh wanted to get one more credit card bill out of the way before I started adding Christmas expenses to it -- so that was my solution -- put things in the cart.

I definitely would skip the 5K, so I think you are making a very wise decision! Your health is much more important!

Yeah, I'm still here... going --- going -- GONE!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Working it Wed.

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:30 pm

I was reading through my journal entries over the past years for this day. 7 years ago I wrote -
"After 163 days and 36.8 lbs - I am below goal weight that Dr C set for me!"

Really? Ugh. Part of me is inspired to do it again and the other part of me rants because I have about 20 lbs to lose.

5 years ago today I wrote -
"DH and I stood before the judge and raised our right hands and swore to take responsibility for DS10 and care for him. After signing several papers that concluded the permanent guardianship process. Then the judged started the adoption court proceeding and set dates for it"

Ugh. So many emotions. There have been soooo many miracles happen since then.
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Re: Working it Wed.

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:46 pm

Part of me wants to say, "Already?" 5 years gone by? And then part wants to say that was only 5 years ago?

Thanks, LadyM -I hadn't thought about clicking the 'save for later' button. I had put those things in my cart so I wouldn't have to look later. But you're right it does notify one if the price changes. Woo-hoo. Win-win. And I love your Roomba story. Win-win is right!!
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Re: Working it Wed.

Postby Nancy » Wed Nov 21, 2018 4:52 pm

I did a short run to the local market. I needed, needed a couple of things yea stayed in budget.
Elizabeth so sorry to hear of your probs.
Glad K in C does Oct. Thanksgiving in their country.
Trying to remember tky day is not about us and we need to step up and bless our family when we can every few years.

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Re: Working it Wed.

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Nov 21, 2018 4:54 pm

Just had a scare! I got a text that my one and only auto payment failed. OH NO I MUST BE OVERDRAWN!!! Bank website revealed not only am I not overdrawn, I have more money in the account than usual at this time in the pay cycle. OH NO THE BURGLARS MUST HAVE ALSO BEEN IDENTITY THIEVES!!! Phone call to the company reveals that I forgot to update my autopay to my new debit card. Dealt with in < 10 minutes.

I wish this report would be dealt with in the same time frame. I cannot fathom why I am getting no rows in my table.

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Re: Working it Wed.

Postby Harmony » Wed Nov 21, 2018 5:05 pm

Someone in the family has threatened to buy us a roomba. I'm not sure I want it. DH wants one of those new cordless vacuums with the battery that is removable to recharge. We're watching this weekend's sales for that.

We named our Gar men! We talk back to her and call her Lois. I don't know where that name came from, DH picked it.

((Elizabeth)) how horrible. I'm so sorry you've lost your jewelry, and hope it is recovered for you. I'll just bet some of it was sentimental. :cry: Oh, and I'm glad your cats were found and there was no identity theft too. They probably didn't have time to stop for that.

I have been hard at work all day so far. I made meringue cookies last night and had to fuss with them this morning. I now know how NOT to make them, but they're ok, just not as pretty as other times. I like them because they're dairy free.

Stuffing is made ready to bake tomorrow. Well, dressing not stuffing. I've never made it this way. Followed a no-dairy recipe and it smells and looks so good. I have a sweet potato/apple casserole in the crockpot too. Good grief is that all I got accomplished so far? Oh, no I made another 5 lbs. of mashed potatoes. Was afraid my first batch wasn't enough.

DH informed me his big cooler has a leak in the side overflow valve. Of course I knew that but he had it duct taped closed. Now he tells me it's leaking and would make a mess. So...I bought another one medium size with 2 wheels and I'm going to tell him it's mine and not to be taken out to a jobsite. :roll: Bought a bag of ice and more soda. I don't have much as I don't want all kinds of leftover soda here.

Had to go to the store anyway, fortunately my 1 Rx was there for pickup. Good thing, I'd miscalculated and was out tonight with my very important one. So just in time. Got more salad now. Those shelves were really bare, where they'd taken all the romaine away and anything with romaine in it. I asked at the office and they gave me $2.88 back on my charge. She had a huge bin of returned romaine...I had thrown mine away and just brought the receipt and that was good enough.

Ok, back to the kitchen...

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