Thankful Thursday

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Nov 22, 2018 9:18 pm

Success. Fridge is full of left overs. I found the counters. Kids h hubby divided up the food and put it away. The dog was well behaved.
Wished I would have video taped the family members trying to put the leaves away in the slot under the table while I washed up the dishes.
We learned the tin foil roaster makes a great lid upside down on my turkey pan.
I will check thrift shops for serving dishes.
Glad I bought extra rolls. We had two kinds of potatoes and two kinds of gravy.
Dr has moved to a one bedroom apt.
Dson gave me a printer.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Nov 23, 2018 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby Sunny » Thu Nov 22, 2018 9:56 pm

Happy Thanksgiving! We are home again, safe and sound, from our visit with Dfam#1. Dinner was ready at 4 pm. Dgd21-K did most of the cooking and she did very well. It was a very nice visit. Ds#2 called while we were with his older dbrother's family and I just talked with ds#3 a few minutes ago. I am happy that we have made contact with all three dsons today.

I am very thankful for our Village and dfriends here also. I don't know of any other people I'd rather be with other than my IRL dfamily.

I hate to say it, but we will have to go to W-M tomorrow to pick up an RX refill for dh. I really can't put it off because just took his last pill from that script this evening. I will run in to the pharmacy and back out as quickly as I can.

Time to put my feet up and watch Highway Thru Hell... Have a nice evening everyone.
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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Nov 22, 2018 10:48 pm

Put in an Amazon order (non BF stuff) and will do my stretches now.

We had burgers for dinner. Dh cooked and cleaned up.

From Facebook I learned dgs had a good day. They went to the aerospace museum. Dd said he said, "That is called AIRPLANE!" about 1000 times as he went from room to room! He also played in the children's space shuttle and insisted his mom take a picture of him.

She also posted on Facebook about their dinner:

We are having steak for dinner. When we were talking about it beforehand M correctly identified it as beef. He had done the same when we had burgers last week.

Once we sat down to eat:
“M like cheese on top.”
“We had cheese on our hamburgers but we’re not having cheese on our steak.”
“M like hamburger.”

We think it is cute how he talks about himself in the third person. We suspect it is because parents say things like, "Mommy is going out" or "Daddy will take you for your bath now" referring to themselves in the third person so he thinks that's what you do!

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby lucylee » Fri Nov 23, 2018 1:34 am

We had a good Thanksgiving. Very calm and peaceful at daunt’s — crowded, of course, but not in a bad way. I was just sooo relieved that dmom was able to come, and felt fairly well, considering that she is on 2 antibiotics and using a nebulizer 3-4 Times a day now, for asthma. I know dh misses his family sooo much at holidays and it’s just not the same for him, especially with ds and family visiting ddil’s family. But I’m glad they can do that — dh is too, of course — I just don’t feel the loneliness that dh does, because I’ve still got all the people from my childhood, except my dad, grandparents, one uncle and one cousin. Dh never gets to renew any of those childhood holidays anymore, except Christmas Eve, and that is minus his parents.
Anyway — good day for me at least, and we came home and took a nap.
I still don’t even havd the energy for Amazon shopping! I don’t know how people fight the Black Friday crowds. And — news reports that there was a shooting at one of the malls in Big City in our state. :(
Just feeling blessed to be home safe and sound tonight.
Tomorrow is another day.

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