Thursday's Merry Hearts

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Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby Harriet » Thu Nov 29, 2018 9:23 am

Many here need the medicine of merry hearts. We may be just the merry ones to bring some healing/mending. Or, we may be the ones who need the merry-making! Even if we are the ones under the weather, to someone else we may still seem like Florence Nightingale anyhow, just by reputation alone! :)

In our home we are going to turn on some old comedy movies/tv, get some healthy groceries in, cozy up against the cold outside and smile a lot!

LadyM, I read and my heart was pulled to your post, too!

My ds merried hearts extra early here by dropping by the kitchen door only, with little C all bundled up in a ski jacket that makes her look like a pink ball.

Off on my merrier-making rounds.

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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby helia » Thu Nov 29, 2018 10:17 am

It makes me smile to think of you and your family being merry today, Harriet! I love the pink ball.

I only got 3 out of my 4 goals done yesterday. I did not finish the trimming. I may circle back to that today.

My main goals for today:
1. Payroll - prep and teaching (out of the house about 1-4)
2. Th. dinner - some cleaning, cooking, prepping the table for 8, helping host

Then, there are 4 projects I can make progress on. I'm not sure which ones I'll get to today.
1. Obtaining more dog food for both dogs (from 2 different places) before we leave town tomorrow
2. Laundry to be done before we leave town tomorrow
3. Getting M's room ready for her return tomorrow; mainly, putting clean sheets on the bed
4. Finishing the fall trimming: South garden at the foot of the driveway + front bushes.

I set my alarm for 7 a.m. but it never went off. Weird. So, I woke up with dh's alarm, which was set for 8. I lost an hour of my day right at the start -- but maybe it's not all bad. Since I was sound asleep when it went off, maybe I needed that extra hour of sleep.

DD23 + colleagues have left for the day. One is gone permanently; the other will stop by the house to pick up her luggage before her flight home to Kenya :!: this evening.

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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Nov 29, 2018 10:41 am

It was a long night here. DGD7 is finally able to lay still and not get sick. She is trying to keep a sip of water down now. She is an excellent patient. She has a smile almost all the time and doesn't complain.

Fitbit shows that I got 2 hours and 28 minutes of sleep last night. I must be running on adrenaline because I don't feel bad.

While sitting with DGD7 last night I loaded and played my very first fortnite game. For a noob nongamer, it is a whole new world with a lot to learn. Learning what keybinds are and how they work took up most of my time. I now know about 10% of those. I learned the hard way to pay attention to the approaching storm and run from it! I am so clueless that I don't even know how much I don't know. I don't know if I have the patience to learn. Playing video games requires sitting still for an extended time. Ugh. Doing it in the middle of the night while sitting next to a sick Grandchild is one thing. But now that the sun is up I'm not wanting to give up precious time that I could be up and doing something. All I do know is that I want to spend time with DGS12 and I need to learn how to play this game to do that.

We have the plumbers scheduled to come this morning and do something with the house water softener system and Reverse Osmosis system. It isn't working properly. I suspect it is going to require replacing. We shall see. Our water is so hard in this part of the world that you either have a water softener system on your house or you have to buy your drinking water. Both of our DMom's buy their drinking water one gallon at a time. It is a hassle that is a way of life for them, but now they are challenged by the weight of lifting a gallon of water. We are going to have to do something soon about their drinking water situation for our DMom's (over their objections). I'm going to ask the plumber for suggestions this morning.
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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby Ramblinrose » Thu Nov 29, 2018 11:12 am


LadyM....I use a water filter called Aquagear that I buy through Amazon. Our water is very hard and smells like sulfa. We were using bottled water till I found this. It comes with a pitcher. I didn’t like the system so I put the filter on a gallon water holder on a stand like you use during summer parties. This allows me to place a cup under the pour spout. The filter last forever and is recyclable. We’ve had ours for almost a year now. Love it and it saves us money and I’m not polluting the world with plastic bottles.

I needs to make a Cosco and Target run this morning. Also want to make my plane reservations to my kids baby shower in Jan. It’s going to be in St Louis and I am a bit concerned abt the weather during that time of the year. I try to avoid going home during Jan-Feb cause I don’t want to get stranded due to snow storm.

Off to start my day... waving to y’all..enjoy yours day.
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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Nov 29, 2018 11:40 am

I do use a water filter/pitcher up home but am reluctant to do it here. I have a mindset against any of the water coming from the faucet here. Know their new refrigerator has a filtration system for the ice cubes and they say they're 'good'. Just can't wrap my brain around it. So I make ice in our ice maker (one we'd bought for dsonil a year or so ago). Use the water we buy -in gallon jugs. Dh and dsonil will definitely have to make a water run tonight though. We're down to 2 gallons.

I need to get busy and am going to focus on the kitchen this morning. I'm slow, slow, slow.

Editing @11:30am: Finally completed cleaning up the kitchen including doing the dishes and cleaning off every counter. Albeit dd has several heavy dishes on the dining room table to put away tonight. They're just too heavy for me to get up on the pantry shelves -and they're all 'up' for me.
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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Nov 29, 2018 12:07 pm

Leaving water filtration systems behind was an advantage of moving into the city. Our city has good water but I use a Brita because I like the taste better. Our treated water in the country tasted wonderful but it was a lot to remember (we had an iron/sulfur filter as well as the softener.)

I'm up. Slept better last night. Showered right away but that didn't pay off at all. I've been on the couch for 90 minutes wasting time.

I still need to get dressed and style my hair. So I guess I'll do that now.

We need to leave at 11:50 today. Lunch first then perform then to the doctor for my flu shot, then likely home to bed. Dh is out for the evening and I'll have leftover ham and scallop potatoes my dinner. Weight is up today, I'm hoping that's water weight from the pizza last night.

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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby Nancy » Thu Nov 29, 2018 12:21 pm

Went to bed early last nite feel better 2day. I was a bit achey yesterday. Posting from the exercise bike.
This morning I worked on my dream big year planner got renewed inspiration and it was good to review goals and see
progress this year.
I need to bag up leaves today before cold snap.
Working on writing down 30 60 & 90 day goals.
I was shocked at how picked over planners were at staples this week.

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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Nov 29, 2018 12:44 pm

I'm dressed and everything is loaded, ready to go. Put away the load of laundry I did this morning.

Dh brought up the Christmas lights and 2 other bins so I can start work whenever I am ready. We'll see how I feel tomorrow.

Dh just walked by so I will get my coat on now.

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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby Sunny » Thu Nov 29, 2018 1:37 pm

Good morning from Florida! We are in the middle of a cool spell here; temp is 58* with overcast skies.

Morning routine is done so I have been watching with interest the events in front of our house as the county resurfaces the streets in our neighborhood. They started last week on other streets and are now on our street. There are lots of big dump trucks, mini bulldozer/street sweeper, supervisor cars and one huge paver and at least a dozen workers. They marked a center line with white paint yesterday and this morning outlined the sewer access cover. We are the fourth house from the end of the street and it took them all morning to dig out the top layer of asphalt before stopping in front of our house. Now they are stopped and the men all standing there looking at the hole in the road and the jam in their equipment. I guess no one paid attention to the painted lines and they ran right over the manhole cover! Of course it broke apart and jammed the paver machine. Out came the cell phones, lots of picture taking and phone calls to someone and now the open sewer pipe is outlines with orange road cones. I guess this is our excitement for the day! ;)

Thinking of everyone here and wanted to tell BookSaver how sorry I was to read of losing your calico kitty. And Lucy, I hope your dmom is doing better in the hospital; also thinking of your dh. And Lady M, I was concerned to hear of your dmom's fall. I hope Harmony's dh is getting enough rest to continue his healing, and Dee, hope your are continuing your healing.

It is time to fix lunch now.
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Re: Thursday's Merry Hearts

Postby Harmony » Thu Nov 29, 2018 2:02 pm

We have city water here. DH refused to buy any lot that needed wells and water equipment. Our water tastes pretty good but sometimes we can taste a bit of chlorine from the treatment plan... so we have a small RO (reverse osmosis) under the sink with a small storage tank under there too. And a little wee faucet. A plumber can install that. We use the RO water for all drinking/ coffee/ stuff like that and the city water for everything else. I'll go look for a link... it's hooked right up to the regular water and all we have to do is change the filters every 6 months or a year and sometimes the storage tank needs a bit of air pumped into it. A plumber can do all those things for you, but we take care of it ourselves.

Merry Heart...such a good name for us today..especially for me and DH who got good news from the heart drs. office. The life vest is gone now once I wash it up and pack it all for the man to take away!
Apparently the attack he had did not cause any permanent damage. YaHoo!

Sunny! What excitement right outside your door today!! I'll just bet someone's head will roll because of their goof with the manhole!

I have had several answers pop into my head today for problems I was mulling over. Talked to DD about the grommet situation (called every upholstery shop in town and canvas and boat companies also an rv place) and found the right size one place but have to order 120 of them :shock: and get them pressed on by machine! Decided I could use just the ones I have (too small) but extend a wire loop to hang them by. The grommet will hold the wire and the wire could be flexible enough to make any shape she needs.

LadyM, you'd know what to do with a grommet if you had to replace one on a tarp or a tent or an RV or a boat top!

26 pages downloaded and printed out for the final loan papers. Yep still not done. I've never been in charge of seeing someone's loan papers filled out and signed and me having to send them in. That's the mortgage company's job not mine. I don't understand why this got dumped on my plate to do. And apparently we ARE going to get that last draw, so we will turn that over to the owners and let them deal with the $50,000. They were supposed to fix it so we wouldn't get that money, but you know...government work....

Mortgage broker told me after this project and massive paperwork, she turned down several jobs and won't do them any more. So all my complaining was not just my inability to figure stuff was hers too and she said NEVER AGAIN! I felt validated when she told me that.

Ok, off to go eat and get to work.

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