Suddenly Saturday....

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Re: Suddenly Saturday....

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Dec 01, 2018 9:50 pm

Cathy: My outside Christmas light rule is Advent 1 or December 1, whichever is first. And they stay on until Epiphany.

Inside decorating has no hard and fast rule although I like the tree up at least 10 days before Christmas because I enjoy it so much. And in our family's tradition it stays up until at least January 1 or 2 (depending on if we have visitors or not for New Years' Eve.) Last year it really bothered me that I had to pull down Christmas before dh's birthday. But we were leaving for Australia at 5 a.m. on January 1 and I didn't want to come back at the end of January with Christmas still set up.

This year the tree will go up on Thursday or Friday (lights and tinsel garland) and then there's a tree decorating party here on Saturday night with my final refugee family.

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Re: Suddenly Saturday....

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Dec 01, 2018 10:08 pm

Twins' Mom wrote:Kathryn, I don't know if you are realizing it, but you sound like you've turned a corner. Sometimes you see those things better looking back. Still, don't push yourself. Take naps! Take care of yourself!

I am aware. The laundry is caught up, the apartment is tidy (and mostly clean) and now a few Christmas items are done. I'm still having pain and need the Advil 3x a day since pain at those points is affecting my ability to do things, but my temperature is just half a degree above normal now.

Walking is still slow, not too steady, and sore (it hurts to flex my foot to walk heel-to-toe.)

I managed to drive today just fine (both foot since I was worried about pivoting between gas and brake, as well as brain.) I find I drive very slowly but others will just have to deal with that. I stay in the furthest right lane I can (lanes come and go on the freeway so I have to be careful to stay away from an involuntary exit or last minute merge) and I work at traveling the speed of the car in front (if it is over the limit, so am I but most of the time it is at or below the limit.)

I desperately needed the nap after babysitting but I think I would have been fine with him on my own for those few hours. He is a very easy little fellow so it isn't as if I'm chasing him around. We do brain stuff mostly, reading, singing, drawing stories. I let him tell me what he wants to do and seldom have to say no. He cleans up after each activity most of the time.

Monday we have a meeting with someone to start taking over major paperwork projects for me. There's something that must be done by the end of the calendar year and I know I won't get it done if I'm not at least working alongside someone.

Christmas dinner has also been outsourced.

I'm still waiting to find out what dh intends to do about Christmas cards. He's waiting on ds to submit and I think ds is waiting to see if he has bought a house so he can include that with his summary of the year.

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Re: Suddenly Saturday....

Postby Nancy » Sat Dec 01, 2018 10:55 pm

So my foot is sore to day, we were both in a cranky mood. Went to dinner and looked at holiday lights. I took a baby asprin. Have my foot up. Weather h as been cold and grey out.

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Re: Suddenly Saturday....

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Dec 01, 2018 11:48 pm

Kathryn - I enjoyed reading your DD review. Your DD puts more consideration & thought into her roomba than I do.

Every morning I turn it on & announce that ET is loose so the kids know they need to check for their things on the floor. I want to time how long ET runs but I haven't because honestly, I forget it is even running. It goes all over the house and I don't pay much attention to it. I think it runs for a couple hours but it might be only an hour or so. Have I mentioned that I don't pay attention to it? When ET finishes then it returns to the base without any human interaction. We only have one rug in the entire house. ET cleans that 2x3' bathroom rug without any problem.

I have started experimenting with pulling one piece of furniture away from the wall each day. It allows ET to clean between the furniture & the wall behind it. ET goes underneath the couches, chairs & bar stools and cleans a circle around each furniture leg that has an 8" clearance around it, but it can't clean the narrow strip between the furniture leg & the wall. By pulling the furniture away from the wall it gives access to clean that strip.

This evening I have spent time painting yard ornaments, deep cleaning the humidifier and playing in the container gardens.

I need to put some time & focus on putting away fall decoration and start the decorating for Christmas. Maybe tomorrow.
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2. Go after it relentlessly.

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