Thoughtful Thursday

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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Dec 06, 2018 1:00 pm

I will leave early for my appt so I can go to grocery, drop off at mailbox at post office, drop off library books and goodwill stuff.

LadyM, I was thinking about you. Perhaps you (in your spare time, of course, :lol: , but sometime?) make up some of the bag for the homeless with items like socks, water bottles, personal supplies, tuna fish kits, or fast food gift cards) to give out to the homeless. If your dgs is homeless, it will make you feel better to help where you can.
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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Dec 06, 2018 1:47 pm

Harmony: thanks for the suggestion.

I'm dressed now and tidied the bedroom. I'm watching a lot of broadcast TV in there now (something I never do but I was tired so lay down on the bed and watched one show, then puttered a bit watching another. They have I Love Lucy, Mary Tyler Moore, Rhoda and Laverne and Shirley on back to back in the morning.

I missed the first, skipped the last but enjoyed the others. I also cooked my lunch but need to clean up the kitchen now. I did unload the dishwasher at some point while making lunch.

Dh is home and he took up my suggestion of having eggs since I had cooked up some bacon for both of us.

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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby RunKitty » Thu Dec 06, 2018 2:18 pm

Harriet, congrats to DD20 on her promotion. I love hearing about her.

Good idea, Twins[' about the bags of supplies for the homeless. No gift cards though; addicts will sell them or trade for drugs. I have learned this the hard way. :(
Last edited by RunKitty on Thu Dec 06, 2018 3:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Dec 06, 2018 2:56 pm

Tree is up. No lights, no fluffing, no tinsel, but the tree is up.

(I'm babystepping here.)

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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Dec 06, 2018 3:36 pm

Babystep away Kathryn! I'm glad you're babystepping!

The repair guy for the dishwasher called while I was still at my dr appt and was here when I got home. They had said he would come between 2 and 4 so I guess I don't mind he came earlier. I need to go back out to the grocery now however. The good news is it's not the dishwasher, the bad news is there's a bit of a clog in a pipe, but he was able to pinpoint where it probably is. We can try Drano since it's not in the disposal or dishwasher. I'm starting the dishwasher to make sure it's good now.

I ate lunch - leftover from the restaurant last night - and am heading to grocery next.
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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Dec 06, 2018 3:43 pm

I did a store run earlier than the other day.
Returned the top and dropped donations off on my way back home.
Unloaded dishwasher.
Unloaded groc. And got them put away.
Did not find the slippers I wanted dang.
Got extra cans of veg beef soup something I know dgd can have, and if she does not eat it this can be our emergency food for storms.
I have more turkey broth and will do up more soup with that and sausage this week end I think we are suppose to get rain.
Laundry is going.
I did the dishes.
Dusted a bit in the basement.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Dec 06, 2018 11:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Dec 06, 2018 5:52 pm

I had a nap after the lights were on. I didn't mean to, I meant to rest but I had to keep stirring myself to wipe away drool and I have no clue what's happening in the audio book now. Last I checked, she was nearly smashed by pumpkins falling from an apartment roof.

I was aware dh was coming towards me so I struggled awake to parse his question, "What time are we leaving tonight?" I forgot we have the orchestra this evening! So that takes care of dinner, we'll eat out and then go over to the concert hall.

He went looking for the tickets and slowly I remembered I had to print the ones for September so with his help I found out how to sign in and sure enough found the print tickets button. So the next 3 events are printed off.

I put on the tinsel garland, dh tied the tree to the nail on the wall (just in case dgs falls onto it) and then I vacuumed and arranged the furniture a little bit.

I still have to do the dining room but I'm progressing for this weekend.

Next challenge is to get something suitable to wear on me.

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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Dec 06, 2018 6:03 pm

I'm so glad I went on to the grocery because we now have the "S" word in our weather forecast. No accumulation actually predicted but the grocery stores will be mobbed soon. :lol:

Tonight is dh's party for his clients at his office - thank goodness he got all the party stuff out of our garage. He has way, way too much as usual.

I am trying to regroup since I have a quiet evening. Not sure where to start...
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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Dec 06, 2018 6:12 pm

Aaack! Just realized I forgot to go to the cleaners today. I had it on my list this a.m. but didn't consult it when I went out today. And I drove right past it on the way to groceries.

I'm going to go ahead and walk the ddog then go out to cleaners. :roll: Also starting a list for tomorrow, which will be busy.
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Re: Thoughtful Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Dec 06, 2018 6:53 pm

Thank you for the thoughtful and wise suggestions and ideas!

The homeless man is not DGS23. I saw him this morning while taking DMom to the doctor. I was able to pull off the road into a parking lot where the homeless man was walking. DMom and DS10 both said "It is DGS23!!" as I pulled up next to him and rolled my window down. I asked him "Do you recognize me?" He said, "You look familiar. Do I know you?". The moment he said something I immediately knew it wasn't DGS23. I gave the guy $5 and told him to get something to eat. Then we continued on to DMom's appointment. I don't feel so clueless now since DMom and DS10 also thought it was DGS23. The homeless man & DGS23 look so much alike that they could be twins.

I think putting together bags to hand out to homeless is a great idea and something that I can get DS10 and DGD7 involved in doing. DGS23 is their brother so they do feel the loss of him not being a part of their life too.

Taking DMom to doctor and errands took up 6 hours of my day. The doctor visit was all good news. I took her to the pharmacy to pick up her prescriptions and had to wait an hour in line. :!: Then I took DMom to WM where she had an envelope full of coupons she wanted to use. I patiently helped her search out each product to match her coupons. I held my thoughts about all this effort. In most cases, if she bought the WM brand it would have been less costly than the name brand & coupon. But DMom doesn't shop by comparing cost per ounce. And that is 100% okay! I admire her for putting so much thought and time into her shopping list. I hope I can do as well when I am 87 years old.

After taking DMom home and putting away her purchases then I went to the local grocery store to buy a few things for us. I couldn't buy my things while DMom was shopping because she needs my entire attention in order for it to go fast enough for her to not get too tired.

DH had his second skin treatment today. I don't understand the entire process that DH is going through and don't know enough to even research it. He said they rub some sort of acid on his skin, then cover it in saran wrap type material, then puts heating pads on the area for 2 hours, then they remove the pads & wrap and put him under a blue light for 30 minutes. This process is supposed to kill the numerous pre-cancerous places that DH has.on his skin. It takes about a month for it to heal and he has to keep the treated skin completely out of the sun during this time. >>>editing to add....I did research this and I think DH is receiving Photodynamic Therapy<<<< DH never ask questions at the doctor visit. If I don't attend appointments with DH then we don't know what they are doing. DH is just fine with showing up and letting the doctors do whatever they want. I'm the one that wants to know every detail.

We are over 24 hours away from the expected winter storm and our governor has already declared a state of emergency. It makes me think about last year when we were told it was going to snow so they canceled school. However, it didn't snow so they canceled school for no reason.

The stores were PACKED today. As I stood in line with DMom I counted 14 lanes with checkers and 16 scan & go checkouts. They all had a dozen people or so waiting in line. Do not come to my state during winter storms. Even the calm before the storm is a bit crazy!!

I just realized.....we have 20 dozen of donuts already paid for that we will pick up Sunday morning. If church service is canceled then we are stuck with trying to find a place to give these donuts away. Last time we took them to a hospital and gave them to the volunteers to give away. The only thing I absolutely know for sure....those donuts are not coming to my house!!
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