wrapping up Christmas and the end of the year. Sunday

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Re: wrapping up Christmas and the end of the year. Sunday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Dec 23, 2018 7:49 pm

i should do p.m. routine here and some planning for tomorrow. I walked ddog and two more laps for myself so I'm within 665 steps of goal. I got about 900 steps per lap, so I'm thinking that Fitbit is registering okay?

I have a list going for tomorrow.
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Re: wrapping up Christmas and the end of the year. Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Dec 23, 2018 8:18 pm

I'm sitting down to relax for the first time today. It has been a busy day.

This morning was church, followed by lunch with VDFriends then I went to the YMCA.

Church was organized chaos today. Our church seems to thrive on this method. But today was a bit over the top chaos even for us. It all ended well but was a topic of conversation at lunch about how potential crisis after crisis was solved. All the extra Christmas dinners are distributed. 26 envelopes were distributed to the most frequent and faithful volunteers. All Angel Tree children received their gifts. We even had duplicate gifts bought for some children. Not sure how that happened. We decided to store the extra gifts to be given out at the next house fire or other crisis. One of the extra gift was a bicycle exactly like DS10 wants. I told him we can afford to buy his bike so this bike will be saved for a child in need.

YMCA was wonderful. I continue to enjoy my time spent there. Today I walked outside in the sunshine before I went to the Y so I had already achieved my step goal. I used my time at the Y to swim laps in pool, then I spend time in the spa followed by the sauna. I don't know what the correct way of going from the different temperatures of these 3 activities. I asked the lady at the front desk but she didn't know. I decided to try them going from warm...to warmer...to very warm...then cool down. The swimming pool is heated about 80F degrees. The spa is 104F degrees. The sauna is 180F degrees. Afterwards I took a shower using only hot water which felt cold to my heated skin until it cooled down. I liked this sequence so I think I will repeat it unless I find a better way. I realize while I was sitting in the spa that this was perfect meditation time. I am sitting quietly with no chance of jumping up and running to take care of something. I am sitting quietly with no one asking me questions. I am sitting quietly with no interruptions. I don't have any distractions. I don't have my phone or computer. Being in the water is about the only time I am not connected to a phone.
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Re: wrapping up Christmas and the end of the year. Sunday

Postby BookSaver » Sun Dec 23, 2018 8:58 pm

P&P's old friend the IGAD syndrome is reigning at my house -- I've Got All Day.
Consequently, I've been doing everything except the things that I planned as priority tasks for today.

I'm making a pot of lentil soup for supper.
Once I got it to the "simmer for 30 minutes" state, I started collecting the ingredients I'll need to make tomorrow's dessert and a batch of fudge. I'll put those together after we eat supper so they will have plenty of time to set up in the refrigerator. That will give me time to cut them in the morning.

I've figured out 2 potential outfits to wear to the party. I don't know what DH wants to wear but I finished all of his laundry before starting mine.

Gifts are wrapped and in the travel basket.

Hmm, I guess I'm in good shape for the family Christmas party. The things IGAD has affected are decluttering and cleaning the house, as usual. :P

As long as I didn't forget to buy any food, it will be ok. If I'm missing an ingredient tonight it will still be ok because I can always make a last-minute run to wm. I just don't want to!

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Re: wrapping up Christmas and the end of the year. Sunday

Postby Harmony » Sun Dec 23, 2018 9:00 pm

Busy afternoon. I've folded 3 LOL. I made a couple batches of cookies just for us. We shouldn't be eating those, but I'm feeling like in light of everything that's been happening, who cares?

My favorite ornament got bumped and broken. Too many little pieces to glue together. It shouldn't feel like such a big thing to me, but it does. When I went to clean it up off the floor I was careful of my knee but you know it's really sore up inside now.

Lady at church had words with DH too. Trying to decide what to say and how to get out of next week's duty. Our team has the job when there's 5 Sundays in a month. I had told them I would be there.

At least the house is in good shape. DW is running.

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Re: wrapping up Christmas and the end of the year. Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Dec 23, 2018 10:07 pm

Long Day. I'm exhausted now. Finally booting up the computer to post. Loved the Christmas Chaos story. I could imagine it all happening! And selfishly was thinking, glad it isn't me this is happening to!

Slept in a bit, then scrambled to get off to church on time. Made it and sat with a friend from the refugee committee. I love the city church and it was a wonderful service. Given that I won't get to any Christmas service this year, I'm glad I made the push. And it was a push. I skipped my light therapy in order to have time.

I managed to start some chicken stock in the crock pot. I had 4 carcasses in the freezer and by cooking up 2, freed up some space. The stock will take less room than the carcasses.

Dh chose to do his exercising and stay home from church for a more relaxed morning.

I was only gone about 90 minutes (another plus for the city church, it is 10 minutes away.)

I came home and discovered dh still in his dressing gown. He lost track of time and failed to shave, shower, dress or eat breakfast while I was gone. Dd was expecting us asap but he had also forgotten that we were to go over today after church.

She was holding lunch for us so he skipped everything but the getting dressed part and we went over. Had a nice lunch, played for a few hours with dgs, he went for a short nap and I cleaned a china cabinet (just 5 small shelves of items), washing everything, dusting and putting everything back. That way we can use dsil's penguin glasses at Christmas dinner.

Dd and I also had a tea and lemon square break. Then dsil and I finished planning the next 3 days. What food is needed, who is cooking what and our expectations for the few days.

When dgs woke up again, I played for another hour with him. Then we headed to Costco. The parking lot is terrible at that location and the aisles were overfull with shoppers. Even so, through luck (great parking spot by the door) and planning (detailed list of just the important staples), we were in and out of the parking lot in 32 minutes with everything on the list.

At home, the apartment smelled wonderful because of the stock. We had leftover shepherd's pie for supper (also from the freezer) and I made up a terrible toffee/cracker recipe. I will remove the recipe from my book (I've made it before and don't recall it being so vile) but it is made now with several adventures along the way, none happy.

After dinner I cleaned up the kitchen (there was chocolate everywhere and dh hates chocolate) and cleaned up the soup stock and readied it for the freezer. It is on the balcony now, cooling/freezing (it will be 10*F tonight.) The toffee is broken up and in a cooler on the balcony (shouldn't freeze in the cooler, but if it does, it will be fine.)

Dh is making dip for Wednesday now.

I had thought about skipping church and doing prep (like wrapping) and dh asked what he could do. At first I said nothing, then remembered he could prep the card for the super and cleaner, and repair another chair, and make the dip. None of those things have been done yet today. I'll do the card for the cleaner and super.

Dd is having a hard time with dgs being indecisive. She'll give him a choice, either option is fine and he'll keep oscillating between the two getting more and more distressed. She's warned me about this behaviour and others since I'll have him a lot in the next week.

She said he had a meltdown at the library. He was looking at 10 books, could choose some to take home and the rest go into a special return slot (so the staff can count how many books are looked at within the library.) He took all 10 and put them in the slot, then got upset because there were none to come home. They picked two more, dd checked them out, then he took them and instead of going outside, put those in the slot. And started fussing because he wanted them back. She left with a fussy child she tied into the stroller and then walked and walked until he fell asleep.

He cried when it was nap time and had what I thought was a short nap (40 minutes.) If he only naps 40 minutes all day, I'm not sure I'll be able to manage him on my own. I need more downtime than that. Dh spent a lot of time reading with him today because, to be honest, I'm tired of the current rotation of books from the library. Even so I read them to him twice (and dh twice.)

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Re: wrapping up Christmas and the end of the year. Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Dec 23, 2018 10:26 pm

((Harmony)) for loss of a favorite memory item.

((blessed and puppydog)) for an amazing morning.

The truck was fine, so having the car out of commission was no big deal for today's travel - just wanted to make sure what was wrong. I think it is just that it was low on gas, and condensation caused water to hit the fuel line first. Tomorrow mid-day I'll put in some high-ethanol and probably be fine, but I'll have one of the boys follow me just in case.

A wonderful get-together with the children and grandchildren. Pizza and salad was just right, and the gift-giving was fun. Dsonil took a video of happy gift-opening children to send to HRH. I myself got a framed blueprint copy of the patent for the first sewing machine from ds, and a Hebrew-English/Greek-English Bible from dd38. A lot of thought in these, and I truly appreciated it. Ds' still-new house was a great place to have folks over. We also played outdoors, both in our yard and then ds', with little glider planes, soccer balls and a remote control car. Chilly to me, but the children loved it!

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Re: wrapping up Christmas and the end of the year. Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Dec 23, 2018 11:27 pm

quick hello... sweet dreams all.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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