Happy Christmas Eve

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Re: Happy Christmas Eve

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Dec 24, 2018 2:58 pm

(((Twins))) I hope you feel better soon.

I got a headache making the date squares this morning. I baked lemon squares, shortbread and sugar cookies, all in one go, a few days ago and was fine. But this is a new recipe and it is a busy day and I got a headache which is not letting up.

I keep forgetting tomorrow is Christmas since tonight is the dinner. I could have put off the baking until tomorrow.

I think I'm ready now except for dressing and straightening my hair. And picking up the food from the store.

Most things are at the front door. Dh is peeling potatoes now.

I got the plants watered and the clocks wound as well as 2 loads of laundry done and fresh sheets on the bed. The super dropped by with a beautiful Christmas plant arrangement for my table.

I am going to get dressed and then close my eyes for a moment if there's time.

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Re: Happy Christmas Eve

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Dec 24, 2018 3:57 pm

On the road to DD's now. No traffic today so it is an easy drive.

The turkey dinner looks wonderful and the instructions are very clear.

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Re: Happy Christmas Eve

Postby BookSaver » Mon Dec 24, 2018 4:12 pm

Happy Christmas Eve!

I'm waiting for my turn in the shower. No rush because we don't have to be out the door until 4, which gives me almost 2 hours to finish getting ready.

Gifts are already packed and ready to take to the car.

Food is ready for final packing when it's time. The nacho cheese sauce in the crock pot will be swaddled in towels in a laundry basket. The dessert and fudge will go from the refrigerator into an insulated bag to keep them cool. Bottle of chocolate sauce is on top of the dessert pan to reduce the chance that I'll forget to take it. Tortilla chips are in the bag with the gifts.

I'm taking the packaging from the ingredients for the dessert for DNiece to read over and make sure I didn't miss anything that DGNiece cannot have. She is extremely sensitive to gluten as well as other food allergies, but she specifically asked if I could make the recipe in a version she could have because everyone else talked about how much they liked it at Thanksgiving. She is having good results since they diagnosed the allergies -- she's several inches taller this year and is no longer so painfully thin -- but it is a lot of work for both the girl and her mom to be extremely vigilant about avoiding the foods that are no longer safe for her to eat.

My knitting project bag is with my purse. I'm lucky that I can knit in the car without having motion sickness.

The trade-off for not rushing around today is that a lot of things just didn't get done. :( No cards mailed again this year. I didn't finish sewing my new top in time to wear to the party, so I'll be wearing things they've all seen before (which no one will care at the party, but it will be obvious in DSis's photos). Once again I will be starting a new year with the house looking so awful that we couldn't invite anyone over.

On the other hand, if we had wanted to host the family party I wouldn't have had it at our house anyway because we don't have enough bathrooms for a crowd. I would rent the room at the library and take decorations there. We have a patron who has done that every Thanksgiving for several years, and she loves that the room is clean when she arrives and is easy to clean up after her party.

Christmas music: I still like Trans-Siberian Orchestra and Mannheim Steamroller. Pentatonix has nice versions of The Little Drummer Boy and Carol of the Bells. Weird Al Yankovich has a new Christmas song that says everything in only 20 seconds.

Blessedw2 ~ I love your song. :lol:
Harmony ~ You have a smart DGSon!

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Re: Happy Christmas Eve

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Dec 24, 2018 5:01 pm

I enjoyed CUOP and seeing what everyone is doing.

Happy Birthday Twins!
We are the same age again for another 10 months.

I could say several things because I sure do have an opinion.......but I think I will stick with "just the facts". DD is off work today and tomorrow so I assumed DGD7 would be waking up for Santa Claus visit at her own home. I learned today that DD is going partying tonight so that means DGD7 will be at our home on Christmas morning......which means I needed to get something for Santa to leave her under the tree. I had already planned to let DS10 pick out his Christmas bike today so I just added the last minute shopping to pick up several more gifts for DGD7. The stores were PACKED. Finding a parking space was an adventure. I am thankful to have it accomplished and be back home.

I am a bit surprised with all the Christmas excitement and plans for gifts......DS10 was focused today on searching for the homeless. DS10 was eager to give them the packs we had prepared a couple weeks ago. I am thankful for his heart to help others.
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Re: Happy Christmas Eve

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Dec 24, 2018 5:18 pm

sorry for such a quick good bye with out writing back. running late.

have a lovely evening d lady and d book and everyone!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Happy Christmas Eve

Postby Nancy » Mon Dec 24, 2018 5:25 pm

Unhappy fail Cmas eve.
1 Dgdson did not get home on time was up late a no show.
2. Dd & H had words she left..
3. Tky is still not done. :roll:
Cannot Cannot remember one that was worse, but I had no expectation of perfection so I am ok bc we can have sandwiches. Life happens.

I walked the dog a couple of blocks. Glad I went for easy on this meal.

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Re: Happy Christmas Eve

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Dec 24, 2018 6:05 pm

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TWINS! Hope your headache is abating so you can at least enjoy some of the day.

We're in the process of getting ready for church. DSonil's dd was supposed to come by this afternoon and it's 5pm -so far a no show. Am I surprised? Not. We have friends coming over for a little 'normalcy' after we come home from church. His dDad passed away Friday night and this is where they chose to come for love and fellowship. She's our 'adopted' daughter and a forever friend of DD's. Love her (and her dh) to pieces. Tomorrow had thought dbil/dsisil would be coming for Christmas dinner. That's not happening -they were invited to the home of the same friends who had them over for Thanksgiving. Since they're not coming this week we did invite them for New Year's Day. We'll see how that works. Dsonil's Mom has decided that she will come as long as her son wanted her to. Think she was playing the martyr for a while there. But because she's coming his dsis, niece & family are not. Nothing like family dynamics, right?

DDIL-A texted us "thanks" for their Christmas package. She had been overwhelmed by cleaning, sanitizing, and more sanitizing all week -hoping to keep DS-A's germs from spreading to the rest of the family. She was trying to decide to just settle for 12 Christmas cookies she had left or try baking. Then our package arrived! Just in time, chock full of Christmas cookies. Said she now has "Peace". Makes us feel good too. Actually I sent them priority mail early Tuesday morning -they just got there today. Guess that was meant to be. The certificate that we bought them for the Country Museum nearby was delivered to US today. So will take a picture and text it to them tomorrow morning.

We're not doing Christmas presents ourselves until Thursday. Just decided we liked that a couple of years ago. Also allows us to go shopping the morning 'after' and try to get some good buys.
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Re: Happy Christmas Eve

Postby lucylee » Mon Dec 24, 2018 6:18 pm

Can't even cuop!
Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

All is well here, just busy busy busy... got all our gifts delivered over to ds's house for later... ds picked up bar-b-que (Christmas in Dixie, indeed!) ;)
It's kinda chaotic but -- tis the season. :lol:

Just about to go to church for our traditional bluegrass music/candlelight service & communion, then on to ds's house to have supper w/them and dbil, dniece, and dnephew...
Tomorrow -- late lunch at dmom's (traditional breakfast foods)...
and Wednesday -- finger foods and "dirty Christmas" exchange w/extended paternal family...
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Happy Christmas Eve

Postby CathyS » Mon Dec 24, 2018 7:11 pm

Happy birthday Twins.

I have one of those mats from Costco in front of my kitchen sink and the Roomba goes up and down off of it with no problem. It hesitated for the first attempt, did a small turn and approached from a slightly different direction and then everything was fine.
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Re: Happy Christmas Eve

Postby Lynlee » Mon Dec 24, 2018 8:06 pm

Happy Christmas Eve to you all.

waving from Christmas Day - thank you for your good wishes.

Christmas Eve - I went into the city. The crowds weren't really there, except at the check outs. I bought some clothing for myself from one of the big Asian stores. So will consider DM's Christmas money spent. And then some. Linen slacks and sleeveless blouse, printed viscos wide legged pants that can go from yoga to wherever, and a long lightweight, linen and viscos knit cardigan. I walked over the bridge and back along Southbank and the streets around there to catch the train one stop from 'home'. I consider I got 'enough' steps yesterday, for a change. Stores takings are down enough that last year and this, the boxing day sales have started pre Christmas. Mind you, I bought the things I wanted, most not on sale.
I bought some token gifts to go with the money for some. Sil's will just get some cash to buy their own whatever..

DGD and DGS both had their special friends to visit yesterday and last night for a roast turkey dinner. DGS19's friend is staying longer, and works in well with family. She is lovely, not shy of helping.
Dd#2 and family are coming today, and I hope we can work in another visit later in the week.

The weather here should be nice today. 29c expected max. To the west the heat has really been turned on.
I'm thankful there have been no more 4am wild life awakenings, but still often am awake about 5 or so.

Dgd has drawn a work shift later today. I guess someone needs to stay up to fetch home at 10. I hope there is overtime for her. DD is back at work tomorrow and hopes for an early night.

Wishing you a precious holiday time with family and friends.
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