Wednesday that feels like Monday

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Re: Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Dec 26, 2018 6:13 pm

Time at the y was much enjoyed. I feel like a kid in a candy store with all the choices and could spend hours there if I had the time available.

We are getting gully washing type of rain for hours. While driving to town on the interstate I had to drive 30mph below the normal and even at that speed it felt iffy. I felt the wheels loose traction several time because the water was so deep and running across the road. My windshield wiper were on highest setting and they couldn't keep up. Not a fun driving experience at all but we made it.

Lasagna is in the oven. Salad is ready. Rolls are ready. Vegetables are ready. Drinks are ready. Plates and silverware are ready. Now we wait for the baking to finish.

DSon called to check our schedule for the next couple of days and possibility of them coming to visit us. WhooooooooHooooooo!!! I could hear DGS12 and DGD8 happy voices in the background
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Re: Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby Harriet » Wed Dec 26, 2018 8:53 pm

helia, I hope the vet can help! Glad you can say you had a big group but then thinned down to a few. Smart to call a halt to cooking for one day to recuperate.

I went to grocery alone and was warm enough to be content, because the sun came out. Slowly getting out of the rut of such frequent grocery runs.

We are planning in reverse from about 6:30 a.m., the time we need to leave in the morning for HRH's next treatment. I think I can get up at 5:30 and be okay, but may wish I'd had more time. We'll see. Phone charging, choosing books I can carry to read, planning with dd. We'll awaken her as we walk out the door and she can let the workmen in at 8:00.

This will be a sort of uncharted territory. The first time for only one day of outpatient and only one med we think - not sure of that. We really have no idea when to expect to arrive home, whether we'll even have lunch there, etc.

HRH had a really good day today and did more by lunchtime than he's done most full days this past month. He was kinda laughing (kinda not), saying that he juuuust gets to feeling better and things go back to square one.

The workmen cleaned up and went home at 3 and will be back at 8 in the morning. I said to the main guy that I sure did notice the yard was full (earlier) of so many different parts and copper tubing and black insulation wrap, etc. I asked him, "wasn't anything installed correctly?" He paused. Then he said, very quietly, "no, ma'am". And they had spent the whole day on the side of the house that hadn't been giving as much trouble. They don't start on the side that's really been worrying me until tomorrow. I am so ready for a contract, guarantees, relief from surprises.

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Re: Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Dec 26, 2018 10:08 pm

In bed. Waiting for the little post-sobbing shudders to end and we'll put him onto the mattress fully. He's half on at the moment.

Dgs wants me to say when mommy is coming back and I can't. I can only say, "as soon as she can" but he may be here for several nights. She thought she was having contractions earlier this evening but her brother was pretty sure they were Braxton Hicks. If she is in labour that means emergency C-section so we hope he's right.

I'm exhausted but the day was a success. Baby Iris was an angel, full of smiles and happy for me to carry her around for a while.

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Re: Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Dec 26, 2018 10:37 pm

The weather is being a PITA. It has rained 4.5" today and it is still raining. Many roads are flooded and some roads washed away.

I was sitting in church listening to the service when wierd things started happening. Our door bell camera kept going off. When I checked the video it showed rain going sideways and hitting the camera even though it has a 12' overhang protecting it. I checked the weather station a mile from our home and it showed wind speed of 60mph. Then a lady posted on our town fb group that a tornado just went by her home. A couple seconds later the electric company sent me a text saying power would be restored around 10:30. When I tried to check if our home generator was running I could not get a response. I whispered to DH that weird things were happening at our home so we decided to leave church during the service and come home. We had to drive about 10 miles extra to stay off the country roads because many were blocked. All is well that ends well. Our home is fine. Our town lost power about an hour ago but our home generator is working like it is supposed to. The only thing not working is the TV cable and internet.
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Re: Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby Nancy » Thu Dec 27, 2018 1:46 am

I got some knitting done. Stove element is out breaker is off for it. So I will not be using it tomorrow. The element does not just plug in luke the burners sigh... I did some reaxing this afternoon. Got the warp wound on the floor loom, the next step is to rethread the heddles and reed.

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Re: Wednesday that feels like Monday

Postby Lynlee » Thu Dec 27, 2018 2:16 am

Waving from Thursday that feels like The Sabbath.
I'm having a day off from running around.
ok. Still, I'm doing the technology thing, bushing these buttons.
Today I've been reading the last of the novels I brought with me.
Had a much needed nap this afternoon.
I woke up to have lost my place in the book when it fell closed, so I need find 'the page' still. I have gotten close to it I think.
DD#2 asked if I wanted to go there today - text found at midday. I wanted the rest day by then.

Its a work day here for others.
DD worked all day. DGD had a volunteer shift with adoptable dogs. DSIL is working from home as part of an O/S outfit.
Yesterday he told me of some of the post local/international travel gig employment hoop-lah.
Seems like politicking powerplay by his old boss.
DGS is off to gym & pu in the midst of dsil going on the hour plus pick up of dd and dgd.

I had thought of getting in the pool, or trying some yoga moves but am yet to get there.
Or writing letters to family.

Tomorrow is an hr train ride to dd#2, then home. Hoping for some easy interactions there with play and talk possibilities while I'm there.

Blessed - I ort go back to find that link you posted. One site that made me think was a piece about the flying monkey concept.
(In the wizard of Oz the wicked witch had flying monkeys that went to interfere with those seeking their own goals. It made me realise that the flying monkeys might not know they were being used in certain scenarios, and also that we might have our own 'inner monkey' that tries to dissuade us from the path we want to take by negative internal talk and self doubt. I think the witch of some scenarios might not even know they have been subverted to be throwing off negative spin. I admit to a certain sympathy for their plight, born of their own circumstances and experiences. )
Like with all politicking (power grabbing positioning), noting what is real and what is twisted, against what the supreme Truth may be, is often not the simplest of quests. Often no one side has all the 'Truth' in any dispute.

Sending greetings to all.
Yesterdays service suggested Christmas was an 8 day event, so if there is still Christmas happening for your family, that is all in the season.

Thinking of the in Canadas and potential happenings there, and the Dees.
Hugs and prayers to all in need.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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