Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

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Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:56 am

Every time you meet a deadline that's a goal achieved right there.
Every time there is some order created where there was chaos, that is success.

The above quote is from Lynlee's post yesterday. It helped me to put things into perspective.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Jan 01, 2019 10:38 am

Great quote -thanks, Lynlee! You're right, LadyM, it does put things in perspective!

A Happy New Year to one and all. Though I know from a long life of ups and downs, it will bring its own set of incidents and happenings. It's up to us to make something good in each one! The good things are easy -it's the tough situations that make finding that good a little more challenging -but it's there!

Have had breakfast and now need to get going on sprucing up the kitchen and dining room. Dishes first! DD has been making the meatballs/sausage and now has the spaghetti sauce simmering. We decided on that rather than lasagna this afternoon. Think dh will probably vacuum. We need a Roomba! Wonder how dsonil would adapt to that!

Slept very little last night. Got a text from someone around 11:15 telling me to be sure to let out the dog & they'd be home around 3am. I texted back only because it happened to be our DShelley's old phone #. We ended up conversing for a few minutes. It was nice and brought back fond memories of our daughter. Then at 11:15 I happened to look at my missed calls and realized I'd missed a call from our dear camp neighbor at 7:54. By mistake I hit it but luckily she was up and we talked for half an hour! Fireworks were going up all over the place then right around midnight someone was firing what sounded like an assault rifle -over and over and over and over! Hard to sleep after that!
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

Postby Ramblinrose » Tue Jan 01, 2019 11:18 am

Morning y’all...

I’m looking forward to a fresh start since I think my migraine of two days is finally over. I have a bunch of footprints to pick up and some laundry to do. I am out of my good stomach meds for a few days and taking my other meds, but they don’t work as well so I’ll need to be careful of what I eat and hope that works.

Happy New Years to y’all. My coffee is waiting..best way to start my New Years :D
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Re: Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jan 01, 2019 11:18 am

The good things are easy -it's the tough situations that make finding that good a little more challenging -but it's there!

Dee - So very true!

I've struggled with 2 challenging family situation the past couple of days. One of them has brought much angst and the cause of heated words between DH and me in trying to decide how to respond to it. This situation has been ongoing for decades and we know no matter how we respond it won't cause a change. The best we can hope for is to limit the effects to the minor children. But even in the middle of dealing with these challenges, I can still find something in the situation to be thankful for even if it is knowing that struggle brings growth.

Today is a homeschool day. YES, I know it is a holiday but we seriously need some normal in our life. DS10 does well when he stays with a routine. I have discovered that having him on a routine is better than giving him meds.

Happy New Year wishes to all!
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 01, 2019 11:35 am

I'm up but certainly not physically or mentally ready for a fresh start. Emotionally, I'd love one, but the mind and body are too exhausted to follow the heart!

Just remembered I put off the clean sheets until today. Ugh, no going back to bed.

It was a very busy day yesterday but very good. I felt literally sick at times from so much laughing (combined with too much food!) We play a game called Code Names and it brings the silliness we have with dd's godfamily to a whole new level.

Ds's girlfriend held her own through the game playing which was wonderful considering she's considerably younger than the other young adults. She's in pre-med (struggling but at least she had the marks and interest to get in.)

We were in bed shortly after 2, after a harrowing drive home (freezing rain on top of snow and rain.) But I didn't get to sleep until after 4 and ended up getting out of bed at 8:30.

I've just managed tea and chocolate, light therapy and emptying the dishwasher.

Skippable reflection

I am thinking about setting a theme for the year (this is something that is discussed on the Cortex podcast) and also thinking about downloading a list/task manager but I don't know what I hope to accomplish with it.

Dd is about to move to Omnifocus but she's on iOS so has the Workflow options as well.

My current to-do method is a mixture of Google Calendar (I have my SHE cards entered in there, plus one-time things like babysitting) and my Bullet Journal (which covers scheduled events and one-time unscheduled tasks like taking down Christmas Decorations.) But I don't have a project manager (something that allows me to break a larger project into smaller steps), for the few times I need one (like prepping an annual report.) I just write out the steps on a piece of paper or in my bullet journal.

The hand copying of tasks from the Google calendar to my bullet journal each new month and each week, allows me to reflect on my time and how busy certain times will be. That planning takes place away from a computer, just my phone for the calendar and the journal. So it can be done during light therapy or in the car, or any time I need to pause and regroup.

I think the pause and regroup feature of the bullet journal is the most valuable to me. I barely journal with it unless something important is happening, like keeping a daily log of my concussion experience, plus a full account of the accident, or tracking the back/fever/shingles/depression episode.

There's room in my life for me to focus on writing out reflections as well as just thinking them as I work on my journal. Maybe that could be a yearly theme for me, "Year of Reflections." My first thought was "Year of Healing." Basically, one tries to make sure one's focus returns to the yearly theme as one works through the year.

The questions I have to ask myself are:

"Will learning and implementing a software solution to task and project management save me time compared to, or be more effective than, my current system?"

"Will having a new task and project management system actually get me to do the tasks?"

I haven't looked at my SHE system for ages. I'm running on habit as far as daily and weeklies is concerned and on "OMG this needs to be addressed" when it comes to month/season/annual chores. Will a new software package actually get me to do the work?

Does my SHE system no longer interest me and do I need something new and shiny?

Have I grown out of needing something the way P&P envision it? (They changed the original SHE system as their children grew and it was the Happiness File system that worked best for me. Perhaps had they continued to develop and write, they would have tweaked the system further to deal with retirement and grandchildren and all the other challenges we have with aging.)

Do I just need to reread Happiness File and tweak my existing system to get back on track?

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Re: Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

Postby Harmony » Tue Jan 01, 2019 11:51 am

Good morning and Happy New Years to everybody.

I will tweak my systems someday if things change around here. Until then there's not much I can do. Continue to do the work and tuck other chores in here and there while I can. I've discovered if (like Dora) it's important to "just keep swimming".

Stopped to watch a Hall mark movie that I love but I have desk chores to do also.

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Re: Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 01, 2019 12:46 pm

My senior friend bought dgs an ABC book that turns out to be a Leap Frog book so one needs the system to make it work.

Dd doesn't want one (she feels she can create similar stuff on a tablet and thus reduce e-waste.) But she will let me buy a used one and helped me find one. It is an hour's drive but also out where my Bosum Buddy lives so we'll head out there today and hopefully get in a visit.

Next up, breakfast. or Brunch, I guess. I've got henna on my hair so I'm washing away the grey today.

Dh brought the bins up from the basement so I can undecorate as I have time/energy. That's something I might do to a movie this evening.

Dinner is not planned. Then again, I don't feel like eating yet. Hence me not having breakfast yet.

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Re: Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

Postby CathyS » Tue Jan 01, 2019 1:10 pm

Happy New Year 2019!!

I am doing my annual closet clear out. ALL hangers get turned around. I have also let go of a few things as I've pulled them out of the closet.

Before I began, I weighed myself. I tried on all of my bras a couple of days ago and they all seem too big in the top of the cup. Gravity was the reason I thought. Happily I have lost weight in the past year!! I think I put 4 of my 6 bras in the donate pile.

Rui (I named my Roomba) is doing her daily job. It astounds me that that there is always a full container of stuff at the end of her shift. (Usually around an hour.) I usually just get rid of her being under my feet in the kitchen and send her away for another day.

We are having a full turkey dinner with stuffing, cranberry sauce and carrots and scalloped potatoes tonight. At 15 minutes per pound, it will take almost 5 hours if I calculated correctly. 19.5 pound turkey!! He comes out around 4. (Aren't all turkeys male/Toms?)

Time to get things back into the closet. Before bed last night I started reading "Decluttering at the speed of life" Interesting. Compares our homes to containers, and how to not overfill the container. For example, if you have a drawer full of scarves, you can only keep the scarves that fit into that drawer. Anything extra has to go because they don't fit. Made sense to me.
Dishes never stop.
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Re: Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 01, 2019 1:25 pm

thank you for sharing the quote d lady!

hello all! I woke up very late - we stayed up until we heard from dd's. they had a lovely time at New Years with d mom! awesome! They danced all night. dd younger (has it where her legs go numb but she said she kept on dancing but the only problem she had is that when her legs went numb she lost her beat. so happy she could laugh at this. All 3 of them had a lovely time!

it's been helping dd younger to be able to call and talk!

I wish you all a wonderful day! Happy first day of the year!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tuesday Fresh Start New Year

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 01, 2019 1:33 pm

My goals

Be a good person - be understanding for what causes people and myself to act as we do. Setting boundaries that are kind and firm. Working on not reacting (i get upset)- working on not letting someone else's issues and anger take me to a place I don't want to be.

Be a good listener rather than a talker. Listening is a great gift.

do not put myself down or think i failed because I didn't do...x, y and z.

use my planner - especially looking at the year first as the big picture - asking myself
"Do you want to have to deal with this again next year?" Minimalist mom
(where do I want to be January 1, 2020?)

De - Clutter will give me peace which will give my family peace.

my word of the year originally was fitness - financial fitness, physical etc. but I changed it to Balance. (I had thought of focus). But balance in all things is difficult for me. I want to be balanced with time etc. time with family and friends, financially balanced, taking time for physical fitness,
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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