Tidying Thursday

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Re: Tidying Thursday

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Jan 03, 2019 3:48 pm

HI everyone! I am back at payroll and my parents are staying with DD16. My LR has been repainted except for one alcove, two wall touchups, and ceiling touchup. There is still ice on the roads in neighborhoods and I nearly made some amateur alterations to a car in front of me. Missed him by inches. Holidays have been mostly good. My aunt's death on Christmas day prevents it from being an entirely joyous time. My daughter has gotten my dad (50+ years professional interior designer) to help her pick colors for her room, so more painting will be in our future.

Mom is driving me nuts with her ideas of how I should keep my house clean. Apparently one is supposed to: dust everyday, mop everyday, vacuum everyday, and wash kitchen cabinets weekly. I dust and mop before guests arrive and do not own a vacuum (never found one that worked well on hardwood floors). I have lived in the house six years and never washed cabinets except when I spill something on them. She was worried about some gaps between the baseboards and walls because dust would get there. I want to put cabinets on the shelf in the LR by the vents. This is about 9 feet up. She is perturbed because, "If you put cabinets up, you have to dust them." Um ... no, I don't. And vertical cabinets will collect lots less dust than the existing shelf. (Apparently, the shelf does not need dusting, not sure why). She has never liked dust (who does?), but is now convinced that DD and I are have respiratory problems due to the dust. Except that neither of us have respiratory problems. All this snow has made me want to return to Mobile. Except then I would have to hear about my substandard housekeeping every day rather than once every few years.

I had 202 work emails, now dealt with and 185 home emails not even looked at. Tonight I must: find my grocery list and get groceries, find a library book and return it, pick up meds, and bring in the wreath from outside (forgot it). Should do some bills and budget, but may not get to do it until Saturday after they have left. Don't need to hear how I should be managing my money too.

Even after telling me of my brother's soap opera life post-remarriage, Mom still won't hear a word against dating with minor children. Bro was a bonehead when he gave his daughter's room to his step-daughter on the premise that DD is only there 50% of the time while SD is 100%. (100% because SD's father is deceased, not evil). I'm the only one who can see that DD feels replaced, even though I am pretty sure bro did not intend it that way.

Question for y'all: My friend, N, asked me if she could bring another woman, G, to the xBFF's Christmas party. I, of course, said that was not up to me! She got the ok for that from xBFF, then later called and added a second woman, B. I doubt the xBFF was pleased with either request, though she never said anything to me about it. G shows up on time and is a good guest. N keeps sending me texts during the party that she is running late and wants me to get the hostess to delay the white elephant exchange until she gets there. I completely refuse! N and B show up late, during the game, and DRUNK! They decided it would be a good idea to do shots before meeting a party full of people that N knows do not get drunk at these parties. They had taken an Uber to get there, and I had to drive them home so the hostess would not be stuck with them while they waited for their return Uber. xBFF asked me not to mention any of her parties to these people again. I agreed that it was a total embarrassment and assured her they would not hear about another from me! The question is, do I tell N and B that they will not be invited back? My inclination is to say nothing unless they ask about it next year, to which I reply, "Last time you showed up late and drunk." And what about G, who did nothing wrong and was liked by the hostess?

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Re: Tidying Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Jan 03, 2019 4:29 pm

do I tell N and B that they will not be invited back?

I vote no. "xBFF asked me not to mention any of her parties to these people again." I would respect this request.

I have not made a lot of progress today. Typically I can handle DS10 and DGD7 care and still get other things done. But I'm not feeling on top of my game. My energy level is low. I have some UTI symptoms that are increasing even though I'm still taking antibodies.

I continue to work on the lesson plan spreadsheet. At least I am getting something done. Having the curriculum completely planned makes it possible to accomplish and track homeschool assignments quickly.
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Re: Tidying Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Jan 03, 2019 4:38 pm

Elizabeth, I agree with LadyM. Don't bring it up. :shock:

I have unloaded groceries and am heading back out to see dmom.
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Re: Tidying Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Jan 03, 2019 4:43 pm

I am back from the store the groc. Are unloaded and put away.
Walked the dog at the dog park.
Winds are howling again out wife now.

Yes Elazibeth I would tell them the reason of being too drunk as and xh asked to not have em come Via textt hoping to never have to deal with them again. Especially if they ask about it.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Jan 04, 2019 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tidying Thursday

Postby CathyS » Thu Jan 03, 2019 4:52 pm

Hi Elizabeth! It's so nice to see you! Personally I wouldn't mention the party next year, nor would I remind them about their drunkenness this year. Drunks know they are drunks, and in my personal experience, they don't need reminders.

Former owner of this house popped by to say hi. Dh was here for a few moments as well.
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Re: Tidying Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jan 03, 2019 5:15 pm

hello! groceries are done and put away. Hope you are all well.
I am going to work on the house because I have that "failure" thinking right now because I haven't finished the job I had planned for myself or most of my routines.

wishing you all the best. I miss you all! I hope I can recap tonight.
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Re: Tidying Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:52 pm

fish is in the oven, cauliflower in instant pot,
I don't want fish - the little stinker in me wants to grab pizza - ;)

first floor vacuumed
bathrooms swished and swiped
all paperwork is done.
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Re: Tidying Thursday

Postby Ramblinrose » Thu Jan 03, 2019 7:23 pm

Well my day certainly didn’t go as planned.

After folding laundry I took out our nasal steamer and spent time using Vic rings and stream to address my sinus infection. Told Sweetie around 10am I was still feeling tired and was going to take a quick nap. Four hours later I woke up! Usually I can never nap and this time not only did I sleep 4 hours I did a lot of dreaming which tells me my body must of needed sleep in order to help in my fighting my infections.

Sweetie was kind enough to get take out for dinner and now I am back in bed. Gonna do another stream treatment in a while and then go to sleep early. My eyes look like a puff frog and my teeth hurt, plus my head still hurts so this must be a doozy of an infection. Thankfully I have a drs appointment on Tuesday so I can have her check on the infection.

No plans for tomorrow.... just sleep till I wake up. Gonna let my body dictate my day.

Elizabeth...I don’t think I would say anything to the girls unless they ask. Then I would tell them the truth.. their unwanted behavior nixed any future invites. If they want to plead their case to your friend then that would be up to them. Hopefully they will be smart enough to apologize to your friend for their behavior in the near future.
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Re: Tidying Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Jan 03, 2019 7:24 pm

The snow is still falling. The news feeds are full of cancellations for tomorrow.

The kids have played outside in the snow several times until they got so cold they had to come inside and warm up. Rinse & repeat.

I had planned to bring home fish & chips for dinner (after taking DMom to the doctor). Since those plans were canceled I changed the menu to Chicken patties sandwiches and mixed vegetables.
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Re: Tidying Thursday

Postby Harmony » Thu Jan 03, 2019 7:35 pm

Elizabeth, I wouldn't say anything. It is always the hostess's job to invite or not invite and answer any questions why. Totally bad form for anybody to show up that way.

Spent a couple hours looking around at eye doctors, reading reports, etc etc. I wish I had a bunch of people to ask about their experience. The 2 people I know who had this done didn't have good stories to tell. I don't always believe reports on the internet about doctors because it is possible to pay someone to post reports; and 1 bad experience might have a medical reason that would make perfect sense if one was a medical person. I read many bad reports from people who were just miffed they had to wait too long. I would wait a long time without complaint to get service from a very good doctor.

It occurred to me while I was trying to figure this out that besides not knowing who to go to, I am scared about the whole thing. I wish I was braver. Even watching a u-tube of the procedure and reading lots of "it was really nothing" reports, I'm still apprehensive. Besides figuring out when I'll do all this and do I have to go searching for someone else to drive me if DH is busy. I might get a divorce lawyer if he isn't around to help me with this. :roll:

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