Simple First Saturday

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Re: Simple First Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Jan 05, 2019 10:47 pm

Home from pub.

I folded the laundry and put it away, emptied the dishwasher, took my nighttime vitamins (and melatonin) and listed everything in both freezers.

I'm now printing off my freezer master list blank so I can fill in what we have on hand and then tomorrow I'll try and plan meals so we can eat from the freezer for the rest of the month.

I had to clean out the freezers and rearrange things because I had soup on the balcony and it is above freezing now so I had to move it inside (it was still rock hard when I moved it.) I had a hard time getting it and the two loaves of bread I'd bought into the freezers.

I'm ashamed to admit this but we have not had one homecooked meal yet this year!

Tomorrow is roast beef (but it is possibly dodgy so the pizza leftovers in the freezer are my backup plan.)

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Re: Simple First Saturday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:41 pm

Home from 5 hours spent with extended family. I enjoyed seeing my siblings, their children, and their grandchildren. Someone said there was 42 of us there tonight. We are a talkative bunch. There were a half dozen or so conversations going on at all times. :) We had WAY WAY too much food but that is what happens when we get together. DMom was pleased with her birthday celebration. DMom intentionally took twice her normal amount of Parkinson medication tonight because she wanted to not be shaking during her birthday party. It was sorta strange to see her head and hands relatively still.

LadyM, are your utensil handles Bakelite?

I don't think so. I think they are some sort of plastic. I asked DMom tonight about the utensils and she remembers buying them in the early 1960's. DMom even remembers who she bought them from (that sold Stanley products). DMom used to buy a lot of Stanley products during that time frame and she still has most of them. The Stanley brooms and mops just don't wear out. They sure don't make them that way anymore!
Last edited by LadyMaverick on Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Simple First Saturday

Postby BookSaver » Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:42 pm

Hello, villagers ~
Checking in ==
Thursday at work was insanely busy because we were still trying to get caught up after holiday closures. Enough said.

From yesterday 11:00AM until today 10:30AM I attended what was supposed to be a 25-hour webinar marathon of sewing classes. (I attended this same online event a year ago.) Yes, I stayed awake over 24 hours, in spite of still having a cold. It was mostly fun and I have many pages of notes with instructions for small projects and tips to make sewing easier. It was organized as livestream of instructors teaching a variety of topics, 10 minute breaks between each class, and constant live chat window (text only) for asking questions and general conversation with other attendees.

I say mostly fun because
(1) Even in something like this, there are a few mean-spirited people who cause stress for everyone else. Whenever one of them in the chat started complaining, I tried to change the subject by asking a question or making a positive comment about a class topic.

(2) The live stream abruptly stopped 1 1/2 hours early with an error message, "This meeting has been ended by the host." I don't know if they lost power or lost internet or what. The bad thing is that at the very end is when they were supposed to tell the information about prizes for people who attended the whole thing, special sales, and coupon codes that are only for the class attendees. I've been watching for an email explanation but nothing so far, which again leads me to wonder about power or internet outage. I do know they were having some construction done on their building; maybe the contractors made an oopsie?

The best thing about an online class like this is that I don't have a camera on my computer, so I could be here at home in my messy house and dressed in my old comfy pajamas with no makeup. I could chat with other people, be friendly and sociable without actually having to be WITH other people. I could run to the kitchen or bathroom whenever I wanted. I didn't have to worry about disturbing other attendees when I coughed or blew my nose (stupid cold). I could stand up, stretch, and walk around without bothering anyone else in class. I made a point of getting up and walking around for the full time of every break (10 minutes between classes, plus the 2 meal breaks of 30 minutes each).

After I gave up on the class re-starting today, I went upstairs to fall into bed and slept about 4 hours. Since then I've been doing little chores around the house but generally feeling discombobulated. I finally asked DH a little bit ago what had happened in the real world while I was online in class. He said he didn't know because he had been online most of the night and day, too. :lol: No wonder we've been married so long, we are a matched pair.

I have an extremely busy week coming up, meetings Friday & Saturday with lots of prep work to do, volunteer work Tuesday taking down Christmas decorations at the library, and in general trying to get back to some kind of normal post-holiday routine. Dark winter days of January & February.

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Re: Simple First Saturday

Postby Harriet » Sun Jan 06, 2019 12:03 am

BookSaver, although that would not have been fun for me, I applaud your determination! Hope you learned a lot. You know you are acting like a very young woman, right? Pulling an all-nighter.

I got all the 5x5 done except the colorist, since I realized that I was rushing the calendar a little on that one. I can wait one week or at least a few days. All grocery items except one were found - better than my usual average.

I put in 30 minutes on declutter - bedroom, and 45 on focus cleaning - bathroom. Later sat with youtube and researched some cleaning tips and helps (does that time count for cleaning?) HRH came in to the office to see if I was okay and saw a view of a toilet flushing on the computer screen, so maybe he continued to worry about me, lol. (no - he's used to a wife with varied interests!)

All the healthy habits were checked off.

The creative things didn't get done yet, but I will be able to begin instantly when the chance comes.

I'll be alone at church tomorrow because dd must head in to work for some reason. They are gearing up for an art installation and the artist flies in tomorrow I think. It's okay because I need to be present with the giving letters and have a finish, an "off my mind".

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