Wipe away Wednesday

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Re: Wipe away Wednesday

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Jan 16, 2019 2:20 pm

Turns out her dmil won't get a flu shot so has been disinvited from coming to see the baby. Baby has no immune system and dmil would be on a germ-tube (airplane) to get here so dd and dsil put their foot down saying you won't protect yourself from getting sick but that means you can carry flu to the baby so please don't come.
Sad, but I certainly agree. Dsonil refuses to get a flu shot too -which then puts us all at risk of getting at least something (dd and we all get ours every year). We all 3 had shots last year and dd got the flu anyway -through school. As soon as she was diagnosed at the Polk county school district clinic, she called us to tell us. Drs there advised us to both get the tamiflu even if we did have a shot. Called our respective doctors up home and had prescriptions post haste at W algreens down here. Dd was out several days, but we never got it. It was one of those strains that just was not resistant to the flu shot last year. Trusting we won't have the same scenario this year. Plus I (not sure about dh -he has a different office) got the 'enhanced' senior shot. Guess they're trying a heavier dose for the next few years to better protect seniors. (Seniors??? Never thought I'd say the word. Wasn't I just 40?)
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Wipe away Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 16, 2019 2:55 pm

I printed off the signs for next week's meeting and then got out for a walk, starting with putting up the signs in all three buildings.

The wind is wicked but I made it to the fancy grocery store and treated myself to lunch from their hot food bar.

Now to bundle up and head home. Not many steps but some sunshine and more than enough wind to wipe away any cobwebs in my mind.

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Re: Wipe away Wednesday

Postby CathyS » Wed Jan 16, 2019 3:41 pm


I was in my favourite used bookstore yesterday and a young woman came in and she bought a book and was given some change. All I heard from partway to the back of the store was this young woman exclaiming that "Your money is so pretty!!" She wanted to know what the coins in her change were and the owner explained that the larger "silver" one with the "gold" in the middle was a $2 coin called a toonie and that the smaller "gold" one was a $1 coin called a Loonie. She knew what the quarters and dimes were. As she was leaving, she said "Bye y'all!!" Just thought I would share a happy part of my day yesterday with "y'all!"

I slept really well last night. I haven't seen dh today. Normally I see him at lunch. All I saw was the fact that he had been home and eaten.

I think I am making Shepherd's Pie tonight. We had pasta (shells) in the salmon casserole last night. I know it's another casserole, but it's really cold out and very windy and we actually had some snow this morning. Very tiny little flakes that are mostly gone because the sun came out.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Wipe away Wednesday

Postby lucylee » Wed Jan 16, 2019 3:50 pm

Thanks for the support I got last night after my pity party.
I did re-adjust my "checklist" and I'm trying to re-adjust my thinking! :D Also trying to consider TIME REQUIRED for some of these things. I truly have a lot of available time in my day -- I just have to learn to quit wasting it. I wish I could learn to check in here more QUICKLY. I must not be very efficient. I haven't been on this site very long, but I have been at the computer over 30 minutes already... shaking my head... :roll:

I am NOT s2s, but I have been to the post office with dh -- putting PEOPLE before PLANS, you know -- and I started my day with my 5-min floor exercise routine.
Also have a load of clothes in the washer.
I need to start ironing.
AND I need to color my hair today.
Church at 6:30 and dgd spending the night.

I better get busy. I'll try to cuop later...
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Wipe away Wednesday

Postby lucylee » Wed Jan 16, 2019 5:14 pm

I have a SHEM:
Daily habits are like compound interest,
Seemingly inconsequential over the course of a day,
But over time, enormously consequential.

I have s2underwear and visited my colorist! ;)
Now to get my my clothes on and iron a bit before I start supper.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Wipe away Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 16, 2019 5:55 pm

Lucylee: nice SHEM!

I have a big tah-dah!!!!!

I have entered 3 months of chits into Quicken and then reconciled 3 credit card statements!

I took a break after 2 months of entry, took the cans down to the recycle room, then did another month of entry and 3 months of reconciliation. I'm now to August 15. That part is depressing and my head hurts. I made mistakes with the numbers as I entered them but just as when I'm typing words, my brain said "that doesn't seem right" and I'd go double check and found most of the mis-types immediately.

I'm off to take the paper recycle to the recycle room. I'm finding the physical movement helpful in resetting me a bit. I'm physically as tense as can be at the moment.

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Re: Wipe away Wednesday

Postby Lynlee » Wed Jan 16, 2019 6:17 pm

love the theme and the sentiments shared.

I want to see if I can get going and bus to 2 mtgs today at a support center. 2nd group is a womens group.
it looks feasible at least. and bus stop is thru an via homemaker center across the away, so I can poke my head in some places there I rarely go.
I went to those mtgs once , years ago.

I've made a list. now away with me.

ps - our last winter season was not so bad for flu. Already this summer there are reports of folk getting flu.

rdg and response
ate the one and only lychee I got from the crop. The flying foxes (fruit bats) had beaten me to the others, unless its been the birds - more than possibe - leaving the skin shell.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Wipe away Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Jan 16, 2019 7:43 pm

Dgd is here I do not feel like I have accomplished much. Laundry needed to wait till I can put in hubbys work clothes.
I did get to the end of a chapter of this book on how dog think it is dry but I am determined to finish it.

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Re: Wipe away Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 16, 2019 7:55 pm

I've reconciled the three statements directly to the chits and shredded the chits that don't need to be kept. As I work, I find extra tasks to do (such as talk to the car rental agency and ask why they charged us over $100 more the rental in June. I won't likely get any money back since it has been so long but I want to understand why I was overcharged and will go in threatening to mount a charge-back against the card.

My shredder was squeaking so I found the lubricating pads (first try!) and ran one through. That fixed the squeak.

Dinner was easy. Dh brought back his favourite Chinese food (he was at the dentist which is in the same rural town) and I had a frozen lasagna and salad.

We watched the third episode of the Kominsky (sp?) Method (on Netflix.) I cried at the end of this one too. I keep hoping the tear-jerking story line will end and there was nothing to bring on tears in this episode until the very last scene. I'm loving the series.

I need to try and do some more of the data entry at least.

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Re: Wipe away Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 16, 2019 10:40 pm

I did another month. That makes 4 of about 28 done (7 months, multiple credit cards and bank accounts.) At least this is one of my main credit cards so there are lots of transactions.

I've lost an envelope with receipts for the residents' association. Probably $100 - $200 dollars, going back 15 months. I discovered that when I was missing a receipt and recognize it as for the RA but can't find the envelope. I've found 3 other receipts that weren't in it and one item was bought online so I'll have a receipt for that. Plus I have a record of all my printing so will be reimbursed for that. But not Halloween (2 years worth) nor the 2017 Christmas party food. Sigh....

So I got distracting tearing apart everything looking for the missing envelope. I went through several files and have at the least tossed a lot of papers that I don't have to keep. I can tell my brain wasn't working right, normally I would have recycled old signs but for some reason I saved everything.

Anyway, I'm stopping for the night. I have a mass email to write and send and that will take me to past my bedtime.

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