Thankful Thursday

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Jan 17, 2019 3:06 pm

Back from a store run, got Rx in case we get bad weather, nearly out of coffee so had to get more,
got pjs I need to return for smaller size thankful for that!
Paid a bill.

Blessed thought of you while I watched "The Innocents" on Netflix, I was reading subtitles bc it was in French. Rather dark during war times.

Today watching "Watership Down" it is in eposodes I like that.

I have vacuumed laundry room, clothes are in the dryer.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Jan 17, 2019 6:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Jan 17, 2019 3:23 pm

Twins - Glad you could CI. Hoping your trip is going well.

Homeschool Day #110 is done. I am joyful that things went so well today. I've sped up the assignments because DS10 is doing them so easily. Today we did 4 days of Math assignments and 5 days of English assignments in the same time that we usually do 1 day of assignments.

DH has been at the dermatologist office for the past 3 hours. The doctor recommended another light treatment which takes about 2 hours. Hopefully, this 3rd round of treatment will eliminate all the small cancers on his arms.

DMom is continuing to improve. I am thankful.

DGS21 came and ate lunch while talked non-stop the whole time. He is really stressed over some issue that doesn't seem that stressful to me. I think he is making mountains out of molehills. Hopefully, I listened well and responded appropriately.

I knew my text message to DD would make her furious. (when she did a no show to see DGD7 Tuesday morning). DD responded nicely and respectfully to me. DGS21 told me about the texts he received from DD that told the side of the story that I knew how DD would really respond. Hopefully, DD doesn't take off & dump DGD7 into a stranger home and then leave her.

I find myself wishing for an afternoon off. I immediately wondered if this means I am getting depressed. I don't think so. I would just like to take a few hours off. However, I am so far behind in EVERYTHING that the thought of taking time off seems wrong. Hum....I could take some time for myself and go to the Y. That doesn't solve being behind in everything but at least I can get some exercise. Double taking time off has now translated into me going to exercise. That seems weird. But whatever works I guess.

Thinking of CathyS and DH today
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby CathyS » Thu Jan 17, 2019 3:32 pm

Hi! We are home. Dh was in for the ultrasound before I even finished paying for parking!! There was nobody else in the waiting area. Sometimes smalltown hospitals are amazing.

I was up before 7 and had the Roomba doing her job before 7. Almost all of the dishes and pots and pans are clean. Garbage and recycling have been dealt with. I've been to the Craft Guild and I had my second lesson for Hardanger.

We are having leftovers tonight. I had taken out pork chops as well because I thought dh would eat the leftover Shepherd's pie for lunch. I will cook the pork chops in an Indian butter (chicken) sauce. Dh and I like to use this sauce for different meats to see what works.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Jan 17, 2019 4:40 pm

My sister called and chatted. She's having a rough stay this year in Florida. The 'honeymoon' is over in this relationship and the fact that she wants downtime and her partner is always on the go, dragging her along, is making her angry. No upset, not depressed, not frustrated, but angry. This is where her inability to communicate with people, instead pushing and pushing until she wears the other down to agreeing she's right, works against her. She always chooses conflict instead of working cooperatively.

(An example, I've given here before, I was telling a story about my difficulty riding my bicycle and how I was nervous on roads given how unsafe they are here for bicyclists, and my story (which was about my attempt to get more confident on my bike) could not proceed until I conceded that her city was the most dangerous city in which to ride a bicycle and I didn't don't what truly dangerous was.)

Dh is an 'always on the go' person and I'm not and I've learned how to remind him about this over and over. I do not think he deliberately over-schedules me to make me miserable. I think he has a hard time, even after 36 years, of remembering I can't manage social things the way he can and I while it appears I thrive on them (I do get energy from being with people) there's a breaking point for me. He has learned that I likely won't take my breaking out on others BUT I will take it out on him later, so if I communicate clearly that I can't do something, he'll accept that.

So I've learned to set boundaries and truly evaluate which of the events he'll want me a part of that I want to do.

My sister won't take the time to work on the relationship. Today she stayed home and fumed and was angry with her partner for going to the beach before the red-tide notices had gone up. My sister might have gone if she could be assured there was no red-tide. But she didn't want to go if there was because then they would have had to leave the beach and she felt that would make her the 'bad guy' ruining the day out for the others.

She says it was all her partner's fault. In fact, it wasn't the red-tide issue but the fact that dsis is tired of being on the go all the time. But she can't see that herself, and without being able to do that and then properly communicate what she needs, she has decided she was slighted and is angry. It isn't her failure to communicate. It is the other person being a bully. Except I know the other person and I've never seen her be manipulative. I have seen my sister be a bully. And inconsiderate of others. And simply be selfish. She lived on her own for the first 50 years of her life and has never learned the give and take of a relationship.

Anyway, now my head is aching from that (and my neck bent while trying to do something while talking on the phone.)

I'm finished another month so now the first of our credit cards is caught up. I know there's another statement in the mail to me but, for today, I'm caught up and I've entered all the chits that will be on the next statement so it will be a breeze to reconcile.

While on the phone, I downloaded 6 months of bank statements and I'll work on the bank balancing next. Because almost everything is on the credit card, this will be a quick process.

But first, I'm going to get up and find a non-sitting task to do.

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jan 17, 2019 5:01 pm

d kathryn praying for your d sis and her relationship. Hope she works it out - it's a hard way to live.
yay on your credit cards! I hope your headache and neck strain go away!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jan 17, 2019 5:07 pm

hi d Cathy! that roomba sounds wonderful! your meals always sound so good!

hi d lady! so happy things went well with homeschooling! praying for your dh and his spots on his arm go away.
isn't true that young people see things as the end sometimes. They don't have that experience to know it will pass.
praying for his anxiety, about whatever issue it is, goes away fast. praying for your dgd 7 - hope she leaves her with you if she runs.

hello d nancy - good job on getting your script in case it snowed. pjs returned and you paid a bill! great job.

I really want to see the French village. I just have to make a time for it this weekend. dd older speaks french and i think it would fun to watch it with her.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jan 17, 2019 5:12 pm

dentist was easy! I already paid for it so that was a blessing. why I stress ;)
still ms. cranky pants but more of a relieved Ms. Cranky Pants. 8-)

I Made today my bill/menu plan day/check my checking account. Charge card looked at already. dh found we had points and paid what was on those 2 cards. small amounts. yay 42.00 on one (I would love to close it down). one for 137.00. This is not the card that has the dog stuff and misc. christmas on. Feb. first I have to start building up my easy to reach emergency fund - savings.

okey dokey - time to list spending from this week.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Jan 17, 2019 6:19 pm

I put everything back in the laundry room (everything was out of it except the appliances and a few cases of drinks so the dryer duct could be cleaned.)

I ran the washer on its clean cycle.

I loaded the dishwasher and tidied the kitchen.

I had a cup of tea. Probably should have had a nap.

I've paid the bills.

I've just finished printing off one of the bank accounts transactions and I'll start in on reconciling it.

Dh is home and will start cooking dinner soon. I defrosted the meat earlier today to make that go more smoothly although just now I realized I forgot to get green onion so he'll have to use sweet onion instead.

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Jan 17, 2019 6:45 pm

Been home from Sarasota about 25 minutes. Now I'm beginning to feel tired. Dh has pretty much decided to go to Trivia with dd and dsonil tonight. I had decided on the way home that perhaps I should just plan to stay home tonight. Now I'm feeling tired and know that was likely a wise decision. We left at 10:15 this morning and back home at 5:15 -7 hours. I'm thankful we made it there and back safely. Had a moment on I-75 (Harmony knows!) when I was in the left lane and a truck on a very short on ramp pulled out & I tried to pull left a little. Came out of that one unscathed. Got off 75 on route 64 -10 miles was all we had on 75 and that was ENOUGH!

Sure I won't be hungry for a while. Ate a buffet lunch at Der Dutchman a little after 1. Mostly I ate salad and had a small twist ice cream for dessert.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Thankful Thursday

Postby Lynlee » Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:06 pm

The groups on Thursday worked well for me, and I am thankful for that, as I am for being able to talk to someone I've met before, but never had a d&m with before.
It left me exhausted.
Bought a quinoa based small meal.
Wandered through some stores later on way to bus stop.
Bought a new mattress protector. It seems the style I previously bought is no longer made. Oh well. Maybe it is the way they wear and the waterproofing breaks down.
Time will tell if I can live with the new one.
Also bought a new hat. It seems comfortable enough. And not made of polyester. Is tx max a US firm?
The good news is I can tell myself I have had a recent wander through these stores, and not be in a hurry to repeat it.
Bus stop was in full sun. I might need to head the other way to get to a shady stop while it is so hot.

Anyway. Fell asleep with my legs up when I got home. No gardening. Ended up not bothering with planned evening meal. snacked instead. and stayed up too late.

Today exhausted still. Sleep was scattered with radio on.
tmeds, washing is on the line. rdgs and response done. bfst eaten.
bed is cleared of 'other things'.
did a change around of all the containers of things from the table, so I can have my sorting tubs back for the kitchen.

Today its the 'stress' of helper coming at any moment.
I need to make headway in the kitchen right now.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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