Wow! It's Wednesday

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Re: Wow! It's Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jan 23, 2019 7:40 pm

Home from DS10 band class. DH picked up DGD7 from school and then I met him at home. Once I arrived home DH left to prepare food for church family meal. I have prepared a hamburger for DGD7 because she comes home from school so hungry. DGD7 grade eats lunch at 11am and don't have snacks in the afternoon. The hamburger will hold her until eating dinner at 6pm at kids church. DGD7 is skinny so I don't worry about her eating too much.

DGD7 homework is done. She is in the bathroom now then will do her piano practice. Then she will have some down time before going to church.

DS10 and I had a long talk this morning about the changes happening in our home. He is handling it fairly well. This afternoon he talked the whole way home from town about one of his best friends. His best friend has started saying the F word repeatedly. DS10 has asked him to not say it when his friend is at our home. I haven't heard the friend say that word (or any cuss word) or I would talk to the boy. kids........there is always something going on ....

I need to update SHE cards. I feel unsettled without the cards letting me know what is undone and/or being ignored.
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Re: Wow! It's Wednesday

Postby Lynlee » Wed Jan 23, 2019 8:24 pm

Woow - Wednesday
I hand weeded grass along one side of my driveway fence. What is that stuff? is my thing to say to a new to me grass that creates a stem like a thick plait. I didn't get the bit of that growing on other side of the fence. 30min.
new mower got a workout
First the driveway, and beet back against the ferns and bulbs that want more territory
I'm not sure what others do, but together the mower and I braved the far SE corner, ans the southern fence that had been long left untended untill it was weed wacked or brush cutterred (Its the day to make up words) a couple of weeks ago. I just used the mulching plug so there was now grass to empty.
All up, with working it out and many switch offs to move bits and pieces we were 75min on that.
Mower battery is meant to be 45 min. … WoooW to me.
Picked some of the orange flower spikes, and some sacred bamboo, and I have a table floral arrangement now.

Bath and hair wash when I came in, then I was late doing everything after that. 11pm into bed.

Kathryn - there are limited recharges available for the battery life. I hope to live longer than it, and it is under warrenty for 3 years. There is 5 yrs on the mower.

Appointment today, then groceries and home.
I think that will be enough for extra excitment, and hopefull I'll keep up with some regular tasks..
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
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Re: Wow! It's Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:36 pm

The AGM is over. I started on the dot of 7 and ended at 8:01. Dh texted during the meeting to say his flight's delayed. He was to leave a few minutes ago, so far it is delayed another 35 minutes. I texted him when I got home and he replied so they must still be at the gate even if they are on the plane.

The weather has stopped coming down for the moment. We had almost 9" of snow and then freezing rain on top of that. It will get warm tomorrow and possibly more freezing rain or rain. Then Friday we go back into a deep freeze so everyone is being told they need to get the shoveling done now before the snow gets heavy or turns to ice. Ds doesn't get the house until around 4 p.m. tomorrow. So his driveway will likely be ice covered snow on Friday when he's trying to move in.

My head is buzzing. I should do the minutes from the AGM but I want to wash my hands of it for now. We'll see if the "tidying up" philosophy has me tidy up the things from the meeting or leave them in a pile. At this point it could go either way.

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Re: Wow! It's Wednesday

Postby Harmony » Wed Jan 23, 2019 10:31 pm

We (actually all of this state) is getting a lot of rain tomorrow. Ours will be in the morning and a lot of wind, then temps will go down toward the evening and through the night. Twins, when are you coming? I'd bring something for rain and wind. The clothes you described bringing would not be warm enough for me in this winter weather. But then, I am used to 90's. 80's doesn't feel too warm to me at all.

Still in picking-it-up mode around here. Found a couple big boxes and I folded them up and found a place to stash them away... and a bunch of other stuff. Just a few things here and there but boy it makes a huge difference. Counters are cleaned up, living room tidied.

I used the new sweeper to vacuum the hall closet I cleaned out and tidied. First time I've used it. I don't like it. Top heavy and steers like it's on slippery ice. But DH loves it, so he's been using it in the living areas and a couple times he even went around with the mop he likes. My own private roomba-person! :lol:

Harriet, aw, they could have been nicer at the drs. office. I've never heard of a doctors office being so critical about when one arrived. Seems more like every dr. runs so late that coming late doesn't much matter. Sorry HRH is feeling bad.

Lucylee, you don't suppose DH has strep? I sure hope not, that usually requires an antibiotic.

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Re: Wow! It's Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 23, 2019 10:46 pm

I did nothing but watch youtube videos.

Now I'm off to bed.

Dh's flight is finally in the air. It left 75 minutes late so will get in at 2 a.m. He'll be home when he's home. I forgot planes could land here that late. Although, I'm thinking our flight last year (same flight) got in that late. I remember having to walk for ages and since we were the only people in the airport, I wondered why the plane was put so far away from the centre of the terminal. We walked past empty gate after empty gate. Staggered was a better word than walked.

Anyway, I'm just making myself ill sitting here (neck is getting stiff) so I need to go to bed.

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Re: Wow! It's Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jan 23, 2019 10:50 pm

There has been a car sitting on the road about a block away from our home for the past 15 minutes or so. DS10 was curious about it and kept looking out the windows. They had their foot on the brake so their back taillights were on. There are no houses for at least a mile in that direction so they weren't visiting someone. I assumed they were on the phone and they just stopped on the road. I don't know who called it in but the cop car pulled up with flashing lights. The flashing lights keep setting off our camera system which causes my phone to buzz....buzzz....buzzz. ARGh. Everyone is a bit weirded out right now because a cow was found multilated a couple miles from me. We don't have much crime around here so when something happens it gets everyone on edge. Stranger alert is in high mode.

DD called and talked to DGD7 tonight. She said she would be here in the morning to take her to school. Maybe things are going to go in the right direction.
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Re: Wow! It's Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Jan 23, 2019 10:52 pm

With nearly another hour of daylight now I took advantage of it and move the branches out from where they were and piled them neatly so it came move the to the drone more easily to load in the trailer later.

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