Simple Sunday

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Re: Simple Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun Feb 10, 2019 3:23 pm

Twins thinks I was thinking of them. I have papers work of fam. Tree back to James town, on one side and to Scotland on the other side missing some in between. I would know the missing bits supposedly we are related to Abe L. I would like paper not on line and I do not want to have to pay a mo. Fee for info. Bc I do not do on line $. I checked w my aunt to see if she knows or if any of the family has done one.

Still snowing 3" here now, I have done snow removal on all the areas taking a break before doing any more.

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Re: Simple Sunday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Feb 10, 2019 3:40 pm

I need to do some productive things, including showering and walking the dog in the rain. Going to "work" 30 min and play 30 min. That includes showering as "work." That begins at TOTH.
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Re: Simple Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Feb 10, 2019 4:21 pm

today and yesterday I spent the day shredding old credit card statements, and everything no long necessary. I think I am done 8-)
I got rid of so many extras... glue... pens... markers.... etc. I no longer have lots of children around and my girls are out of school so everything is going. I will keep only what I need for the office.

hi d twins enjoying your TOTHing

so cool d nancy!

so cute about him and school! we have a preschool teacher in our family and when she first graduated and starting working full time in the school, she was constantly sick. A few years later she had the immune system to rival all immune systems lol

now off to work on other paperwork.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Simple Sunday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Feb 10, 2019 4:59 pm

I am putting on the raincoat and boots to walk the dog around the block. If I'm going to get my steps in today I'll need to use the treadmill upstairs also, I suspect.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Simple Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:30 pm

I stopped to make myself focus on hydration. I get busy and forget to drink.

Church was very enjoyable this morning. I loved the songs played and probably made a fool of myself because I sang with passion. Ohs well. i was totally into the songs and the thought of disturbing people just melted away.

Lunch was at our favorite place. I have managed to find food that fits my WOE there so it makes me happy that it is so simple.

DKids are not happy about being stuck indoors this afternoon. it is wet and cool (30F). They would happily play outside but none of their friends want to play in this weather.

I worked 1.5 hours inventorying and decluttering one of the shelves in the library. I only kept about 1/2 of it. The rest is in a box to be donated. DGD7 is thrilled that I found a pack of stencils. She is busy with the stencils using them to draw figures in a book that she is writing. She had been putting a piece of paper on top of her tablet and tracing figures from the tablet onto the paper. She is thrilled how much easier it is to use stencils.

DGS21 needed some baby pictures of himself for a project they are doing at his work. I found those pictures, made them digital then sent him a dozen or so.

Mission accomplished - I have finished my bottle of tea so I'm going to let myself get up.

Next up - go to the ymca
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Re: Simple Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Feb 10, 2019 6:03 pm

I went for a walk to the store. Chose the wrong path home so was 'penguin-ing' very carefully on the icy stretches. My backpack was over 17 lbs so I was very aware of keeping my balance. Of course, had I fallen back, my head wouldn't hit due to the thickness of the pack!

Next time (i.e. tomorrow) I need to get out earlier. With the long shadows and so many apartment buildings, I was in sun for less than 5 minutes of the walk.

Picked up the potatoes for tomorrow night's dinner. I need to buy the steak for Thursday night's Valentine's dinner. We'll get that tomorrow when we're out (I hope.)

We'll go out for dinner tonight because dh waited all day on an outing with W (whose work ran late) and I'm tired and feel like a treat. I don't deserve one (we were out last night) but I want one and it made timing dinner much easier.

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Re: Simple Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Feb 10, 2019 6:22 pm

Scratching my trip to Y off my schedule today. DH was taking a nap so couldn't watch the kids. The kids were busy in their projects and didn't want to go with me. I could have forced them to but that just didn't seem like a good idea. I have been to the y the last 5 days in a row so this is probably a good day to give my muscles a rest.

I made myself a huge green salad with a bunch of things added to it. It is very tasty. I might have put too much spice but so far my taste buds are handling the tingle
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Re: Simple Sunday

Postby CathyS » Sun Feb 10, 2019 7:20 pm

Wow! Just before supper was due to come out of the oven the dryer buzzed. I went and took everything out and went into the bedroom and hung up all the tops and pants while they were still warm! I also have a pile of socks and underwear on the top of dh's side of the dresser.

When I went back into the kitchen I filled the sink and put the pot in that I cooked the pasta with. When we got up from the table I put the dishes right into the dishwasher and immediately washed the pot and the strainer and the wooden spoon. At 6:05 I was done in the kitchen. Wow!!

We are having leftovers tomorrow night from tonight and last night, so no pots to wash tomorrow night and nothing to cook. Just heat and eat.

When I put the other load of clean clothes away I had one long sleeved thermal undershirt to put away. I folded it nicely, opened the drawer and put it away in the spot that I took it out of. No fighting to open or close the drawer. Too easy.

In reality there is only one drawer in the house that is hard to close and that is dh's underwear drawer. I think I should go through it and take out some and put them into another drawer. I know there is room in every other drawer in the house.
Dishes never stop.
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Re: Simple Sunday

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Feb 10, 2019 7:42 pm

Just now getting here. It's been a long day and a longer night. Dh's db called about 8 last night that he was having chest pains. No brainer there -call the ambulance. DD and I took off to go over there. Got there just before the ambulance left but there were 3 more firemen there waiting for us to give us the keys to dbil's car. Someone had to come stay with dsisil as her dementia is quite bad. Did show us that there needs to be a plan in place. Then dsonil took dh to the hospital & went back later to get him and come get me. DD stayed the night. It was just after midnight when we got home. Today dd brought dsisil here for a bit after they went to H ardee's for breakfast. Took her back home after a while. Dh and I went to church and then to A T & T to see about his phone (it's fixed). Went to dsisil's and dd left to come home and go to her MIL's with dsonil for MIL's birthday. She decided this afternoon she didn't want dh and I to spend the night there because of what the smoking does to me and dh too really. Dh did take dsisil to the hospital to see dbil. Said they found something on his EKG so won't release him till the cardiologist sees him tomorrow. Can I say I'm glad to be home? Bless dd she's taken a sick day tomorrow to stay over there.

Talked to ds-R for a bit this afternoon. Said his shoulder is a lot more painful this time than his other shoulder was after surgery.

Think I'll finish my night meds and go put my feet up.

Wanted to come here and wish Emptynester a Happy Birthday today, but this is the first I've been able to get here.
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Re: Simple Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Feb 10, 2019 8:23 pm

quick hi

hi lady
hi d kathryn
hi d cathy
hi d twins

hi d dee praying for your d bil
bless your sweet dd

dishwasher is washing the dishes.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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