In Motion Monday

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Feb 11, 2019 7:16 pm

I thought of Harmony & Dee today when the mail arrived. We are still receiving tax documents. There is NO WAY we could file our taxes in January.

Today's mail brought 2018 tax documents from the federal government (medicare) and from retirement financial group giving 2018 IRA documents. The CPA needs both of these documents before he can do our taxes. We also received 2 additional tax-related documents in the mail but they were being returned with unknown forwarding address statements on them (was charity tax statement sent to people that gave money at the church).

When I opened the mail today I immediately put those documents into my "filing system" and laughed when I did it because it is so simple that it is silly to call it a filing system. DH was watching me do this and said: "Can you make one of those filing systems for the church paperwork?" I laughed when he said that and then asked if he was serious. Yup. I had another footstool in a different room that is exactly like the one that I am using as a filing system. So I moved that footstool to be next to DH chair. He is very pleased with his new filing system. I am such a bad influence.
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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Harmony » Mon Feb 11, 2019 7:21 pm

Too many sick relatives in this village. BWTG everybody who stepped up to help others.

We missed an appointment today. DH's stress test. :( Had to reschedule for Wednesday. He had already eaten so we couldn't go a bit later. sigh....I try so hard to not miss stuff. I had the papers all ready to take, the calendar marked in large black marker. I think I got the phone reminder on Friday, but I was in the middle of a bunch of work and it didn't "stick" in my brain. His instructions for before the procedure were ambiguous in one spot and we didn't see that until a bit ago and the office is closed. He will do what we THINK they meant and then if that isn't right we'll have to reschedule again.


CPA emails that we shouldn't be getting a 2018 1099 if the check wasn't paid till 2019. We'll declare it in 2019. Well that's fine, BUT their letter accompanying the check says the 1099 coming is for 2018. It's easy to say they shouldn't do this, but if they do it anyway, we'll have a mess. :evil:

LadyM, we got all that paperwork earlier in January. SS came mid-January and shortly after the SS notices, the bank interest, and the last one was the church letter. All other charity stuff arrived way before all this. This last thing was from something that happened in 2016 and we did not know we'd be receiving another $152 2+ years later. They never told us. This year we didn't do any work for any companies who would give us 1099's so I didn't have to wait for them.

I got another batch of stuff done and put together and a 40-page fax sent off. If they'd have given me an address I'd have put in a manila envelope and mailed. Had to scan and fax 3 times, 1st time the # was wrong (their error); 2nd time someone picked up the line and hung up on me; 3rd time it went through. Then they called with very stupid questions because they didn't read what I'd sent. AK!

So not a very happy day. Did some more research on the i net and called someone for advice...trying to track down an eye dr. still. Should not be this hard. Going to call a place tomorrow. At least I'm forewarned what problems I might have with this place.

I had fun culling books a couple years ago. Took bags and bags down to the friends of the library where they sell them cheap to make $ for the library. I kept just what we use and a few I thought were special and might read again. Kept most of the cookbooks, the religious research books, the vehicle manuals, the gardening books, the local travel trip books, 1 set of encyclopedias (yes I still use them) and a few medical books. Just a few fiction. I figure the rest is at the library!

Well, it is 80° here right now. :lol: :P 8-) ducking and running.

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Feb 11, 2019 7:35 pm

Just got our info Saturday, Lady M, for taxable donations. But, we can't claim those anyway so it really doesn't matter. But it is nice to see those totals. DD finds they're further ahead to take the standard deduction as well for some reason. Everything else that we claim year to year had all arrived. Actually one paper is at DS-R's but it's the same info year in/year out. One is dh's annuity from K odak and the other is our payment from our IRA. We haven't increased that in a number of years so that too is always the same. DS will send us the annuity 1099 so we can file it away so we're good.
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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Feb 11, 2019 8:15 pm

Here the charitable contributions and payroll chits aren't due until Feb 28, the registered pension plan donations for the previous year are accepted 60 days into the next year so the chits for that come mid-March. Any trust income is due by March 31. Since some of my investments give me trust income, that means I can't start until the second week of April. Our due date is April 30. My sister will get home from Florida with 10 days to get her taxes done. But like me, she couldn't do them any earlier.

Ds will use our copy of Turbo Tax. Here I buy the disk each year and it costs $30 and I can do up to 8 returns. So that's something that is cheaper than the US.

Dinner was a great success. It is all cleaned up now and the dishwasher running.

Still obsessing over the weather although now NAV Canada says it will start later so I'm feeling more confident going ahead with the plans. I'm tired of cancelling plans due to the weather.

BTW: people are sort-of panicking here. I saw a tweet from a university student about how the school obviously is putting all students at risk because classes aren't cancelled tomorrow. That's poppycock, the dangerous day will be Wednesday. Even schools should be open tomorrow. Even if the snow starts at noon, we'll only have 2 - 3" down by the end of the school day. The roads are pretty good right now so that won't cause any big problems. But I expect there will be no school on Wednesday because anything over 4" starts to become problematic when we already have so much snow there's no place to plow it too. Dd asked us to park on the road today but we couldn't because it is too narrow for a parked car in most places.

I still have things to do so will get at them. First up: clean the kitchen floor. I really want to get the houseblessing finished this week (and I skipped the floor last week.)

Dh told me a meeting he had out on Thursday has been switched to here so I have a meeting Wednesday night and another on Thursday. That will help me keep the house tidy!

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Lynlee » Mon Feb 11, 2019 9:33 pm

healthfood store
lunched on supermarket items. Not sure that is the healthiest.
support group
bus home
rest and read and napped
dinner with the radio for company.
cleared a hotspot. I may have shifted the chairs on the deck of the titanic
bags. I wonder if hat stands are still a thing, and some could be in readiness there?
dishes done to shiny sink status.
bed time was 10.30, then I read. after doing day review stuff inc diary poda for Sunday .

Slept 6 hrs.
full rdg and response done.
[inc a response to 'helpful person' yesterday who didn't realise how helpful is is to do this. She thinks one 3 line quote from years ago will be as helpful. I am needing to back away from what others think as I have 'gone adrift' before by following their inclinations. Its good to think I don't need to convince her of anything, nor get her or understand to understand the whole process is more than saying an affirmation, of the sort promoted without any tests for effectiveness in the 60s and 70s, though maybe it started earlier than that. Its good to get that untangled from my brain.]
bfst away from the computer.

2 loads of washing are on the line.

There is a possibility of storms this afternoon. Its 35c95f inside here, humidity 82%.

Hugs and prayers everyone.
Prayers for safety in your weather,
for healing or support for your loved ones,
and for coping with whatever crops up in the lives you live..
And that any activities can be best slotted in according to the weather,
as variable as that can be on any day.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:45 pm

Dsil says he can't get dgs ready by 8:45. 9:15 would be the earliest. That would have us arrive at the toddler time 10 minutes late and still have to go potty so we'd miss at least half of it. So I called it off.

Then dd invited me over to just hang out. Uhmmm, no. I have lots of things to do, I was just planning on doing something fun with dgs rather than read him the same books over and over.

I said I might pick up dgs to take him to the museum on Thursday or Friday. Uhmmm, no. Too many germs. I might take him to the farming museum instead. There won't be any germs there, it is too cold!

BTW: we got grilled on our measles vaccines. No, we don't have them. They weren't invented when we were little but we both had the measles as children (and I had the rubella shot when I was pregnant with dd.) I understand this is a concern right now but she was thinking of not allowing us over if we didn't have immunity. At this point, they are almost 300 miles away.

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby lucylee » Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:45 am

I'm afraid I've been spinning my wheels for most of this day. :roll:
DGD did NOT sleep late -- but she did let me catch up on most of my sleep while she played with her tablet after she woke up. :oops:
She is so good (when she is not fussing with her dbro ;) ) but she mostly wants to sit at the table and eat Cheerios. I asked her if her parents fed her, and she said yes, LOL. She is not very big at all -- still no more than 50 percentile on her height and weight. I think the Juvenile Arthritis has something to do with that. But boy... she eats like a horse! And we still have a fight 90% of the time re: the potty, so that is a slow slow slow go...

She is such a good helper, though. She helped us bring in groceries and put them away and she counted pretty well when I asked her to count the canned drinks as we put them in the refrigerator. Her speech is still VERY hard to understand, but she is talking a LOT, to say I guess that will come...

THE CAR! Dee -- I had to sympathize with your dsil...
Last night, after we brought the groceries in and were putting them away, the alarm went off on our car. It took some time but we got it stopped -- my key thing wouldn't work, and finally dh got it stopped, but he didn't know what he did (with his key thing). THEN it started up AGAIN. Finally stopped, but when dh went out the second time, the engine was running! :o
I called the OnStar people and we discussed it and the lady said I must have somehow triggered the app on my phone that will start it remotely -- but I know the app was NOT opened on my phone until AFTER the alarm started the first time, and I NEVER tried the remote start command. I never even entered my PIN. This was quite a mystery.
Like Dee's dsil... it doesn't take a lot to stress out dh... but after that second time, we had no more problems and the OnStar lady assured me that even if the car started remotely, it couldn't be driven without the key, so theft was not an issue.
There was an article in USAToday just this past week about today's auto technology and how we are all at risk for hacking with all the computer stuff on our cars now. * sheesh *

And (((Harriet))) -- wanted to give you a (((HUG))) after all your stressful stuff.

Kathryn, I think it is wonderful that you want to do fun stuff and have adventures with your dgs, but I don't think kids really care what you do, as long as they have your time and attention. It did my heart so much good that day I apologized to dgs for not playing with him, and he said, "You don't have to apologize, I had a good time anyway."

He and dgd do play pretty well together for the most part. This afternoon, he got these three large dice with pictures on them (kids meal stuff from Arby's I think). You're supposed to roll the dice and use the pictures to tell a story. We did that FOREVER. We'd let dgd roll the dice and we'd make up the story sentence for her (after she told me the two people on the dice were "mommy and daddy") and then we'd roll and add sentences with our pictures.

Lynlee... I hated to see the terrible devastation of all that flooding your area is having. Those poor cattle, and the families who depend on them for their livelihood. So sad.

And I am certainly hating to hear the reports of the snow expected in Kathryn's area. :shock: OH. MY. GOODNESS. I think I mentioned ds is headed VERY far north at the moment... whew... He may not get back home till the spring thaw...
Of course, we are very much like LadyM -- even a prediction of snow or ice puts everyone here in a panic. Maybe things get moving more quickly in areas where they are accustomed to this sort of thing.
LOL at Cathy's dfriend putting the storm on a time clock...

(((Harmony))) for stress re: appts...

LadyM, you inspired me to write down all my house areas, and I came out just about the same as you! I have a LOT of closets.
I am interested in one thing about your system -- you are not worried about how many times you get to a particular room/area during the year, right? You're not trying to hit each area 4 times for each of the 4 rounds, in other words? I don't know what would work best for me. I think I need to at least have the GOAL of getting into each area 4 times, b/c I do NOT vacuum the study, guest room, or guest baths except when their zone comes up... and the mood strikes me to follow the cards... and the stars are in their right alignment... :lol: Just kidding about that last part, but I am definitely what Peg Bracken called the "spotful" housekeeper. So I guess I better stick to the regular zones, where I already had my house divided into 11 separate areas. But I especially liked what you said, LadyM, about dividing the room into an area for each day. That might work for me. IF I could make myself stick with it for a week. * sigh * Sometimes I think I am just hopeless. I enjoy the PLANNING so much more than the WORKING.

Waving to ALL... stay safe... and please do keep ds in your prayers for safe travel!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Lilac » Tue Feb 12, 2019 1:15 am

Today was dd2 and the 2 girls every other Monday off. Dd2 had a mammogram appt. this morning. She was suppose to have it 2 weeks ago and had run into a door jam and hurt her shoulder. She knew she couldn't do all those positions you do for a mammogram, so had rescheduled. Then this afternoon she had her 6 month pap appt. She has to do that twice a year for the rest of her life, after she had the hysterectomy and the cervix had contained cancer cells. I went over and stayed with the girls for both appts.

Dh had cleaned out his garage today, so took a shower around 4:30. When he came out of the bedroom, I told him that there was something I was hungry for. He said he hoped it was salad and it was. We decided to get salads from M cDonalds. When it was my turn to pay at the window, she told me the lady in front of me had paid for ours. I was so surprised. She said this lady always pays for her own and the car behind her. She asked me if I wanted to pay for the car behind me and I said yes. Turns out it was only $2.18. Later I wish I would have thought to pay it and the car behind it. Anyway the lady in front had pulled up after getting her order. I waved to her and she had a big smile on her face and stuck her arm out the window and waved back. When I got home and was telling dh this, he laughed and commented that she would get a surprise if she was paying for dd2s
M cDonalds order. When she is buying for 5 or 6, it's always a big order.

Dgs13 has a home game tomorrow.

It's supposed to be in the 50's here tomorrow.

Dgd7 had a really hard time learning to read. I was beginning to wonder if she was dyslexic. She had 150 sight words to learn. If she was reading to me she might know one of them and then in the next sentence, she would ask what the same word was. I kept telling dd2 though that it would click eventually and it did. She said dgd7 had worked really hard this school year and had tested at 3rd grade level and she is in 2nd. Her reading comprehension was even higher. Around Christmas time, the girls were here and we were playing the C lue board game. Before dgd9 or I would have to read the cards dgd7 drew. This time she picked up her card and read it without any hesitation. I complimented her on her reading and she had the biggest smile. Dd2 had a hard time with dgd7 having such a hard time learning to read. The older 4 kids had had no trouble. Dgd7 being the youngest of 5 is so detail oriented. She doesn't miss a thing and comes up with some great observations. Dh says she has street smarts. Those 2 girls really are our bonus grandchildren. With the boys being in 7th and 9th grade, they are growing up so fast. Plus they spend every other week with their dad and we are all missing out. I just love seeing dd2 showing up at our house or at a ballgame with her 2 mini me's. Only having 2 dds, we are really blessed to have ended up with 7 grandchildren to love and watch grow up.

Guess I will head to bed............

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Lilac » Tue Feb 12, 2019 1:30 am

Yikes, lucylee while reading about your car starting remotely. The OnStar people are so right about it not being able to be stolen. Recently dh and I went somewhere together and he didn't grab his key fob because he knew I had mine. When we got home, he let me out before he pulled in the garage. He has his big industrial size snowblower between the 2 cars and I can't get out of the passenger side. Anyway as I started to walk away, he is motioning for me to come back. The car was running but would not move with out the key fob being in the car.

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