Where There's a Will Thursday

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Re: Where There's a Will Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Mar 14, 2019 1:59 pm

What an adventure, Harriet! Glad that dd was gassed up and ready to go this a.m. though.

I piddled a bit and went upstairs and finished a card. I had started and stopped so many time because I couldn't get it to work how I wanted - finally got it I think. It looks like the stamping delivery that I was expecting tomorrow is delayed and is still in CO. At my stamping desk I was at a front window and was watching for mail delivery. A mail truck pulled up with three large boxes for us but it is computer stuff for ds. Since he lives in an apartment and leaves home early and gets home late, he has deliveries come here. I finally figured I had missed the mail and checked ours and it was here, so I walked down and retrieved M's package and sent a photo to her. :D

I didn't mention that I scraped the bumper of the car yesterday backing out of the garage. I love having my Honda Pilot in the garage, but it is a close fit. I worried all day about dh's reaction because he likes keeping cars looking pristine on the outside. He was fine, I think. He doesn't think it will buff out but didn't rave or rant or want to immediately put it in a shop to get it fixed.

I finally made chicken salad and had that for lunch. I hope it keeps me full. I posted in H & F that my meds are known to raise blood sugar and leave people hungry. I"ve noticed that the last few days.

I am going to nap, will finish a.m. routine when I get up. At least I'm out of pajamas today. And I have 3K steps already.
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Re: Where There's a Will Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Mar 14, 2019 2:24 pm

I was gping to do an errand misplaced my keys. Then decided to work a couple of rounds on the kitchen, found keys but out of the mood to do the errand so I was happy to "find" kit. counters again yea for progress!
Snow is gone in the front yard and 50% gone in the back yard.
Got a letter out to the mail box.
Working at lunch prep.
Peeled and sliced more veg.
I picked up the back yard after the dog, where the snow had melted.
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Re: Where There's a Will Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Mar 14, 2019 2:25 pm

Concerned to hear about the "bomb cyclone" ; now 40 miles south of Denver it is category 2. Assuming this is part of the wild weather LadyM was expecting for today?

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Re: Where There's a Will Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Mar 14, 2019 6:26 pm

Video of how the Land Hurricane affected the plains. We had 60mph winds with gust up to 80mph. The wind is part of living here but it was worse than normal yesterday. Our state song starts with "Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plains" We lost several shingles from our roof. I suspect we will be putting a new roof on sooner than expected.

Today has progressed smoothly. Up at 7am and going non-stop since then.
** Homeschool day #140. DS10 was sooooo proud of himself with getting up, getting his AM cards done and arriving at school on time.
** DGS21 came and ate lunch with me. He wanted us to see his diploma that he just received. We discussed some plans for future classes. I think it will be a 2-year degree in the Veterinary field. I want him to finish the current class he is taking before starting another educational goal. He has 6 more weeks in this class.
** I took DMom to her eye appointment. The new meds are controlling the pressure (glaucoma). All is good. She goes back in 4 months to be checked again.
** I stopped at the grocery store to stock up on meat and vegetables. I hit a good sale on several things. Win-Win

I have 15 minutes before leaving to take DS10 to Robotics. I need to get something fixed for the kids to eat. *POOF*
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Re: Where There's a Will Thursday

Postby CathyS » Thu Mar 14, 2019 7:37 pm


Just got home from going out for fish and chips. It was not what we had planned for supper. I was supposed to make a cottage roll and cabbage and potatoes. I ended up being at the accountant's office for a lot longer than I expected.

Before I left for the accountant's I had to "dig" through the top of my desk to find some papers. Didn't really find them, but it was time to go. Ended up finding all kinds of stuff when I got home. There are also some things I can't find. I plan on going to the bank tomorrow. I also have to go to the travel agent to pic up the documents and cabin tags. We got an upgrade that saved us quite a bit of money, plus we have a starboard side cabin (think passenger side of a car) and we are near the aft elevators!! Awesome location. Nothing above or below other than other cabins. No noise making things, like the pool or a bar. Plus I enjoy the starboard side, so we can sit on our balcony and watch stuff going on on the docks below.

The left side of my desk is almost clear. I have a full bag of paper to burn. It's supposed to be really nice here tomorrow.
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Re: Where There's a Will Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Mar 14, 2019 8:14 pm

I ended up continuing beyond the planned Desk Day until I'd spent several hours, pulled my hair out a couple times, and gotten to a good stopping place. Only one unreturned call continues to haunt me, although I've reached out in a second direction for that and now find myself waiting on 2. For sending the main church report, all I need is a brief cover letter that I could do now but won't. I will refrain from that until tomorrow, since I never send before the 15th.

Harmony, I'm glad things are brighter and clearer.

Ds and children came over this afternoon and we made a baseball training camp out of the front lawn. Our green-eyed boy is getting really good with a mitt.

With my vacuum cleaner cleaned, I'll start vacuuming now at 8. lol. Seems like the right time.

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Re: Where There's a Will Thursday

Postby Lynlee » Thu Mar 14, 2019 9:09 pm

not very much will usually here.
helper came today, thankfully I'd done a couple of things for prep before she got here then I swept a one part while she vac'd and we tackled the kitchen things held over for no good reason. bed is changed and mattress swivelled at the beginning. So much easier with 2 on the job.

While I swept I did a great deal of moving things about to sweep under them, and sweep edges of base boards etc.that doesn't normally happen.
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Re: Where There's a Will Thursday

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Mar 14, 2019 9:41 pm

Hi everyone! I had another unexpected day off due to Work City weather. Once again Home City weather is beautiful. Sixty mph winds are part of our normal springtime, but they have not started yet.

Last night, I did get the postcard done and the movie watched. After finding out I had no payroll today, I went back to bed and slept until 11. Then, I went to lunch. Aside from that, I have cleaned the guest bathroom and half the stove grating. An LOL is running. It's funny that today's title is about will. I have been working on filing and realized that the accounts list in my will is out of date. So I have been looking at my estate documents. While DD17 is doing homework, I have been doing more B&B. I just wrote a check for more than half my credit card debt. There is now only about $500 remaining.

Harmony: I did not actually have to set the door. I rehung it after painting it and the trim. I may have to replace and set the laundry room doors, but that is a later project.

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Re: Where There's a Will Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Mar 14, 2019 10:46 pm

Checking in.

I'm in the central time zone now.

Easy travel (but quite bumpy - I don't mind that but switched to listening to music because the bumps were too much for concentrating and I couldn't read much either at first.

Dh's aunt and uncle picked us up, took us to the hotel to check in, then we went off on a tour around the city and then dinner out down on the waterfront. The area is intriguing, making me want to come back in the summer. Hopefully it will be warm enough for walking a bit tomorrow and on the weekend.

Once back at the hotel we went off and explored and found an indoor path to the party location on Saturday so no need for hat, coat and boots. Also scouted out parking for the other guests.

Got caught in the elevator on the way back to our room. Got on at 1, it stopped at 5 but didn't open even when we hit the door open button. Then it started up again despite no buttons being pushed. Then it flashed at 6, and 7. I hit every button and it opened with UC flashing and it was not at a room floor but apparently there's a ballroom so it was the upper level of that (for lighting, or backstage maybe) and so we got off and walked down. It took two flights to get to a floor where we knew where we were, then another floor and we were back to our room. It is a very old building and the elevators are cool but obviously dodgy. We are on the 5th floor (6, it is European numbering) and so walking down is fine. Up will be a push but not impossible and good for me.

Tomorrow is lunch and dinner with family at the house. Saturday is the afternoon event and an evening dinner. Sunday we come home. So a busy, food-oriented weekend.

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Re: Where There's a Will Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Mar 14, 2019 11:00 pm

Elizabeth, nice to hear you had unexpected time off today.

I'd take stairs too, Kathryn. Charm only goes so far when the elevators don't do as expected.

Evening vacuuming is done, lol. Have done a lot of housecleaning in general, too, through the front part of house.

As far as my "where there's a will there's a way" day, I guess that counts, plus the marathon of Desk Day turned out to fit that category.

A friend will be coming over to see HRH in the morning. The last couple visits from this friend have found them staying close to the house, but HRH is hoping that tomorrow they can go out like they used to. He envisions them going by the Auto Parts place, having lunch, and maybe some other things. The problem that I see is that he's had one of his very tired days today, reacting to meds I'm sure. And these are usually followed by a night during which he can't sleep at all. If that's the case, I don't see him feeling much like going out tomorrow after all.

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