Monday Monday

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Re: Monday Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Mar 25, 2019 1:33 pm

I'm sitting in eye doctor exam room waiting for doc. My eyes have been dialated but I can still see okay. The initial eye exam showed that my right eye has changed to 20/60. It was 20/40 last year. My left eye is still 20/25 so my eyesight is still okay without wearing glasses. I passed on the offer for prescription to get glasses. I will confirm this decision with the eye doctor when she does her exam
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Re: Monday Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Mar 25, 2019 2:26 pm

I am glad you don't need glasses d lady.

Hi d harmony yay your dining room table. I am glad the surgeon is looking at your eyes. you don't know why he wants to see you. My dh saw the surgeon twice. my dh had the nurse/helper disappointed about dh not seeing things. He went weekly and it took him quite a while for his eyes to adapt. see what the surgeon says.
Saying my prayers.
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Re: Monday Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Mar 25, 2019 2:33 pm

I had a brain stall so i decided to eat lunch. I need to get my franny in gear.

all of dd older's keepsakes away - I need to put it in her closet. I still have a room set up for her as she comes home for weekends and I am not done in my decluttering the home.

Spoke to dd younger today. She is looking to sign up for school down in Florida bc she worries she needs a back up. I hope she can do it. I did get her a book - A year of less and it should be there Thursday.
she is, again, filled with hives - dermatologist says its a allergic reaction but dd hasn't any ideas what it causing it. They did give her an allergist.

trying to decide I should finish the morning routine or just continue with home blessing. Wind is picking up but it is sunny still! yay I needed that.
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Re: Monday Monday

Postby lucylee » Mon Mar 25, 2019 2:54 pm

Posting before cuop because I got behind yesterday on the discussion re: time together/time apart in marriages. And I was also thinking, some of y'all were probably saying, "Well, of course Lucy doesn't feel guilty for being 'enough' for Mr. Lucy, b/c my goodness... just look at all those ballgames she goes to!" LOL... I do get tired of the ballgames sometimes and yes, occasionally, something comes up that I want to do and I wish dh wanted to do it with me -- but like LadyM said, for the most part, I'm fine doing my thing and he is very supportive. For instance, if I wanted to take dmom to the beach, he'd be all for it. And as blessed said,
We have so many core values together and he makes me laugh.

DH and I love almost all movies, and we enjoy riding around in the forest near our home, or just riding around anywhere, for that matter... and although the ballgames do get tiresome for me at times, I enjoy parts of that also. I love it when we go to Atlanta, just because of the change of pace, and eating out at one of our favorites there, and we always make time to go see a movie at a sort of off-beat movie theater there. And of course, I always enjoy our trips to Nashville. We also both treasure any time we get to spend with ds and ddil, and we love going anywhere that ds is playing. And maybe most importantly, we both just live for time with the dgrands and enjoy taking them places and just having them around.
I sympathize with you, Kathryn, however, b/c the "being in the office" thing for your dh sounds a lot like my ddad. I think ddad always felt a little jealous that ds was closer to his maternal grandparents -- but the maternal grandparents were both retired and pretty much put everything on hold the minute ds was around. My dad was totally a workaholic and busy-busy-busy. Of course, my dad was 44 and my dmom 38 when ds was born -- dinlaws were 63 and 61. We did try to alternate Sunday afternoons, for the most part, when ds got a little older, and he would eat dinner with my parents and ride around wherever ddad wanted to go -- he was a lot like Twins' dh too -- looking at houses or cars or boats or something like that all the time.
I really regret that ddad didn't put ds to work with him when ds got in high school. Ddad said he was afraid he'd hurt his hands doing construction work, and not be able to play music -- but I suspect he just didn't have the patience to teach him, b/c ddad was very aware of and critical of dh's total lack of aptitude in that department! DS on the other hand, has a natural talent in that direction, and if he'd spent a few summers helping ddad... it would have been so nice for both of them.

Anyway, If it were not for dh, I'd probably never leave our little Tiny Town. I'm just too inclined towards agoraphobia, to be honest, and for another thing, as long as I have internet, good books, and good tv -- I'm perfectly happy sitting in the recliner with my blanket and pillow. :oops: I might go to movies by myself if am ever widowed, but I cannot imagine myself traveling alone, and it makes me nervous to think about traveling with others. Except maybe ds & ddil & the dgrands.

OKAY. Enough philosophizing ;)
Today is DAY SEVEN of S2S FIRST THING. Not that I'm doing a whole lot with my day after that major ta-da, LOL, but one has to start somewhere, right?
The perfectionism + guilt topic has also been weighing heavily on my mind, and would y'all believe, my Bible reading AND a blog post by a former student both seemed to be pointing me to the same conclusion on THAT topic as well. (That perfectionism is totally impossible to achieve, and no one -- including God Himself -- expects me to BE perfect.)

PIE -- Progress Is Enough.

So after s2s, dh and I went to the post office and Wmart -- b/c he forgot milk last night, I wanted some Cajun rice, and most importantly, he wanted to see if they would tighten his eyeglass frames. (They did.)

Dgrands will be here soon for an hour or two -- ds is teaching lessons and it is spring break. DDIL called a little while ago, on her way to class after leaving the dentist.
I'm going to start laundry soon, already have it sorted -- but the washing machine causing radio interference and dh is listening to You Know Who...

and here come the babies!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Monday Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Mar 25, 2019 3:02 pm

I have been puttering on a few chores.
Swiffered the hard floors, did a quick mop on the main bathroom. Dumped the trash.
Processed the mail. I have had lunch.
Hydrating today is working.
Next up vacuum bedrooms x done got traffic area of the living room also!
Sinks are clean!
Comodes cleaned as well.
Drains got boiling water treatment.
Making progress!
Exercise is done.
Dinner is done as is after dinner clean up yea!
Dust x.
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Re: Monday Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Mar 25, 2019 3:23 pm

I love pie! and PIE (Progress Is Enough)

I'm just getting here after a busy first half of the day. I'm pretty sure I can't keep this up for the second half of the day!

I woke often through the night and twice up to pee. I turned on the heating pad just after 5 and then went into a deep sleep and woke up naturally right at 6:30. I turned on the news but was raring to go so by 7 I had stripped the bed, started the laundry, watered the plants and was having my tea and chocolate while doing light therapy.

By 8:40, I was fed, dressed, texted with dh, the sheets back on the bed from the dryer, and I was packing up to pick up dgs.

We went to the Agriculture museum, arriving just after 10. Ottawa has a working farm in the central area and I grew up on a subdivision next to the Experimental Farm (as it was called then) so I've been hanging out there a lot in my life. The purpose is to stock the best of Canadian blood-lines and seed-lines so that if a disaster hits a part of the country, the farmers will be able to rebuild using the best. Research is also done there. The farm was on the outskirts of the city when it was built (across from the Sanatorium!) but the city grew up around it. Ottawa is surrounded by a 'green belt' to curb urban sprawl and so the main operations of the farm were moved to the outskirts of the city leaving a smaller working, but mostly, display, farm with the research elsewhere.

Ironically, I used to have to cross the other Experimental Farm to get home since the city grew up on the far side of the green belt as well and our first home was out there in a subdivision before moving out to the village.

Anyway, the farm has cows, horses, goats, pigs, sheep, fowl to look at. Oh, and rabbits so dgs got to pet a rabbit. It is not a petting zoo, so he looked at all the other animals. The kids and lambs were interesting to watch, aside from that it wasn't much. I hate seeing animals in pens when they are just lying there, so I didn't enjoy it. There is also an educational centre with displays and a kitchen to make the 'farm to table' connection. Dgs was all excited to be cooking except got bored because she was talking about where maple syrup came from and how it is boiled down and so we left and went back after to get a muffin the others made!

Anyway, he seemed interested and that's all that matters. This museum is part of the three science ones we have membership to, so I can take him for free whenever I want to. That makes it better value. But last summer I took him to the Youth Farm near his place and he hugged a horse, cuddled a duck and a bunny and played with the farm cat and dogs plus pet the goats. That was way more fun. And the farm where we pick berries (and they went for maple syrup tapping) is more fun too. So for farms, we have other options.

After I left him, I had my lunch and then headed home. I had a headache and was exhausted so lay down for a nap. I was interrupted by a phone call (no-one on the other end) so lay in bed longer than I intended.

I'm up now and have had some tea and taken a pill for the still lingering headache.

I have a very long, very urgent, to-do list.

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Re: Monday Monday

Postby lucylee » Mon Mar 25, 2019 3:49 pm

LadyM said:
I laughed when he told me how he tried combining eating breakfast while taking a shower.

I am ROFLOL!!! This reminds me of a Seinfeld episode where Kramer was trying to figure out all that he could do while showering. He had the whole bunch of friends over for dinner and they were eating salad and complimenting him on it. Kramer said, "I made it in the shower!" (He was saving time by washing vegetables while showering.)

Dgrands are running around playing with dinosaurs and Fisher Price people. Lots of squealing, but it's all happy.

I got a load of laundry started and I am just about to send the teacher email. Those are two of my "top 3" for today. Third is some time in the master bedroom/bath zone. Nothing major, b/c laundry is my top priority on Mondays, but I will try to do 15 minutes at least.

Also LOL -- I imagine I have made long enough posts now to keep Harriet from being concerned about my state of mind... :lol:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Monday Monday

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Mar 25, 2019 4:01 pm

YES!!! Big score on one of my DPCs for the day. I got a bill for my satellite radio at the expected time and the expected price, but for an old debit card number. I went online to update the number and found they were going to charge me about $18 more. So, I called customer service to keep the number on the bill. (This happened last year and they honored the written price). She asked me about my listening habits and advised me to get another plan for $60 LESS! The only channel I will be missing is the one with Dave Ramsey, and I do find him motivating. However, if I cannot get along without him, they will certainly allow me to get a more expensive plan.

Once again, the "easy fix" on my report has alerted me to another problem that will not be so easy.

I have shower chores: extreme cleaning of catboxes and washing out trash cans.

lucylee: Traveling alone is not hard, but I admit it is more fun with my traveling companion friend. On the Hawaii cruise, we mostly did our own shore excursions, but there is always a group for those. Interestingly, rather than finding myself the odd one out, people express admiration for me going it alone. They are also good about taking pictures of me. My only choices are go by myself or not go.
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Re: Monday Monday

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Mar 25, 2019 4:02 pm

Hoping mightily (praying) that the eye surgeon will impart some good news, Harmony.

Dh and I have the car completely loaded, including being able to pack everything that dd had in a corner to go -a lot! Now he can't find the electronics for his hearing aids for the TV. I'm sure it's buried in a bag. Thought I packed it in an accessible bag -evidently not -but at least I'm sure it's in the car.

Did 2 LOL and got what I needed for dh packed. I'm sending quite a bit of my own stuff with him -especially warmer clothing. Don't anticipate needing much of it here. Even sent my 'winter' jacket. I've got another if I go to a hockey game with dd. Think they only have 3 home games left and then some for the playoffs which they 'probably' will make at least the first round.

And TA-DA!!!! Going to ask dd when they get home from the beach if I can collect the $75 service fee if she'd called the "home warranty" people to come to look at the AC. She couldn't get it to even change the temp yesterday. I finally tried today & the temp wouldn't change on AC or heat! Asked dh to check for batteries. He changed 2 AA & it still wouldn't work. I then noticed there was a 'reset' button which he pushed. WALLAH! AC came on. Dsonil asked when he got home, "Since when do thermostats have batteries?" Well obviously this one did and they most likely have been in since we installed it several years ago. Put a programmable up back when T was still living here & bought a 'lock box' that went over it so she couldn't keep changing the temps. (Of course she always maintained it wasn't her -right). So perhaps those batteries have been in there for several years. Go figure. At least he doesn't remember ever changing them. I did remember our thermostat at home had batteries & we would remember as a 'last resort' sometimes.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Monday Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Mar 25, 2019 4:40 pm

hello d dee! well done on packing the car! yay on ac working! hello!

hi d elizabeth Yay! waving at you.

hi d Lucy! so funny - I don't think I ever watched Seinfeld - I have watched the comedians etc. in cars. which I liked
so cute... the sound of happy play!
Yay on your work as well! I never thought about perfectionism and that God wouldn't expect that of me (man made/self made) or want that for us. Deep thoughts.

Hi d Kathryn...I like pie better than cake :D :D :D hello hello!
yay on your work too. washed sheets AND put them on back on bed as well. yay.
oh so cute about d gs hugged all those animals. how fun.
praying for your headache to go away

hi d nancy yay on your work! wishing you a great afternoon!
waving at you too
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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