conga Friday (repeat) May, 2019

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Re: conga Friday (repeat) May, 2019

Postby Elizabeth » Fri May 17, 2019 1:46 pm

Hi everyone! Yesterday, I got stuff done. I finally installed a new, non-holey dryer vent. It was so easy and fast, I will soon tackle another fix: my closet door. I also put most of the LOLs away. My x is a complete jackass, greeting me with, "Those pants have seen better days," when I picked up DD17. I learned from him not to care about critical perfectionists' opinions long before he asked for the divorce. In fact, that may be why he found the other woman. I had come to the point that I simply maintained politeness without really caring what he thought. Maybe she still cares, poor, stupid woman.

At payroll, I have found a better way to debug my query and am doing that.

At a previous job, a coworker wrote on our white board: KISS = Keep it Simple Stupid. Another coworker changed stupid to sweetie. The boss added "Gene Simmons and " to the top. I finished by making the statement "Keep it Simple So you can live like you're on vacation." Two fine philosophies from "Lick It Up":
KISS wrote:You gotta live like you're on vacation.
It ain't a crime to be good to yourself!

Sounds like FlyLady.

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Re: conga Friday (repeat) May, 2019

Postby blessedw2 » Fri May 17, 2019 2:02 pm

a wonderful hello to you.
can you believe I watched a movie... I decided to chill this morning - I needed it, for me. Watched Instant Family.
dh is going to go to the store to get me milk and cat litter. I change it every 2 weeks - 3 weeks. I clean it out every day.
I am going to bite the bullet and do my checking account - I was making the job too big - grabbing my timer and doing 15 minutes at a time.

waving at you too d elizabeth, d nancy, d harmony and d all.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: conga Friday (repeat) May, 2019

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri May 17, 2019 3:18 pm

Home from taking DMom to town. Her doctor appt went well. They adjusted her thyroid med and ordered a knee brace. Then I took her out to eat and shopping for a new pair of shoes. Afterwards, I took DMom on a scenic drive so she could check out some local changes. It was no drama day. I am thankful.

I gave DS10 his homeschool assignments before I left this morning. He had them done by the time I arrived home 5 hours later. I'm pleased with his effort.

DGD7 fever went up while I was gone. I gave her some Tylenol when I got home. It isn't a high fever but enough to make her feel rotten. The coughing continues despite all our efforts. She is in bed resting with her tablet.

One Note stuff is in the cloud, right? I don't know if I want to go there. I do have it on my computer. Do you never run out of space in it?

OneNote files can be in the cloud or on your local hard drive. It is up to the users where they are located. I feel comfortable having my files in the cloud. I know they can be hacked but files can also be hacked, or destroyed by theft or fire if kept on the local hard drive. Neither location is 1000% safe. I use the OneNote on my computer and also on my phone so having the files in the cloud allows me to do searches and make updates from both devices.

Elizabeth - I am aghast at how rude your xDH speaks to you. IMHO, he is way out of bounds. I know the dynamics are tough because you share raising a child but I would seriously want to do a knee jerk reaction (IYKWIM) to him.
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Re: conga Friday (repeat) May, 2019

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri May 17, 2019 4:40 pm

There's quiet so I'll peek in.

We got to the funeral just at the beginning of the visitation and already parking was a challenge but dh found a second lot belonging to the church so it worked out.

We were among the last to leave. We will meet up with dh's cousin for dinner tonight. Probably. She may just collapse when this over and that's OK too.

It was good seeing dh's aunt's grandkids again. We didn't talk much with dh's sisters and they didn't sit with us in the family row. They didn't believe we were to sit there when we told them but were moved up to another row across from us when their cousin was informed.

The funeral was very, very, good. DAunt was a details person and everything had to be just so. Even the altar table was laid out according to her directions and she had written out everything she wanted. The senior pastor was away but the junior one did an amazing job.

After the reception, dh and I went to visit his uncle at the nursing home. The cousin said he'd probably sleep through the visit but I hummed the hymns from the funeral and rubbed his arm and eventually he woke up and smiled at dh (who looks like his brother now that he's gone grey.) He doesn't talk and I'm pretty sure he didn't know who we were but was just responding to dh calling him by name.

The staff were pleased we visited with him but when we explained we were here for the funeral, they had not heard she had died. Sigh.... Dh's cousins are a bit odd and that's an example. They don't understand how much staff talk to residents about their family. And they knew dAunt who used to visit regularly before she got sick. So now I'm not sure the cousins have even told their father that his wife has died. As one of the caregivers said, "He'd understand that, just because he can't tell us, he'd know." That's my feeling as well.

The nursing home has a gift shop that sells clothes and I ended up buying two tops and a pair of earrings. So I hit the jackpot there!

We had a bit at the reception but have had some popcorn and now I'm having some tea while we wait to hear from his cousin.

As Cathy said, there is no rain today so it is tempting to go for a walk. I've only done 1800 steps so far today. On the other hand, the hotel room faces onto a golf course so its quiet, whereas a walk would be along the busy road. So I'd rather stay here and just look out at the green.

The flowering trees are in bloom here and so that's lovely to see as we drive around, although the tree out my window here is just coming into leaf-bud.

Dh and I watched the last Big Bang, Young Sheldon and then the special on BBT. I loved the tie-in between the two shows and dh and I really laughed a lot. It was a very satisfactory ending. Not only that but there were about 5 really above-par commercials so it seems some Ad agencies stepped up their game for last night.

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Re: conga Friday (repeat) May, 2019

Postby blessedw2 » Fri May 17, 2019 5:18 pm

grateful you had a non drama day d lady!
yay on your ds following through on his work!

d elizabeth you are right - he doesn't deserve a thought or a response. good for you!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: conga Friday (repeat) May, 2019

Postby Nancy » Fri May 17, 2019 5:19 pm

I sorted clothing and the master bedroom looks better. The house smells great with the crock pot going.
I napped.
Rain stopped for a bit but has re-started again now.
H is off regular day not off early.
H commented how good it smell ed in rhe house. It tasted great as well.
It is raining again now.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri May 17, 2019 7:17 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: conga Friday (repeat) May, 2019

Postby blessedw2 » Fri May 17, 2019 5:24 pm

hi d kathryn
I am sorry you had silly stuff with your dh's sisters. so sweet about your visit to dear husbands aunt!
I am sorry they didn't talk to the staff about his d wife's passing. I don't understand when people do those type of things.
you ARE a good person d kathryn!

hi d Nancy. yay on sorting clothing. yum I wish the computer had smell a vision! crock pot cooking... lovely
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: conga Friday (repeat) May, 2019

Postby blessedw2 » Fri May 17, 2019 5:24 pm

I attacked my checking account and bills. I am grateful I finally caught up on my checking account.
it takes a weight off of my mind.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: conga Friday (repeat) May, 2019

Postby Harmony » Fri May 17, 2019 5:51 pm

I'm done with a bunch of work. My legs are sore and my back hurts. I've been standing all day. Boy old age is.....

Ok more smell-a-vision: I made a big pot of chicken stew. Has herbs and onions and a tiny bit of garlic, celery, lots of carrots, and rice and gravy. Ummmmm!

I decluttered and cleaned 11 drawers today. 8 in the guest bathroom. Also underneath the sink and the whole closet in that bathroom too. The rack under the sink I wanted to put in the closet is too tall so I rearranged it and it'll be ok now. I consolidated bottles, threw away so many I had to empty the bathroom rubbish can twice. I found 20 toothbrushes and 10 dental floss and lots of other things for teeth. :shock: All that stuff except for a few brushes is in a clear plastic shoe box in the bigger closet in the master bath.

And guess what I bought a couple days ago? A package of 3 toothbrushes. Sheesh... I get samples every time I go to the dentist; she gives me a nice bag of things. I took all the towels out and re-folded and organized them again. I have an abundance. Used to have a lot of extras when we used to get more company and as the DGSs grew tall they didn't want short ones...and DH decided he didn't want long ones (hard for him with his arms to use) so I got those in my closet too... so we'll never run out that's for sure. I finally took the time to cut all the labels off.

2 of the drawers I did in the kitchen now have extra bare spots. I switched those organizers, threw away a bunch of plastic...

LadyM - really dumb question here - I guess I could just use my word program and save it to a memory stick instead of the hard drive or the cloud? I've always wanted to do a journal on the computer...I try to write sometimes but then long weeks go by before I get back to it..

Ok, going to put my feet up.

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Re: conga Friday (repeat) May, 2019

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri May 17, 2019 6:51 pm

My energy level is low tonight. I think it is a combination of getting less sleep last night with being up/down with sick DGD7 and being on high alert dealing with DMom today. Also the heartache of learning about Froggy physical struggles and sitting in the waiting room to hear about (((Dee))).

I am behind on my dailies. I took care of my plants because they will suffer. I did personal AM dailies and Kitchen AM dailies. Otherwise nothing. Being out of the house for several hours today reminds me of my life when I used to work full time. I find myself wondering how did I do it all?

I called in an order for a couple of pizzas. Totally unhealthy but easy, quick and no brain power needed.

LadyM - I guess I could just use my word program and save it to a memory stick instead of the hard drive or the cloud? I've always wanted to do a journal on the computer...I try to write sometimes but then long weeks go by before I get back to it..

Yes! Do it however it feels right to you. I used to keep a journal in MS Word (before OneNote).

There are a gazillion ways to do it. For several years I did chronological with all of the journals for that year together. But I discovered for me it was helpful to see what I was doing exactly one year ago, two years ago, 3, 4, etc. so I switched my journal filing method. I tried several ways and settled into one that works for the way my brain thinks.
I have a folder for each month (january, february, etc).
Inside of each of the folders I have numbers for each day in the month (1-31).
Inside of each number then I have all the journals for that date. Today's page title is 2019_05_17 Friday. That is followed by the 7 years of journals for this date (2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013).

One of my weekly tasks is to set up the journal pages for the week. I create the page, do a cut/paste of the calendar events for that day, add cut/paste of online orders to the day they are due, and the rest of the journal varies. I also do cut/paste from what I write here and FB to the journal page. I do a lot of cut/paste from FB events on the day they happen so I can have the details with me. For example.... I just did a cut/paste that DGD7 needs to take a towel with her Monday to school and pasted it on 2019_05_20 Monday page so I can remember to send it.
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