Ta Dah Thursday

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Re: Ta Dah Thursday

Postby Elizabeth » Thu May 23, 2019 1:12 pm

Hi everyone! Ta Dah Thursday is aptly named for me - I had to generate a list of this year's accomplishments for my annual review. If I get a good review (and I should), I am included in July's 4% raise for state employees. Today is payday too!!! Briggs is at the vet. It's DD17's first day of summer vacation. I have two payroll deadlines. Three DPCs: DD to tell her I will be late tonight, car insurance people because I have not gotten a callback, Ziva's vet to see how long I need to give her the steroid eye meds.

Happy Birthday to Dee!

I am totally stealing Konmari's box idea.

LadyMaverick: DD likes to go to B askin R obbins for celebrations.

I am already hungry and it is 45 minutes until lunch.

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Re: Ta Dah Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu May 23, 2019 1:13 pm

Oh, LadyM, what a situation. I'm so sorry. There will be someone out there who can predict what this means for wildlife/fish and for the river, the people. I fear it will not be good news but I know ((the community(s) )) are grateful there was no loss of life today, and no more structural damage than it looks like there is.

Hoping you will hear about a raise soon, Elizabeth.

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Re: Ta Dah Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu May 23, 2019 1:48 pm

Oy, I've been off sidetracked, can you imagine that? It seems I only have two speeds, all out to get things done, and sitting in front of the computer researching a tangent.

Setting 2 p.m. timer to work to :15 before the hour. I need to get going!
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Re: Ta Dah Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu May 23, 2019 2:06 pm

Meant to say that we have hard-copy orders from the doctor to carry with us this time. Possibly this will speed things up. I'll believe it when I see it.

I've made a tentative plan for meals.

Tobias will have an easier day because dd will be on a light schedule tomorrow and be able to stay home until noon. We won't come home to find him thinking we " Up and R-U-N-N-O-F-T " .

All the church Desk Day items are complete and the few things to be mailed are already in the box.

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Re: Ta Dah Thursday

Postby Elizabeth » Thu May 23, 2019 2:27 pm

Good news from the vet: Briggs extracted teeth spaces have healed nicely and HE CAN HAVE DRY FOOD!!! The cat coordinator wants everyone to switch to all canned and a number of vets agree. It doesn't work on my schedule and really does not work for the cats who hate the stuff. Briggs does not hate it, but definitely doesn't like it either - takes a few bites then leaves it. Feeding him normally will vastly improve my life and that of 3 of the 4 cats. Still need to work on Ziva joining the tribe - she does not want to get near any of the other cats. Now that Briggs is declared ok, she can interact with him (he is the most easygoing).

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Re: Ta Dah Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu May 23, 2019 2:32 pm

Back from visiting a bit with dgs. They were at the library so we parked at their house and walked over, played a bit with him there (628 is vehicles and 641 is kids cookbooks so he hung around that section of the stacks.) Then we walked home. Dgd fell asleep on the walk so we sat outside for 20 minutes so she could nap. Dgs showed me the new double stroller. It is a side-by-side umbrella stroller which is easier to travel with than their big city double stroller or their SUV stroller (my descriptions.)

They have almost $1000 of strollers but since they aren't normally car owners (they have one until December) and still walk or bus to almost everything despite having a car, they really do need the big strollers to hold kids, groceries, diaper bags. When you think of all the stuff you keep in your car, just in case (i.e. umbrella, or tissues, or a water bottle) that all has to be carried in backpacks when they go out.

I will say the big double stroller handles better than the SUV stroller but apparently it is useless in snow. The hope is that dgs will be able to walk everywhere by next winter. He's pretty good now, easily walking a half mile at a time. He's just slow.

I'm getting a headache from the off-gassing of the carpet. I think I'll put on a fan and see if that helps speed up the process.

I just spent time watching the barges, even though I knew the outcome. Signed into FB to watch them crash into the dam. That was really impressive.

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Re: Ta Dah Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu May 23, 2019 2:48 pm

I've haven't been lollygagging but I'm not making much progress.

** DBro called and talked for 30 minutes. He is driving back from an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon and talked through what he found out. DBro rotator cuffs are both gone so will need to have Reverse total shoulder replacement on both shoulders. This will be the 3rd total sholder replacement surgery on one side and the 2nd total replacement on the other side. DBro knows what he is facing and is not looking forward to it. He didn't schedule the surgeries today because he wasn't mentally ready. By the time he got off the phone he had talked himself into having the surgery.
** Talked with DMom for 20 minutes. She was confused and I had to tell her things over and over. She asked me 3 times "What day is this?" But she was perfectly capability of talking nonstop about everything under the sun. Her memory from years ago seems perfect.
** DH is at the hospital with his DMom
** I fixed lunch for kids.
** DS10 has friends here. I fed and watered them too.
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Re: Ta Dah Thursday

Postby lucylee » Thu May 23, 2019 2:52 pm

Wow, LadyM... the flooding and barges and EVERYTHING this weather is doing!
I saw another video last night of a house being swept away into the river.

Twins have you seen the FB news about the Montana man who traces his DNA 55 generations in America? I think that’s what it said. Through the Blackfoot Indian tribe, I believe.

Watching baseball here — on tv.
Dh, ds, and dgs were home by 10:00/10:30 last night, but the game that started afterwards went SEVENTEEN INNINGS. Six hours and 40-something minutes. It was over sometime after 2:30 am, CST. Mississippi State finally beat LSU, so now we are playing LSU. And they are winning, early in the game.

I made 2 DPCs...
* Christian school pre-k is waaay too expensive
* Newspaper carrier has correct address

I never got to the EXERCISE part of my list yesterday.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Ta Dah Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu May 23, 2019 3:01 pm

Twins have you seen the FB news about the Montana man who traces his DNA 55 generations in America? I think that’s what it said.
Lucylee, the article has been posted in a lot of the genetic genealogy Facebook groups. Most believe it's incorrect or that writer misunderstood or that CRI Genetics is misrepresenting the results. Fifty five generations could be mitocondrial DNA. There are a ton of complains about this company and how they operate.

Heading to drugstore next...
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Re: Ta Dah Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu May 23, 2019 3:52 pm

TA Dah baby steps...
** watered the container plants.
** Harvested several vegetables.....2 kinds of peppers, cherry tomatoes, pak choi, radishes, strawberry (only one), and scallions. I washed these and put into the refrig. I'll use most of this in my next stir fry.
** Monitored DS10 and his friends playing in the fun room. Now they are outside playing.
** Chatted with DGD7 while she ate a bowl of cereal for a snack. She brought up the subject of why DS10 doesn't live with DD. I answered her questions as honestly as I knew. When DGD7 stopped asking questions then I stopped talking. I want her to process it at her own speed.
** Researched a day camp next month for the kids. It a 2 day camp on Aerospace. Do I want to drive over 200 miles to take the kids to a camp that I'm not sure they have any interest? No. But on the other hand, this might spark an interest. Hum....thinking.
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2. Go after it relentlessly.

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