Ta Dah Thursday

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Re: Ta Dah Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu May 23, 2019 4:08 pm

Harrumph. I went to pharmacy to pick up the meds. I specified I wanted the regular meds, not the extended release. I got what I wanted, but they wrote the meds for once a day and only gave me 30, which will last only 15 days since I'm taking twice a day. :roll: :roll: :roll: So I just called the office and scheduled a follow up appt that will be two weeks from yesterday.

I've finally finished a.m. routine.
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Re: Ta Dah Thursday

Postby Ramblinrose » Thu May 23, 2019 4:42 pm

Waving hi to yall...

I had an eye appointment this morning so my eyes are dilated. I also have a dermatologist appointment for later this afternoon. Sweetie had a dr appointment on Tuesday and so did Willis. And Willis has a recheck scheduled for tomorrow. It’s for his Valley Fever and allergies which are really bad this year.

I was supposed to go to the gym yesterday but had a migraine starting Tuesday which lasted through the night and on to the morning.

Weather has been wacky here as well with winds again reaching a steady 40mph. Are temps have been 20* below normal with today’s lows 55 and highs 74* and my friend Twig who is two hours north of here but at a higher elevation got snow this morning.

We stopped at Cos os on the way home this morning so I bought a rotisserie chicken for dinner. I already cooked rice for Sweeties lunch so all I need to add is some green beans, plus I will make him some gravy.

Dyson finally made it out of the hospital so my home is in pretty good shape. Need to steam my floors but will do it over the weekend.

I’ve been watching everyone’s weather since my son lives north of Dallas and tends to get the tail end of LadyM’s weather. Right before Easter he had a hail storm with the hail the size of quarters. Really messed up his fence and did quite a bit of damage to his roof.

I was a summer camp girl for years growing up. When I turned 8 I went to over night camp for two weeks and after that spent an entire month of my summer there from 9-13. I have a very independent spirit and I loved the freedom I found there.

Off to eat my lunch. Hope to plan some beach time too now that the baby is here. My son and family want to go to NJ in July or August to see my mom, who is 91.5 and still doing pretty well and want me to meet them there. I plan on booking some beach time sometime in sept with Sweetie.
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Re: Ta Dah Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu May 23, 2019 6:38 pm

I did two rounds of transplanting plants into larger containers of the seedlings I started glad that is done for now.
Been looking for something at micaels & joann's only avalible on line drat.
Got the last load in the dryer. I will start mt fold more this evening down stairs where it is cooler.

RamblinR. I know what you mean about the dramatic footage of storms, and needing to step away from it.

A bit of excitement I had the sliding glass door open a bird got in, the dog had it caught and outside before
I even realized what was even happening.

Then h. Called on his way home.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu May 23, 2019 8:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Ta Dah Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu May 23, 2019 7:44 pm

Ta Dah Baby steps -
** Inspired by Elizabeth I took the kids to get snow cones to celebrate the end of the school year.
** Went by and visited with DMom. The kids ate banana bread and ice cream there so they are on a sugar high.
** Took the kids to the library to let them pick out books to read this week.
** DMIL is not doing well in the hospital. She cried and told DH that she just wanted to go home. DH told her that he would make it happen if that is what she wanted. She is going to have a test in the morning and then make her decision. DH told DMIL that she could move in with us. I'm sure DH and I will team up and handle it if that happens but right now I can't grasp how.
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Re: Ta Dah Thursday

Postby Lynlee » Thu May 23, 2019 7:49 pm

Happy birthday Dee

Praying nature will eventually sort out the fertilizer LM. I'm glad the catastrophe of a failed dam was averted as I envisage major prblems with that scenario.

I'm needing a tadah Friday
so far
confusion as to which Friday this is. I have 2 that alternate.
washing on
bath and wash hair
clear vanity

(((Lady and Mr M))) hugs and prayers for this next stage, whatever DMIL's decision.
Congratulations to DGD7 and DS10 on a good study results this year. Extra kudos to DS as he works despite many handicaps.
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Re: Ta Dah Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu May 23, 2019 8:13 pm

H. Has final papers to sign tomorrow on the last parcel of farm land.
Dgd did not sent us a graduation announcement, sigh now I have to figure out info. Keep forgetting and getting inturupted.
I messaged dson & dgd, she is worki g on them and will hand deliver it to us.
H. Said they may be working both on Sat. And Mon. No 3 day weekend for them.

The dog does not have a " soft " mouth, she killed it and would not surrunder it right away. She is great at getting gophers also. The only thing is if she gets one befo re the walk i s over she is done and wants to head bace with here prise! She hates water so will not fetch em out of water LOL. She will lst me spritz her off to cool down with the spray bottle now.

Seattle area had an earth quake Tues.
Dinner is done, and working on folding laundry now. X
Last edited by Nancy on Thu May 23, 2019 9:54 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Ta Dah Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu May 23, 2019 8:14 pm

Nancy: you obviously have a good bird dog!

I've done nothing today.

Talked to my sister for over an hour and confirmed dates for her to visit next month. Now she'll try and book tickets by train (she doesn't like to fly and it is quicker by train.)

Dh and I had a light supper, me eating the my leftovers from last night. I like them just as much the second night so they were a success for me. Dh had a frozen chicken pot pie.

Today is day 4 of trying to have no lunch (dh never eats lunch.) It went the best so far so I guess I'm weaning myself off of lunches. I still have snacks but try to have my breakfast yogurt around 9:30 - 10 (or later), then some nuts, then protein bar and glass of milk, then another snack of fruit or veggies and maybe more nuts around 4:ish and dinner around 5:30. I used to have milk with dinner so I've switched it to be with the protein bar and move those calories to earlier in the day.

I'm also trying to cut down on carbs, only succeeding with that with my snacks. We'll see if this helps me get into a new routine. It would be great to only have to bring snacks with me to the cottage instead of coming up with lunches and dinners. There's very limited grocery shopping within an hour's drive and it is very expensive so I'm hoping to bring in almost all the food. No problem for me, and dsil will be in charge of the food for his family.

I'm going to try to get to bed early tonight.

My throat is still sore. I'm not sure if I'm coming down with something or if it is the off-gassing of the carpets. That was giving me a headache earlier today so that's why I gave myself permission to do nothing today.

Lynlee: I was just reading about your surprise election results and looking at the sea of blue on the electoral map. Bad news for those who want to turn around climate change. If economic issues mean the people who are among the most affected by climate change in the world are willing to vote against taking real measures to try and turn it around, the rest of the democratic world will likely see similar results.

For the Americans here, their election was almost like 2016 was for you guys. The left leaning party was so sure to win, a betting firm paid out on the bets for it before the votes were counted. Instead the right-leaning party got in.

The same thing happened in 2016 with the US election:

Bookmakers often pay out early if they are certain of the result. In some cases where they are sure of the result, they pay out to avoid more people putting on bets.

It's not the first time a bookmaker has paid out early.

Paddy Power, an Irish bookmaker, paid out on a Hillary Clinton win the month before the November 2016 elections.

It said it paid out $1m (£786,290) early to those who bet on Clinton and $4.5m to those who bet on Donald Trump.

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Re: Ta Dah Thursday

Postby Lynlee » Thu May 23, 2019 8:27 pm

Slightly numb here still with the result Kathryn. Its popularist vote whats for me now world wide I fear.
more later.
helper here. I must get busy.
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Re: Ta Dah Thursday

Postby lucylee » Thu May 23, 2019 10:19 pm

That is fascinating, Kathryn -- that bookmakers will pay out before the results are in on elections. I wonder if they do it with any other events, like sports? It seems sports would be much too unpredictable, but you know, sometimes sports can be more dependable than politics! :lol:
Once the money is paid, I guess the "winners" get to keep their new riches, don't they? It would be a nightmare to try to recall all those funds, wouldn't it?

I don't know -- I'm feeling very stupid today. Filling out forms for doctor's visits and I had to look up two words that I certainly should have known.

I will have to look up Lynlee's election results to know more what y'all are talking about, anyway...

WTG on your ddog, Nancy -- not so much for birds, although dh would love to have a dog that would rid us of the bird that built in our carport this year -- but especially WTG for the dog catching gophers! I don't know which I would be more afraid of... rats or snakes. I hope I am never attacked by either one!!!

(((LadyM))) Yes... praying for you, dh, and your dmil. I cannot imagine how on earth we would adjust to having a parent living with us. I just pray that we never have to face that, with our parents, or for ourselves with ds and ddil. We get along very, very well with all concerned, but it would be a huge adjustment for either of us. I imagine that is always the case, though, and as you said, you WILL make it work, IF you are faced with that situation, and you will handle it with such poise and wisdom that it will look easy to everyone else! (((BIG HUGS)))

So glad your dmom is doing well, Rose. Won't she be thrilled to see the new baby!!!

Twins, I sorta suspected something might be "off" with that DNA announcement. DS can't even find "my" Indian from 4 or 5 generations back in A ncestry.com and this guy has 55 generations? Hmmm... :P

This is as far back as topic review takes me, so I'm going to stop here. My ta-da's for the day have not been anything to write home about.
This was the plan -- plus supper and s/s kitchen, which I did. I'm going to try to get those meeting notes out of the way while I'm sitting here.
[x] phone call to Christian school
[x] phone call to newspaper office
[x] phone call to dmom
[x] fill out health care form for tomorrow's "wellness check-up" at doctor's office (I actually went ahead and filled out the new patient info for the allergy doctor's appt in July also, so I'm way ahead there!)
[x] type and email teacher meeting notes
[x] transferred a few pictures from phone to computer
[ ] dust
[ ] exercise

DH is not feeling well. He probably overdid it yesterday, and probably got too hot (although he said they sat in the shade and it wasn't too bad). He's just feeling really tired and weak, and he's done nothing all day, so likewise, I've done very little all day, too.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Ta Dah Thursday

Postby Lynlee » Thu May 23, 2019 11:50 pm

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-05-24/ ... e/11114554
despite the evidence to the contrary, there was only a couple of percent difference in votes for the major parties.
In Qld, I think there were other factors that might not be easily understood at play, including the make up of our state government, how long they have been in power, and local northern response to some pressures applied by the southern greens who went up there to protest against an established mining community.

Overall, the saying by a respectful head of the opposition party, that we have to believe that the Australian people get it right.
There were many 'not recontesting' from the ministry before these elections so who knows what the governing side will be like in reality.
93% of eligible people enrolled to vote. I look forward to seeing how many voted once all votes are counted(postal votes still have time to get there and be counted), and find out the score for Mr Informal. Voting informal is the choice of those who want a none of the above option, as well as anyone not following the instructions for preferential voting. There is compulsory voting here, though the fine isn't big, and people can offer an excuse for not voting which is often accepted.
In my local area, which is always conservative, the incumbent is ahead before going to preferences, though there is still over 21% of votes to count. 6% voted informal . Winner needs over 50% of the vote.

bookmakers here have to pay out all takers, seeing as they payed out the non-winners early.
I wonder if its also about getting more people hooked on gambling, making everyone a winner.

bed changed
helper did floors
I cleaned T and vanity.
2 loads of washing out.
clouds have come across. I might see if I can bring things in dampish so I can take a nap without worrying.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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