Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

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Re: Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

Postby Harmony » Mon Jun 03, 2019 1:04 pm

(Kathryn) I feel for you. I know weather has an affect on us. Some people do all right in clouds and cold most of the time. I do not. I knew at a very young age winters depressed me, and Pittsburgh is the 2nd cloudiest spot in the US. I just didn't know there was a name for it. Also, my worst symptom of depression is anger. There was nothing to do with that knowledge once I read about it... ok so I'm angry, now what do I do? Kill the weatherman? That won't help!

And I'm in the same boat with annoying husbands! Maybe instead of moving you could spend some of the winter in a sunnier spot? Surely your weather has to get better some time. You should do what you need to for you. After all, our husbands are doing what they want and need for them, right?

Ok, after that bit of wisdom, I'm off to get something productive done around here.

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Re: Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

Postby Nancy » Mon Jun 03, 2019 1:46 pm

I am back from the store. Got two plants strawberries that are white and taste like pineapples, and dianthis aka double pinks.
They were a bit worse for ware and I asked and got them to mark em down yea!
I have had my lunch.
I am wanting a bird bath need to figure out how I can get it home bc it will not fit in the jeep.

Food is unloaded and put away.
I watered out front a bit.
Fetched the mail.

I need to empty the trash. x For my bwp chore for today.
Then start laundry. Xx
Dutsed tv stand. Working on LR zone.
Watering in front.
Walked dog.

Success these sox fit yippie!
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Jun 03, 2019 3:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jun 03, 2019 2:15 pm

Someone just posted a rant on our local reddit about the 7 day forecast. There's four days in a row of almost hot (over 75*) and sunny. He's betting it is another lie. Someone else piped up that he was working Wed-Sunday so he figures it may as well take the bet! So the first guy offered to bring him a case of beer on Sunday if the weather turns out as forecast!

See? It isn't just me.

It is 2 in the afternoon. No sun, still gusts over 30 mph, and we're up to 48*. Woot! It is humid out and foggy so I've had to open the wind side window to get cool air into the bedrooms where I'm working. They are on the lee-side and are humid.

I've sorted the travel stuff into piles of 'like' items. Now to check for joy.

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Re: Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Jun 03, 2019 2:18 pm

Morning... at least here

I had to ask Sweetie how to calculate the answer, which he did in a snap, but I didn’t read the problem until it was solved.

I’ve been out amongst my sunnies taking pictures of my Hummingbirds. No easy task cause they zoom around so much. I posted them on my FB pg.

Stark gloom weather doesn’t bother me, but intense 105*+ weather wears me out. That’s why I want to move to an area that has more diverse weather. I’m weird cause I love the cold and occasional snow but Sweetie would prefer and area that has a short winter. And we both agree it needs to be an hour or two away from an ocean, but not the Pacific and not central Florida... been there, done that.

My kitchen is a mess and I had to laugh at myself. Many years ago my next day after dinner would look like it does now. Hasn’t looked this bad in years...will only take me 20 minutes to get it in pristine condition.... so I guess you can say I’ve come a long way baby :D

I signed up for pickle ball lessons and they start tomorrow at 7:30am. Excited about it,even if it means I must get up early. Would like to do that anyway cause right now my mornings sometimes slips away from me.
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Re: Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Jun 03, 2019 3:08 pm

Glad you got the markdowns, Nancy! I need to get two more hanging baskets, didn't want to buy before we went away though. I bet the choices will be limited by now.

Kathryn, I was low low low with our rainy weather this winter and the pain. I suggested to dh the other day that maybe we should get away for a few days (or a week?) in Jan or Feb next year. We go away when he wants so I might as well chime in when I need some nicer weather! I hope your weather improves for the better while you can enjoy your solitude. I would feel the same as you about dh being away, but generally, I hear it's not a great idea when one is depressed. I'm glad you're okay with me commenting on it - you sound so similar to my thinking when I'm down.

I got the military service file from NARA for this guy I've been researching. I still can't get through to his descendant about the DNA test; I think I'm going to offer to send him an Ancestry test. He can make me a co manager or collaborator and won't have to give me his password, and I can research his matches so see if anything concurs with what I have as a somewhat shaky paper trail. Maybe I can use the military service file as "bait" for the dna test. Shouldn't consider that because his results are his results and even if I buy him a test he doesn't have to share with me but maybe he'll be favorably disposed if I share with him. :lol:

Lots of thinking while away about a possible case study for portfolio. I'd like to use someone who is not my own family because there's no chance of wanting to use the same person twice in the same portfolio; that is prohibited. The NY guy who said he served in the confederate navy would be an okay choice but I can't find that much on him, and I don't want to make a NY trip to research him. I think this guy born in 1882 in Alabama would work but I need to be able to add a DNA analysis to it.

Grocery run and drugstore stop accomplished, and groceries are put away mostly. I cleaned up the last of the four kitchen counter quadrants and rebooted the laundry. I have a load to fold, but the last dryer load can get folded tomorrow. I'm doing some delicates right now that will hang dry. I can tell that dd was in my clothes and shoes while I was away. :roll:

I really need to work on this DNA presentation now. I really don't want to, but once I get started I should be on a roll. Supper is either salmon or scallops from freezer, corn on the cob and salad. (It will be nice to have "my" salads again. I love our beach friends, but they use a lot of iceburg and salad mixes that I don't care for. Because it was "our" condo week, they had bought a lot of groceries so I didn't want to duplicate.)
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Re: Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

Postby lucylee » Mon Jun 03, 2019 3:14 pm

I started off this day with loads of energy -- and then -- * poof * -- as quickly as it came, it disappeared. :lol:
I was all set to go by the courthouse and get our tags renewed, and check on a land issue at the property tax office. Then, apparently it is Confederate Memorial Day? No -- I just checked -- it is Jefferson Davis' birthday. (Confederate Memorial Day is in April.) Well, anyway -- state offices are closed.

The property issue is this -- we are selling a small piece of land behind our house, to some neighbors. We don't know how big this is, probably an acre or two, and of course it connects to the rest of our pasture and there is no separate deed to it. It is an offset from the main part of the pasture that also connects to a subdivision behind our house. This land is low and turns into a swamp when it's rainy here, and there is no way anyone else would ever want to buy it -- dfil developed the subdivision, but this part would not "perk" in the sewer test (?) (I think that's what I'm talking about) so it just sits there and gets overgrown and wet.
Anyway, two of the subdivision homeowners have approached us wanting to buy it -- just to enlarge their lots a bit, give them a little more space. One wants to build a pond, which certainly seems like an excellent use for it! We are probably taking a very low price for it, but dh told them he would sell it to them for $1500 if they would pay all the legal costs involved.
The thing is, we have no idea how to proceed from this point. DH says just let them proceed, LOL -- and actually, that is about what my dmom is doing with a lot she is selling, but hers IS an actual lot with defined borders. In our case, I think we need to make sure we don't end up selling more than we planned, you know, and of course, we need to make sure it is properly taken off OUR deed. The only advantage to this for us is getting a very small decrease on our property taxes.
So anyway -- I have a cousin who works in the tax office and I was going to go talk to her about it, and THEN call dbil for his advice. DH really hates to involve dbil in anything, and really, since the other two people are going to be paying for this, it is their privilege to use whatever lawyer they want to. I think they will use dbil though, b/c one of them already rents property from him and they both know him.
One of the two homeowners is real gung-ho about this, was ready to give us the cash a week ago. The other one is a little more laid-back about it, and he's a little concerned about the legal costs involved. So -- we're going to have to make sure they are both on the same page about everything.

Anyway -- stuff like this just stresses dh out completely, so I"m kinda taking the lead on getting info. We have NEVER sold or bought property in our lives. The land we live on belonged to dfil and dbil handled the deed for it and all we had to do was go to his office when he called and sign papers, I guess. It's been almost 34 years so whatever we did, I don't remember it clearly now! :lol:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Jun 03, 2019 3:27 pm

Lucylee, I think you need a survey to lay out what they're buying. Do you have a survey of your lot or the larger area already? I would find that, if you have one, to give to a surveyor, and you or dh walk the line with the neighbors so everyone is clear on what is being sold. Once that is done you'll have a legal description for the land you're selling and anyone can do the closing, adding the cost of the survey to the buyer's costs.

See, I still don't want to work on this...
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Re: Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

Postby lucylee » Mon Jun 03, 2019 3:38 pm

(((Kathryn))) I can certainly understand why you are grumpy and depressed. I can handle rainy weather, as long as I don't have to be out IN it a lot -- but it REALLY puts my dmom into a depression. But here, except for some of the winter months, it is really true that we don't need to complain about the weather because it will change pretty soon. We do have a lot of really hot weather in the summer, and that is just as hard on me if I have to be outdoors for any length of time; but our winters are relatively short, and if we ever have snow & ice, it always comes and goes within a day or two.
From what you have said, though, about your dh being gone for a few weeks -- it might be just what you need to refresh yourself! Do what YOU want to and make YOU your #1 priority for a bit! And of course, if you need to talk, we are all always right here!

Twins, I am fascinated with your genealogy work. Maybe the Alabama man will work with you.
:arrow: And yes -- just saw your response -- I think they will have to get a survey done, and I definitely want to walk the line with the surveyor and the buyers. That is what dmom's buyer is doing -- he said that he needs a copy of her deed though, for the surveyor, but like I said -- hers is simple because it is all self-contained. Everything on the deed will go to the new buyer. We'll just have to tell these men buying our plot to get a surveyor and tell us when to meet him, I guess.

Thinking about where Rose and Mr. Sweetie could move that would be perfect for both of them... LOL... I guess you don't want to be on the Gulf of Mexico, since you said "BTDT" about Central Florida? Hmmm... Charleston, SC or Savannah, GA. I don't know about Savannah, but I think Charleston has at least a short period of winter weather, right? Those are beautiful towns, and surely far enough north that the summers aren't unbearable. If I had to live somewhere else, I think I would choose Nashville, though, or somewhere in Tennessee.
I love the IDEA of the beach, but in reality, I know I'd get tired of it pretty quickly -- I just can't take the heat and the sun, and if I owned property on the beach, I'd worry about hurricanes.

WTG, Nancy, on bargaining for the strawberry prices! We should have you here to negotiate this land sale! ;) DH and I are BOTH terrible at this sort of thing. Both our dads were born salesmen. That gene must skip a generation... (It is probably tied closely to the handyman gene, which Erma Bombeck said skipped a generation, and was definitely proven to be the case with us!)

Harmony, I certainly could be no help with your math problem. * sheesh * I was thinking, go to the lumber yard. Surely someone there could figure it out, LOL. But they'd probably be as bumfuzzled as you!

Waving to you ALL...

It is towel-laundry day here for dh, and I am helping him in small bits with that. I can't fold to suit his OCD methods, so that gets me out of a lot of work!
DGD will be here around 5:30 to stay with us while dgs has his first t-ball practice. DS & DDIL are both going to that today. Tomorrow, I may have to take him, and we will probably have both dgrands for a few hours as ds will be going out of town and ddil will be working.
I am going to have to get up and do something before I completely lose my MONDAY PWYC MOTIVATION. I do like Mondays, blessed, and I think I am sufficiently recovered from my short trip last week and my busy weekend, so I should be able to get something started for this week.

OH -- forgot to say -- I had to LOL at Dee drinking the hummingbird food!!!! Oh. My. Goodness. Talk about energy -- I wonder if you'll be flitting around like the hummingbirds? :lol:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jun 03, 2019 3:40 pm

Twins - Welcome Home! I'm glad to see you posting again.

I turned off the school schedule controlling the wifi available hours. I found DGD8 awake at 2:30am using her tablet.

>>>found this sitting on laptop 8 hours later.......

DD came this morning and got DGD8. She will return later.

DH, DS10 and I went on several errands
** Post office to mail some letters
** CPA to drop off the church $$ from yesterday
** Town hall to pay water bill (the only bill we have that doesn't have auto pay option)
** Lab for DH to have a blood draw
** Visit DMIL in the rehab facility. I am very impressed with this facility. I told DH that I would be okay being there if necessary some day. DMIL has 6 hours of one-on-one therapy each weekday as they work on building up her strength to be able to accomplish daily personal tasks. It is DMIL wish to return to her home but that isn't possible if she can't take care of herself.
** Car washed at the place where they hand wash it for $3 before going through the automatic wash. The SUV was very dirty with lots of bug stains. It came out looking shiny clean.
** Lunch with DUncle. He is such a fun guy to be around. I highly respect him.
** Sam's to pick up prescriptions for DH, get items on our "Buy This" list and buy items on church list.

We accomplished all that in about 4.5 hours including the 70+ miles of driving it took to do them.

DMom wasn't answering either of her phones so I called DSis to see if she knew what DMom was doing. All is well. DMom is with DSis and away from phones.
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Re: Opportunities abound - Monday -love me some Monday pwyc

Postby lucylee » Mon Jun 03, 2019 3:52 pm

WTG, LadyM, on all your errands! So glad your dmil and dmom are doing okay.

Also wanted to say --
Cathy -- good for you in unfollowing unpleasant FB posts. DDIL does that a LOT and highly recommends it!

I have (sorta) freed myself up from thinking I "HAVE TO" stay with a certain focus zone area and stay "on schedule" with you ladies or F lylady or whomever...
BUT... I AM thinking I need to keep a rotation going, as Harriet, I believe has said before, and that I need to keep a card to let me know what I've done and what needs to be done next. Maybe one card for the deep cleaning tasks and one card for the decluttering?
Now, my roadblock is -- I planned to do the thing that bothered me most.
Well, right now, SEVERAL things are bothering me most.
* My closet
* My bathroom vanity/desk area
* Scrapbooks
* Photo albums

* sheesh *
Do I just flip a coin???
Tomorrow is another day.

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