Monday Monday

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Twins' Mom
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Monday Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Jun 10, 2019 7:52 am

I have no inspiration for the day, just determination to see it through with love and caring for my dmom.

What's your inspiration and challenge today?
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Monday Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jun 10, 2019 8:06 am


Yes to the determination to see it through with love and caring. Very well stated.

Next up -
** Personal AM
** Drinks & food prep
** Front Porch
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Monday Monday

Postby CathyS » Mon Jun 10, 2019 8:17 am



Bed is made. All clean laundry is away. Dishwasher has been emptied and refilled. No dirty pots and pans because we ate out 3 nights in a row.

Supper tonight is Jamaican patties (frozen in a box, just need to microwave) and dh's favourite Jamaican rice. I will have a box of macaroni and cheese I think. I will also have a pattie.

Sometime on Friday dh broke a molar. The problem is that the molar is right beside the 2 teeth that dh is having dental surgery (?) on tomorrow. Those 2 molars have the gums growing over them. Dh has awful teeth and had not seen a dentist in over 10 years before he went a couple of weeks ago. He has an extremely high pain threshold. He says that the 2 teeth with the gums growing over them do not hurt. The only reason he brought up the broken tooth on Saturday was because his tongue was irritated by the broken part of the last molar on the lower right side. He says he never had his wisdom teeth removed... He won't open his mouth to let me look, not that I would be able to help. ...

All of this being said... I need ideas for soft food for him to eat. Jello and soup and plain spaghetti with a red sauce are already on my list. I'm thinking he's going to be coming home with 3 holes on that side of his jaw. There will be pain as the jaw heals. He won't admit that he's in pain, but I'm not looking forward to this. We will also need to watch the amount of sweet things. I did tell him that I know he will most likely want ice cream or frozen treats. Trying to keep him away from those will be tough.

I think I will need to make a homemade beef vegetable soup with cabbage.
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Re: Monday Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jun 10, 2019 8:38 am

I'm up.

Noisy blinds disturbed my sleep from 12:45 to 1:30 (I didn't want to close the windows or open the blinds up but ended up closing one window and opening up the blinds on the other side.

That meant the light (despite wearing a tight eye-mask) woke me at 5:45. I went back to sleep after 6 and woke when dh called at 7:10.

It is Monday but dh is away so I remade the bed, moving his pillow cases to my pillows and then moving my stuff to his side of the bed. It's clean. No reason for me to launder all the bedding, I'll just sleep on his side. I tried this last year and slept surprisingly well. Despite it being, at most, a 10" move, that 10" moves me away from the morning sunlight hitting my side of the bed and 10" further away from the door, so the noises from the apartment aren't as loud. I'm fascinated by this.

Next week I'll be sleeping in a room with a south west view so no morning sun during longest day. I'm very much looking forward to that!

I've watered the plants, wound the clock, watered one of the balcony plants. Tea and chocolate is consumed.

I've put away my regular chair and pulled out my kneeling chair because my back is very sore. I'm babysitting dgd today for about 90 minutes and am actually dreading it because of my back.

I need to leave in 80 minutes for that so need to s2s and have breakfast. And drag the vacuum into my bedroom so it is ready to use when I get home.

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Re: Monday Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jun 10, 2019 9:02 am

love to you and to your d mom dearest twins!!! praying for peace throughout your day

good morning d lady!

good morning d cathy! praying for healing on your dh's teeth

good morning d kathy! praying your d back feels better soon!

wishing you and all a wonderful blessed Monday!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jun 10, 2019 9:03 am

today I am trying to not get in my way. 8-) :D

I am off to water outside.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jun 10, 2019 9:25 am

Those accomplished.

The septic system compressor quit. It is a vital component of the system so is a top priority to get replaced. We have a guy hired to replace it today so hopefully, that will go smoothly.

Next up -
** Swim pool dailies
** Living room
** Bathroom dailies
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Re: Monday Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Jun 10, 2019 11:09 am

Soft foods cream cheese, peanut butter, deviled / scrampled eggs, tuna salad sandwiches, egg salkad sandwiches.

I have been doing paint prp getting stuff out of the shop to set up scaffolding to stand on, paint rollers brushes etc.
I need paint as well. I want to get the one side done that gets the worst weather so it can dry while we have good weather this week.
I am also going to get paint for the inside as well I will do it after I do the other wall. I need a wibdoiw latch alkso. We are now calling this my she shed.

I need to get one load of lau dry going, paint cloths need washed mowed in em yesterday.

Zone work for today kit. Cleaned under rolling cart in panrty while sorting paint cans.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Jun 10, 2019 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Monday Monday

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Jun 10, 2019 11:18 am

Had just been putting 'stuff' behind the bathroom sink or on the vanity shelf above it. Actually went in and cleaned that all off and it's now looking good again.

Have an appointment with my cardiologist at 1pm so need to get a few things done before I leave. Dh is waiting on a phone call from his Dr who had changed his meds last Tuesday (from Feurosimide -Lasix- to something I can neither spell or pronounce. He's gained 8# since then and his ankles are very swollen. Not sure what the answer will be. The Lasix was causing great tenderness in his breasts and I can see swelling there as well -which I'm sure is causing the soreness. He may end up having to go see our cardiologist. He's having an ultra sound there 2 weeks from today.

DD called to see if I wanted to go to the library with her, but I couldn't with the looming Dr appointment. Hoping that all goes well. Pretty sure he'll prescribe cardiac rehab which is right across the street from his office. Know I need it.

My cold seems to finally be abating. Still there somewhat but not as bad and of course now the cotton is flying big time from all the cottonwood trees around here. Started last Thursday. Our neighbor's lawn looked like it was covered with snow.

((((Twins)))) you're in my thoughts & prayers today and going forth. Know what a tough time this can be. As Blessed said, I too wish you peace throughout.

EDITING: Dh's dr called back while he was on another long distance call. Office had him listen to his voice mail & it was the Dr. calling back. He wants dh to continue taking the new med, take his metolazone 3 times a week instead of 2 and to start taking his Feurosimide (Lasix) again 2 a day until the edema is under control. The problem with the metolazone is he has to take potassium all along to be sure that # doesn't fall. Now to figure out how much more he needs to take of that. If I can, I'll ask at the cardiologist's today. Yi!
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Re: Monday Monday

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Jun 10, 2019 11:57 am

Hi everyone! As of last night, I have a swamp cooler again, courtesy of Elizabeth's Own HVAC. It took a valve replacement and two line splices + the usual maintenance stuff. DD17 and I went to church Sunday, and the announcements said that the newsletter was not available in hard copy, but could be read online. That meant I had to run home and put it there! DD and I went to local amusement park, then I had her around during the swamp cooler repair. I won't get on the roof without someone around. I finished late and ran out of time to put all the tools away (got some done). Other useful things done: LOL (but not put away), consolidated all lists into one, sewing elastic into pants started. That one list is single page, but two columns and FULL.

The event I coordinated Saturday went well. Several people expressed an interest in fostering. I remains to be seen if they follow through.

Between the repairs and the painting, plus general use, my house looks like a disaster recovery site. The huge list will help to manage it. Tonight's essentials are: cat transfer, put event items back in storage, grocery run, cat food run, and B&B. I may not get all the B&B done, but must at least pay the bills that are due.

DD told me she is planning to bike to the indoor swimming pool, which I thought was an excellent idea. It is a little under 3.5 miles from the x's house and would take a little more than 15 minutes to get there. It remains to be seen whether the x will allow her to leave the house by herself. (Step-brother spends all day video gaming and is very unlikely to accompany her). If she is allowed that, I will remind her that one library is even closer. It's a strange situation, the x's father was frequently deployed so his mother ran things, the x does not like to deal with financial planning and bills and insurance and paperwork so wives do it. However, DD17 is treated like a Saudi Arabian daughter, not allowed out alone, no access to money, relentless grilling about purchases made with me. But she is getting a good education and expected to attend college and being taught to drive. I expect that driving will come with the caveat that the x monitors every mile and determines the acceptable places to go (i.e. errands he sends her on).

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