Monday Monday

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Re: Monday Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Jun 10, 2019 6:06 pm

I did another round outside on the shed project. I got the area cleaned up where I painted earlier.
I moved the saw horse work station. Moved the stumps closer to the firepit.
It looks better yea!

This evening or tomorrow I need to sort things in side the shed cleated out so I can acess the area to paint in the mornings, we are exppecting temps. In the 90's. So it will dry quickly.

I did another round on the shed, I sorted a bit. I cleared out the inside of the shed it is ready to sweep so I can start painting
in the cool of the morning after I do dailies and trash to the curb.


Re: Monday Monday

Postby MadHouseWitch » Mon Jun 10, 2019 8:48 pm

)HUGS( to anyone who needs one, I saw some are really having some struggles! Monday's for me are a a wash, I have an appointment and online meeting Monday Mornings so that eats up most the AM. But today while in said meeting DD was watering the plants and the spigot would not turn off. JUST as DH was leaving for work. So I called my Uncle, because HE likes it if I call him first as to not have it all be on Grandpa. However in fixing that we found the basement flooded (I guess, I don't ever go there, I peek my head in once in a while and that is it! this basement is what horror films are made from!) The main water line had broken and the water was shut off as I was going to hop in the shower (phones are hard I guess)

DD17 and Uncle had a bit of a fight about stuff, because he lived here before and anything that broke, kind of just stayed broken. Which means that BOTH spigots were both broken, and I guess we were supposed to buy 3 more hoses and go unhook them each time to water any plants we may want to have. Seriously ANYTHING to do with outside has been a pain to do.

The line got patched but it is going to be $2000 to $2500 to fix the line, ON TOP of the $2000 we need to rebuild the engine in my car. We will be fine but it was stress I didn't need today.

I got my laundry done AND put away!!
Dinner is chicken and dumplings AND I didn't have to cook it
DS11 (youngest) FINALLY put together his outfit for the "wax museum" in school....
and this is the second to last Monday for school until the fall

And now I'm fitting in this post before my online class tonight, which eats up most my evening.
Today has been the struggle of "I can't do this" but I'm still trying to do it.

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Re: Monday Monday

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Jun 10, 2019 9:25 pm

MHW, sounds like you could use a few hugs yourself! So consider it done from many of us.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Monday Monday

Postby lucylee » Mon Jun 10, 2019 11:25 pm

Yep, (((MadHouse))) -- your name is definitely fitting today, isn't it? How old are your children, besides 17 & 11?
My ds & family are living in his grandparents' house which is approx 50-60 years old, and part of it may be older, actually, b/c they remodeled some years after they married, while dh & his dbro were small children. They have a horror-house basement also, which is unusable at the moment. DFIL had a stroke in 2004? 2005? and from then until his death in 2011 and dmil's death in 2014, only emergency fixes were taken care of. Dmil just let things go unless it was a serious problem for her daily routine. DS and ddil & dgs moved in in 2015, after the house had sat empty for a year. It's just one thing after another now for them. They had to replace a heat/air unit last week.

(((Dee))) How frustrating!

(((Cathy's dh))) for the dentist -- b/c sounds like he's definitely got enough on his mind with all that's going on there.

(((Twins))) -- keeping you close in my thoughts and prayers.

And I know there are others, as MadHouse said, needing hugs tonight. I hope tomorrow brings brighter news and happy moments for all of you!

For myself, today has not had much in the way of ta-da's...
:arrow: Spent most of the day watching a college baseball game with dh, which lasted almost 4 hours, which we won, and which put our team in the college world series for the first time in 22 years...
but in the words of Forrest Gump, that's all I have to say about that, b/c there's probably at least ONE of you who knows who we were playing...
:arrow: Spent a good part of the rest of the day on chat support with FitBit. :roll: My FitBit will show that it is charged while on the charger, but when it is back on my arm, it goes dead. Support thinks (* hopes, I suspect *) that charging on the computer rather than the wall adapter will solve the problem.
:arrow: Cooked supper and cleaned up the kitchen.
:arrow: Currently doing laundry, need to iron a pair of shorts for dh to wear Wednesday.

And dh says rain is predicted in Atlanta Wednesday. :roll: Oh well. We have great seats, covered by the upper deck, but rain will not be enjoyable for dgrands if they have to sit sit sit through a rain delay. And dgs could probably not do the zip line if it is rainy/stormy. He was sooo proud of himself for "using his courage" and doing that last year. Anyway, we'll have fun, I'm sure, just spending the day with them all before they go visit ddil's family for a week. I know it seems like we are with the dgrands all the time, but we don't really have a lot of time with ds, so dh really looks forward to this ballgame trip every year!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Monday Monday

Postby Lynlee » Mon Jun 10, 2019 11:43 pm

walked home dragging the shopping cart.
thing away, and fell asleep with my legs up.

2 loads of washing on the line.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Monday Monday

Postby Harmony » Tue Jun 11, 2019 12:05 am

Too late to say much here. I just wanted to come by and say that I was thinking of (Twins) today.

Been under the weather. Took myself up to the walk-in-clinic. After a run-around getting my prescription, which they didn't phone in for 45 minutes after I left there... and too long, I came home and slept all afternoon and half the evening. Tomorrow should be better. UTI plus some other stuff.

Dee, I hope they get everything straightened out. Is it possible to get a copy of your own record of the office visit every time you see someone either in FL or up north? I keep copies of my OVs with my GP. They have an online patient portal to go see and keep what I want. It's not good for the 2 places to be at odds about what's going on.

I've also found it helpful to have someone with me; if I'm ill I don't question or don't remember later. Don't have anything major myself going on, but I've caught lots of stuff DH hasn't at his appointments.

Ok, going back to bed.


Re: Monday Monday

Postby MadHouseWitch » Tue Jun 11, 2019 12:32 pm

lucylee wrote:Yep, (((MadHouse))) -- your name is definitely fitting today, isn't it? How old are your children, besides 17 & 11?

DD 17 18 next month!
DS 15
DS 13 and DD13 twins
DS 11
3 boys and 2 girls I grumble a lot when I clean the bathroom and often make the boys do it... auto aim technology we ladies have and all! LOL

The user name is one I use other places and while some pets have passed, I came up with it when I had the 5 kids, 4 cats, AND 2 dogs... the kids were younger and yeah... it was a MadHouse!

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