Tuesday PWYC

The daily PWYC thread, where we gather to keep in touch, keep accountable and keep motivating each other.
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Twins' Mom
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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jun 11, 2019 11:56 am

After rain all weekend and since last Thurs we had clearing weather yesterday. The humidity, which was sky high yesterday a.m., had dropped by last night and we had a breeze. This morning we were cool - 60 degrees and clear as a bell. Clouds moving in now but it was great to see some sunshine. One of my tomato plants I think grew 6 inches yesterday, I was tying it up when dh got home. No ripe tomatoes yet. When we left on vacation at the end of May I thought we'd have ripe ones when I got back, but I was wrong. There's a couple I can see some red on finally but two or three cherry tomatoes don't go very far.

Talked to dd and hospice social worker via phone. I'll see social work at assisted living later to talk more. Sent emails and facebook messages to cousins to update them on mother's status - easier now that I feel more positive and I responded to a cousin DNA question.

A.m. routine mostly done, still need to make bed but I dumped unfolded laundry there so I'll do that all later. Dh is out bowling tonight.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Tue Jun 11, 2019 12:01 pm

Twins, we were playing UNC. Sat-Mon bc it was best 2 of 3 and we had each won one. Monday we scored 13 runs in the top of the first inning! It was unbelievable. (Sorry, Harriet. :) )
But if we advance in the World Series, we’ll face Vanderbilt, and they beat us badly earlier this year.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby CathyS » Tue Jun 11, 2019 12:47 pm

Dh popped in to let me know he was okay after dentist appt. He had a partial cleaning today and freezing because the hygienist was going to "go deep". He has 2 more appointments with 3 extractions and 2 large cavities to still be done.

He also wanted to drop off the fire ring I picked up this morning. It was in 4 pieces in the box when I bought it. Now it's assembled and it's 36" wide with moose and wolf cut outs around the ring. Now we can sit out in the evening and have a "bonfire" type fire. Dh wants to get 8 fancy bricks to go around the base to hold it up off the ground.
Dishes never stop.
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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby Harmony » Tue Jun 11, 2019 2:02 pm

(blessed) you can do it! Nice of you to go pressure wash Aunt's furniture.

(Twins) You've been in my thoughts. It's somewhat calming just to have a plan for going forward, don't you think?

I managed to do my whole morning routine. Organized our 2 medicine / Rx drawers in the kitchen and ordered 1 presc. for each of us. Desk chores done. Good to have all the things done which keep this household bubbling along like a well-ordered machine (she says hopefully).

Couple hours spent in office with DH over paperwork. I asked him if he has looked at the calendar...as he sets himself to be busy for the next 3 months... :x

Ok, that's enough for day. I'm going to go chill for a while. I am feeling better, but I'm not 100% yet.

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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Tue Jun 11, 2019 2:08 pm

I am on a break, ap x. 1/3 rd of the way done painting the shed. Yea for progress!
The chicken on the crock pot should be done for dinner when h. Gets off shoulkd be perfect.
The next sectio on the shed painting is not as challenging.
Then there is the loft :roll: , it is not quite tall enough for me to stand up under so I have been
Sitting on a lawn chair for some of it. I am done painting under the loft area yea!

Clean sheets are on the beds.
Done with painting the lower part of the shed except the vert bottom bo ard, and the loft and the inside if the door and some touch up.
Some of what it left to do is trim work, on my hands and knees, and crawling around in the loft without much more room than to sit down and paint so I will need to open the cubby hole to let in breeze and light in the morning.

H is on his way.
I think crock pot fodder should be ready soon.

Dinner was good h wanted 2nds.
I got the door and back drop down window covering painted, and some of the lo wer trim
Painted on the shed it is dry enough to close up again for the night or when ever I get to the loft.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Jun 11, 2019 8:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jun 11, 2019 3:17 pm

I've done 2 loads of laundry, vacuumed the bedroom wing, and Konmari'd my in-unit storage closet. It mostly stores bins and boxes of things. The boots and hats/mitts bins were sorted through back in the winter. As were a couple of the other boxes. Two boxes are scrapbook source material so they're put aside for doing sentimental. I had two boxes of empty picture frames so they were all touched and the spark-joy thing done on them. I've kept some because I will eventually need some for grandchildren. But the rest went away because I don't want my surfaces all covered in photos. As it is, I have 19 plus a photo collage in the living/dining rooms. And a giant collage of dgs from 0 - 6 months in the kitchen.

Last night my reddit feed had a post asking if there was to be a new notebook from the productivity/process podcast I listen to. I looked at it and liked it. Shut off my computer and brushed my teeth to go to bed. Powered the computer back up and ordered it before 'good sense' prevailed. I felt I should treat myself to something nice. This morning, the next issue of the podcast was uploaded and with 90 minutes of that, the limited edition notebooks had sold out!

So I've got one! Unfortunately, they are hoping for feedback on the design which means I'll have to start using it right away. My current bullet journal is set to last until November (plus this is only supposed to do part of what a bujo does. Anyway, I'm assuming this means I'll be joining a new discussion group as we work with the layout and share how we are using it.

I so do not belong to the primary demographic of the podcast. I've got ADD in my favour, but I'm female and 2x older than most of the audience. The last audience survey there were only 4 people in my age range (out of hundreds). So my usage will be different than some young person handling a part-time job and trying to launch a side business.

Anyway, participating in the reddit discussion of the episode this morning has been a distraction (although I listened to the podcast itself while I worked.)

I was really hungry so had bacon and eggs at 2. I have a big dinner for tonight so I'm going to finish the vacuuming and then go for a walk. The wind never died down so my windows are all closed but the apartment isn't warming up because of the chilled water in the radiators and the fact that it is a cloudy day. There are sunny breaks, though, so now that the rain stopped I'm in the mood for a walk.

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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Jun 11, 2019 5:56 pm

Hi everyone! Last night was devoted to groceries and cat transfer. Briggs is back at my house looking awful - scrawny with missing fur. Now I have lots of cat care things on my list - more meds, set up auto feeder, make sure he is warm. He wants to be in the sewing room, but that is Ziva's place and there is no way that Ziva and Alfie can be unsupervised together. Alfie will probably have to be locked in the MBR and the other two can have free range. It's fair because he is the problem. I have to keep a space heater running for Briggs.

My Monday dance class is back on, but I didn't find out until after I hit the road for the transfer. It is at the less convenient time for me, but it is manageable. I have a performance on Friday the 21st, a group belly dance. To make the dress rehearsal (2 hours before show), I will have to leave work early. I rarely take an afternoon off, so I probably will. Including that, there are only 2 rehearsals before show.

At payroll, I have finished some report modifications and need to email the appropriate people.

Tonight it is essential I pay at least one bill (due tomorrow) and my house is so trashed it is bugging me. I will also pick up Ziva from the vet so I don't have to arrange a cat transfer.

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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jun 11, 2019 9:04 pm

I did go for a walk so I'll cross over 7K steps for the day. I did just shy of 13K yesterday, the most in a very long time.

Dinner was on the table within 10 minutes of getting home which was good because I was hungry by then. I watched the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society with my dinner. It is just over 2 hours and I had intended to divide it into two evenings but it was just too compelling.

My back pain comes and goes but is better for walking yesterday and today. The kneeling chair is uncomfortable so that cuts short my browsing time on the computer. I was up and down a lot today which is also good. I should also set up a standing desk I suppose. I could use dh's except I've piled on my giveaway stuff under it!

I started the dishwasher because I just couldn't face washing up the pans from my lunch as well as all the dishes I had from yesterday and today. I'll run it after breakfast in the morning.

I think I might start getting ready for bed now. I opened up the lee windows when I got home because the apartment felt airless after being outside. The temperature today was just 60 when I headed out after 5 p.m. but the sun was still out so I didn't feel cold despite having on a culottes and sandals. I wore my safari jacket (pockets!) so I didn't have to take a purse.

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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Wed Jun 12, 2019 12:45 am

We were out and busy and SOCIAL a lot today —
Post office
Picked up lunch for dh, ds, dgrands
Picked up lunch for me (bc I do NOT like the greasy spoon burgers they wanted)
Drug store
Oil change
Nursing home, much socialization
Kept dgrands a couple hours
Kept dgd another hour (while dgs had t-ball practice)
Cleaned up potty-training accident
Elderly friend and her niece dropped by for a visit
Went to dcousin’s house and paid him for mowing dmom’s house2 yard
Talked to dmom on phone (she has stomach virus)
Picked up supper
Read the paper,
ironed 1 pair of pants for dh to wear tomorrow
Talked to ds once and ddil once on phone
Folded load of clothes from dryer
Washed and put away dishes

I’m exhausted and tomorrow is supposed to be the busy day!
Tomorrow is another day.

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